SLIM Broth – Dr Kellyann Fresh Beef & Chicken Bone Broth Drinks?


Who is Dr. Kellyann?

Are you someone who suffers from leaky gut syndrome? Or perhaps you are looking to improve your joint health or reduce cellulite? Or, you may be looking to boost your immune system?

Perhaps you are looking to lose weight or overcome certain food intolerances. Whichever category you fall into, there is a reason that bone broth has been around in various cuisines, including fine cuisine. It is because, it works.

Ever recall being sick when you are younger, or even as an adult – and your mother or other caregiver would say ‘I can make you some chicken soup’? This wasn’t only because it was an emotional feel good food, there is a lot of goodness in even just the broth alone. Bone broth, is nutrient dense, very easy to digest, tastes great, and boasts a ton of healing properties.

Now, it is important to keep in mind that not all bone broth is created equal. You are much better off making it yourself at home, or an easier alternative would be ordering it through Dr. Kellyann.

Varities of SLIM Broth

The bone broth you can purchase in the stores, is not always ideal because the bones are not often from animals that have been grass-fed, organic and so on.

Dr. Kellyann offers two (2) varieties: beef and chicken.

Beef Slim Broth

The Beef Slim Bone Brother is making its way from New York to Hollywood as a growing trend from weight loss, collagen production and athletes. The benefits if drinking this particular broth are:

You want to make sure the bone broth you are drinking is of the highest quality, and since you are probably like many others, you don’t have multiple hours a day to watch over a simmering pot of bones. But, knowing the benefits you want to take advantage. And now you can.

This beef slim broth is made with organic ingredients and pure filtered water. The pouches they arrive in, are shipped frozen and packed with dry ice. The pouches themselves, are BPA free.

The broth, can be consumed both cold or warm (most people prefer warm like soup) and is flavored with tastes like onions, parsley and garlic. They simmer for 24 hours using a small amount of vinegar to ensure all the nutrients are extracted from the bones.

The bones are organic beef bones from grass fed animals and they are packed with nutrition to carry you through seasons like cold and flu.

Chicken Slim Broth

The chicken slim broth, boasts all the same benefits as the ones mentioned above in the beef slim broth. This includes healthier joints, anti-inflammatory properties, helping leaky gut, and boosting your immune system.

However, the chicken slim broth is made from organic, pastured chickens flavored with onions, garlic and parsley and simmered the same way for 24 hours. Their website goes on to refer to it as ‘liquid penicillin’! It is that good.

Suggested Serving Recommendations

There are a few different ways you can enjoy both the chicken and beef slim broths;

  1. Warm it up, and add it to your favorite mug on the cooler morning
  2. Add it to soups or stews for not only great taste but healing benefits too!
  3. Instead of using water or wine in your next recipe, substitute it with one of the broths
  4. Add it to sauces, dressings and really, any of your favorite meals

Not only with these bone broths bring great flavor to your homemade dishes, but you can reap the benefits from the inside out with the variety of healing properties it possesses.

Details on Benefits

We wanted to add a few more details about the benefits you can expect with the consumption of Beef or Chicken Slim Broth by Dr. Kellyann.

Joint Protection

Because bone broth contains gelatin, it acts as a great lubricant, cushion like around joints to help avoid friction. It can help aging joints as well as supporting bone density.

It has also been studied to be helpful in athletes whose bodies can undergo a lot of wear and tear on their joints. Because collagen is also helpful in this area, it can help decrease pain and discomfort while protecting the joints as described above.

Leaky Gut Support

This has become a growing epidemic now that studies have concluded that most trouble you have with your health, starts in your gut. Bone broth is something that is easily digested and soothing to the digestive system.

It helps the growth of good bacteria while supporting inflammation levels that are likely in the digestive tract. It can help fight food sensitivities, especially in dairy and in wheat. The bone broth will not only help heal the gut, but help restore strength long term.

Healthy Skin

We know that healing starts from the inside, but will make its way to the outside to things like your skin. Because of the collagen found in bone broth, you can expect a more youthful skin tone, a more radiant appearance and smoother texture. It can even help reduce cellulite.

How to Order SLIM Broth

The Beef Slim Broth and the Chicken Slim Broth can be ordered online for $129.00. This is enough for a one month supply, and will be shipped to you every month so that you are never missing out.

You can also purchase a combo pack of the chicken and the beef, in equal amounts, for the same cost of $129.00.

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