Algal DHA is a form of DHA that is derived from marine algae. Marine algae are the only high bio-available vegan DHA source. DHA is a form of Omega-3 fatty acids that are required by the body. In fact, DHA is as essential for the brain as calcium is to your bones, and it takes 97 percent of all the omega-3 fats found in the brain. The other source of DHA is salmon.
Omega-3 fatty acids are the good fatty acids that are required for the better function of the brain, the heart, and other organs, as explained in the benefits outlined below. Given that vegans do not eat fish, Algal DHA is the only other sources of DHA that adequately cover their daily DHA dietary needs.
DHA is an acronym for docosahexaenoic acid. The name comes from the molecular structure of the compounds making the molecule. It is made of the omega end of the chain and the acid part, with each constituted of carbon bonded with hydrogen atoms. These characteristics make it soluble in oil but repel water.
Benefits Of Alga DHA
Alga DHA enables improved cognition in human beings. A study by Dutch researchers found the intake of higher volumes of DHA of people suffering from cognitive impairment helped reverse the problem.
The cognitive functions that the algal DHA enables include memory, improved learning, and the ability to solve problems. When taken by young children, it helps improve concentration in class and improves understanding of various concepts learned in class.
Brain Function
Alga DHA supports various important brain functions. It helps in the development of neural systems in infants and growing children. This impacts the behavior and the speed of learning. It is also vital for better concentration at the workplace. Algal DHA is taken in by the cells directly from food without requiring any digestion.
Protects Against Depression
Depression is a complex brain disorder that pulls in several factors as it develops. There is evidence to show that DHA plays a role in the development of depression. Medical researchers have found that depression is common in many patients with deficiencies of omega-3 fatty acids. This is the reason why countries with the lowest DHA consumption from the seas sources tend to have the highest levels of depression.
Further research has shown that depressed individuals who increase their DHA intake from alga and other sources tend to show improvement in the depression symptoms and decreased hostility. Increased intake of DHA also helps relieve emotional stress and its related behaviors among the affected persons.
Improvement Of Infant Intelligence And Vision
DHA is one of the components of the phospholipids that are found in the cellular membranes. These molecules are prevalent in areas around the retina of the eye and the brain cells. This makes DHA an essential part of retinal and neural development in young children. The primary source of DHA for young ones is breast milk.
However, for formula fed infants, they need supplementation of DHA to enhance their visual and brain development.
DHA In Pregnancy
DHA has several benefits to both pregnant women and developing children in the womb. DHA crosses from the mother to the fetus in the womb and helps in the initial development of the eyes and brain cells. It also helps the expectant women to deal with pregnancy related emotional challenges.
Cardiovascular Health
DHA is known to support several cardiovascular functions in the body, among other benefits:
- It improves the lipid profiles in the circulation systems by enhancing the reduction of serum triglyceride levels
- Increasing the ratio between the bad cholesterol and good cholesterol
- Inhibiting the aggregation of platelets in the blood. This is very important in reducing the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis from the blood.
- Reducing the risk of developing fatal heart attacks
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, individual with highest levels of omega 3 have a lower risk of developing heart ailments. The risk of developing heart diseases is decreased by as much as 81 percent with increased intake of DHA.
Dealing With Stroke
Clinical trials have shown that DHA intake reduces the risk of stroke. Moreover, it helps people who already have had a stroke from getting repeated occurrences of fatal and non-fatal heart attacks.
Algal DHA Helps You Stay Thin
Several studies show the correlation between the low level of Omega3 and obesity. In one study that targeted 124 adults, it was found that individuals with lower levels of DHA in their blood had higher BMI along with larger hip and waist measurements than those with higher levels of DHA.
Studies have found that DHA and EPA help stimulate the production of hormones that control the amount you eat and how the body burns fat. DHA and EPA may bring down the hunger hormones, thereby making the body utilize much of the energy stored as fat.
Reduction Of The Risk Of Getting Certain Cancers
Although research in this area is still in progress, some studies have shown that DHA may help prevent some cancers in the body, including colon and breast cancer. Several studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acid suppresses the growth of tumor cells. Another study showed that women who took adequate amounts of DHA had up to 14 percent reduced risk of developing cancer.
May Increase Your Lifespan
Some of the common diseases that are leading to early mortality include stroke, heart problems, and diabetes. As discussed above, Omega-3 fats lower the occurrence of all of these conditions. According to a public health study by Harvard, elderly adults that took high levels of DHA had a significantly low chance of suffering from any of these conditions. Those who already suffer from these conditions have a greater chance of living longer and slowing the progression of these conditions.
Improvement Of Skin Health
A recent study showed that most of the UV ray damage to the skin happens at the cellular level. Omega-3 and in particular DHA may help protect the skin cells from sun damage. It decreases photosensitivity, reduces the immune response to inflammation caused by the sun’s rays, and plays a role in preventing the onset of skin cancer.
Other skin diseases that are prevented by increased intake of DHA include psoriasis, eczema, and dandruff. It also works against the thinning of hair. Psoriasis patients also benefit from lowered chances of developing heart diseases. Conventionally, you are at a very high risk of suffering from heart disease along with psoriatic arthritis.
Fertility In Men
Low levels of DHA are linked to decreased fertility in men. DHA plays a role in the production of healthy sperm in men which are good swimmers, as well as high levels of egg-opening proteins at the head.
Improves Your Mood
In addition to alleviating the symptoms of stress and depression, DHA also helps n the reduction of psychotic episodes for people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia. DHA also has a positive impact on people with aggressive behavior. It is also effective in relaxing the minds of adults that are under duress.
One area that DHA is very effective in is alleviating the symptoms of post-partum depression. Studies have shown that DHA enhances the good moods in women who have just given birth and lowers the negative emotions associated with post-partum depression.
Improvement Of Bone Health
DHA can help improve bone density, which in turn helps reduces bone fractures. If you take adequate amounts of Omega 3 and reduce the intake of Omega 6 (from fried foods), then you can deal with bone loss and inflammation. DHA stimulates that production of bone-forming cells in the body. Alga and ALA DHA are especially effective in maintaining the bone density.
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the conditions that affect the elderly adults and leads to loss of cognitive functions. DHA halts the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by preventing the decline of cognition. It also prevents brain atrophy and dementia in adults. When taken together with antioxidants, it strengthens the brain and enables the better quality of life in old age.
The other way that DHA is thought to prevent the onset of this condition is by ensuring that the brain receives enough blood supply. A well-nourished brain does not shrink fast, and every part of it works well.
General Health Benefits
In addition to benefits to the brain, the eyes, and the heart, DHA has been found to reduce inflammation from diseases such as arthritis (inflammation of the tissue around the joints), asthma (inflammation of bronchial air passages) and Crohn’s disease (repeated inflammation of the intestinal wall). It is thought that DHA controls the production of inflammation producing compounds in the body and thereby prevents the development of these kinds of illnesses.
Increased Algal DHA intake can also act as a natural painkiller and reduce joint and muscle pain caused by overexertion and chronic pain. It also delays the onset of muscle soreness in athletes who are involved in tough exercises.
Is Algal DHA Safe?
There have been concerns that the Algal DHA from fish and algal sources may be contaminated with mercury and other compounds found in polluted seas. However, unlike the fish, the algae is not affected by impurities in its ecosystem.
Therefore, it does not have any traces of mercury or any other compounds that may be a great risk to the human body. It is safe for intake for everyone who needs to increase DHA levels in the body. Vegans are especially required to take it as they lack the traditional sources of DHA.
Algal DHA Side Effects
Despite being beneficial to the body, consumption of very high levels of DHA and other Omega-3 fats can cause some kinds of inflammation in the body and lead to the development of some diseases. Here are some of the very common side effects:
Elevated Blood Sugar Levels
Higher intake of DHA has been linked with a possible increase of blood sugar levels, especially for people who are already suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Health studies have shown an increase in fasting blood glucose levels.
While the increase is not at alarming levels, there might be long-term effects to patients who are suffering from diabetes. Therefore, it is important that diabetes patients seek medical assistance and take algal DHA in moderation.
A Possibility Of Stomach Upset
Symptoms of increased DHA intake include increased burping, diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. Other people feel a fishy aftertaste after taking their meals. If you feel any of the above symptoms, lower your DHA intake in meals and tablets.
Increased Risk Of Bleeding
Taking high doses of DHA in meals increases the risk of suffering from a bleeding stroke. This includes chronic nosebleeds and blood in your urine.
Enhancing The Intake Of DHA Among Vegans
Vegans and vegetarians are faced with the challenge of not meeting their daily DHA intake quota for taking the plant-based food sources alone. In addition to taking the algal DHA, they should be careful with the amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids that they take.
Studies have shown that a high intake of omega-6 fats from such foods as nuts, coconut, and palm kernel oils lower the body’s intake of omega-3 fats and DHA. Their diets have low amounts of the foods mentioned above, and they should refrain from using saturated fats.
Taking Algal DHA Supplements In The Form Of Tablets
Some companies are packaging Algal DHA supplements in the form of tablets. These supplements provide your required daily DHA amounts in an instant.
Ensure that you take the suggested dosage to avoid the negative effects that come about with the increased intake of DHA. You should also eat a balanced diet and lower the intake of junk food to experience the benefits that are explained above.
Moreover, buy supplements from reputable manufacturers to be sure that the supplements are indeed sourced from sea alga and processed with the best possible standards. This is the best way to ensure that your enjoy the most benefits and suffer the fewest possible side effects.