Testosterone Therapy Review
Testosterone Therapy is one of the most popular and controversial procedures available today. Today, approximately 30 million American men suffer from low testosterone. Some even say the number is closer to 50%.
That’s why testosterone drugs and testosterone replacement therapy are more popular than ever. In 1988, prescription drug sales for testosterone medication numbered just $18 million. In 2011, sales totaled $1.6 billion and the percentage of men over the age of 40 taking low T treatments tripled.
What Is Testosterone Therapy?
But is testosterone therapy worth the risks? How much does it cost? What kind of benefits can you expect? And should you file a lawsuit when everything goes wrong?
Find out everything you need to know about testosterone therapy today in our ultimate guide.
What Are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It controls everything from the deepness of your voice to your ability to build muscle. It also plays a critical role in the bedroom, where it controls your sexual ability and arousal.
As a result, testosterone is one of the most noticeable hormones in the human body. Unfortunately, after the age of 30, the amount of testosterone in the male body gradually declines.
This is also called “male menopause”, and it can be an alarming process for men who are used to feeling strong, vigorous, and athletic for their entire lives. Here are some symptoms typically associated with low testosterone:
— Low Sex Drive
— Difficulty Achieving Erection
— Difficulty Achieving Orgasm
— Genital Numbness, Or A Lack Of Feeling During Sexual Encounters
— Low Semen Volume
— Hair Loss
— Fatigue And General Lack Of Energy
— Loss Of Muscle Mass
— Shrunken, Softer Testicles
— Increase In Body Fat
— Mood Changes, Including Depression, Irritability, Or Lack Of Focus
Ultimately, as we age, our body produces less testosterone. However, “aging” doesn’t explain all low testosterone symptoms. Some men become totally uninterested in sex as they age, for example, which is not a natural effect of aging.
So even if you’re experiencing all of the above effects after the age of 30, they might not be attributed to low naturally low testosterone production. In some cases, it could be something more.

What Causes Low Testosterone
You already know that aging causes low testosterone. But what else causes your testosterone to decrease? Here are a few of the primary causes:
— Injury To The Testicles
— Hormonal Disorders
— Testicular Cancer
— Infection
— Type 2 Diabetes
— Chronic Liver Or Kidney Diseases
— Obesity
— Certain Genetic Conditions
— Certain Medicines
— Aging
If you suffer from any of the above conditions, then your testosterone may be below the normal range.
What is the Normal Testosterone Range?
A healthy adult male is expected to have testosterone somewhere between 300 ng/dL and 800 ng/dl.
Ng/dL refers to nanograms per deciliter. Typically, a doctor will measure your testosterone by administering a blood test.
Low Testosterone Treatment Options
It can be distressing for any man to learn that their testosterone is low. However, it’s important to remember that there are a number of treatment options available – including everything from pharmaceutical-grade treatments to natural health supplements.
All of the treatment options listed below are collectively known as “testosterone replacement therapies.” You’re taking supplements or injections that replace your body’s existing testosterone with new testosterone.
Popular Low Testosterone Treatment Options
Here are some of the most popular low testosterone treatment options available today:
Gels and Solutions
Low testosterone treatment gels and solutions are applied to your skin daily. Your body absorbs the testosterone through the skin.
New daily patches allow men to apply a daily skin patch. This skin patch transfers testosterone through the patch into the skin.
A medical doctor will inject testosterone into your body – typically in the upper buttock – every 1 to 2 weeks to raise testosterone levels.
Buccal Tablets
Buccal tablets are applied to your gums and the testosterone is absorbed over a 12 hour period. Tablets are taken twice per day to raise testosterone to healthy levels.
Testosterone pellets are inserted into your body by a doctor. They’re typically placed under the skin near the hip.
Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?
Testosterone replacement therapy is infamous for its side effects. Replacement therapy can lead to a number of dangerous and potentially harmful side effects.
Injections, for example, have been linked with bruising, while skin patches can cause itching and irritation in the target area.
In addition, men who undergo testosterone replacement therapy are more closely monitored and tested for prostate cancer, as various testosterone replacement therapies could cause an existing cancer to grow.
Side Effects Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Here are some of the most commonly reported side effects of testosterone replacement therapy:
— Increased Risk Of Prostate Disease, Including Prostate Cancer (tumors Of The Prostate Are Androgen Sensitive)
— Increased Risk Of Polycythemia, Which Is An Increase In Red Blood Cell Production
— Liver Toxicity, Which Is Particularly Common When Administering Medication Orally
— Sleep Apnea
— Reduced Fertility
Because of all of these side effects, testosterone replacement therapies have attracted many lawsuits over the years. We’ll talk more about those lawsuits below.
How Much Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost?
The cost of testosterone replacement varies widely. In some cases, it may even be covered by your health insurance. If you want your insurance to cover low testosterone therapy, then you’ll typically need to prove you have low testosterone by taking multiple blood tests.
Blue Cross, for example, requires you to take two consecutive blood tests before 10am.
Why 10am?
Because a man’s testosterone levels typically peak in the morning.
Specific pricing information varies from case to case. You’ll want to talk to your doctor in order to receive an accurate quote on your treatment.
However, if you’re undergoing testosterone replacement therapy via topical products, then you can expect to pay $100 to $150 per month.
If you’re taking self-administered injection therapy, where you (or, more often, your spouse) injects testosterone into your upper buttock every morning, then you can expect to pay closer to $30 per month.
Ultimately, testosterone can cost as little as $20 or $30 per month or hundreds of dollars per month – depending on your chosen clinic and any associated clinical costs.
Some of the most popular low testosterone drugs include AndroGel, Androderm, Axiron, Bio-T-Gel, Delatestryl, Depo-Testosterone, Fortesta, Striant, Testim, and Testopel. Prices vary widely depending on which pharmaceutical and which application method you’re using.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Lawsuits
Testosterone replacement therapies vary considerably in quality. There are all sorts of low-quality companies selling overhyped testosterone boosters and unproven testosterone medication.
As a result, the testosterone replacement therapy market has been a hotbed for lawsuits over the years.
Lawsuits are typically filed to cover the medical costs associated with poor “low T” treatment. In recent years, there have also been a flurry of problems associated with cardiovascular problems after taking testosterone replacement therapy.
Men appear to be more likely to suffer from a stroke, heart attack, or other heart-related issues after taking certain testosterone-boosting products and treatments, for example.
In March 2015, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety warning that taking testosterone replacement therapies could increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death – even in men taking FDA-approved testosterone products.
As of writing, over 1,000 federal lawsuits have been filed by men who claim that testosterone drugs have caused them to have heart-related problems.
These federal lawsuits are very much active. Within the last few weeks, judge Matthew F. Kennelly presided over a number of pretrial hearings. These pretrial hearings were created after a federal judicial panel created a multidistrict litigation (MDL) for testosterone lawsuits. All 1,000 federal lawsuits mentioned above are part of this MDL.
Some of the most notable companies involved in this MDL include Abbot, AbbVie, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, and Pharmacia & Upjohn.
Here’s what the federal judicial panel said when creating the MDL:
“All actions involve plaintiffs (or their survivors) who used one or more testosterone replacement therapies and contend that their (or their decedent’s) use of the drugs caused their injuries, which include heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism. All testosterone replacement therapy actions will share factual questions regarding general causation and the background science regarding the role of testosterone in the aging body … as well as involve common regulatory issues in light of the FDA’s announcement and subsequent actions, if any.”
Attorneys predict that there will be thousands of lawsuits revealed by the time this MDL runs through the system. Testosterone replacement manufactures – and users – are watching the lawsuit very closely.
What to Do If You Or a Loved One Has Been Affected By Testosterone Therapy
If you or a loved one has suffered negative side effects as a result of testosterone replacement therapy, then it’s in your best interests to contact a lawyer. Today, lawyers across the country are eager to join the case.
Those who underwent testosterone replacement therapy are filing a variety of different lawsuits. One lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, for example, alleges that Solvay Pharmaceuticals used improper sales practices to market AndroGel.
Other lawsuits allege that companies failed to disclose some of the side effects, or were aware of dangerous side effects and hurried the drug to the market in spite of those site effects, concealing risks and performing inadequate tests along the way.
Contact a qualified attorney in your local area to give yourself the best possible chance of winning compensation from your testosterone replacement therapy lawsuit. Compensation can cover medical expenses, low income, pain and suffering, and all of the other damages associated with serious medical problems.