Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device – Dual Cleansing?


Radiant, Revitalized, and Refreshed Skin

Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and takes what some people might suggest, the most damage. It is constantly exposed to harsh elements and pollutants and even using the greatest cleansers we can still have difficulty.

Therefore, the Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device is an ideal addition to your skin care regimen.

The Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device is

  • Tailored DualMotion Technology
  • Cleanses, massages and bring a fresh appearance to eye areas
  • Equipped with three (3) heads, a pouch, and a storage palette
  • Two (2) intensity settings

When tailored DualMotion Technology is referenced, it means you are able to customize your experience. Each head has its own rotation and vibration allowing for maximum coverage.

Because of the technology incorporated into the attachments and the handle, the device recognizes right away which heads you are using. Knowing this, it can customize the way you want the device to work for your skin.

Proper cleansing results in higher absorption rates. Let us explain – when your skin is cleansed effectively, and the blood circulation is increased it helps bring more life into your skin. Because it is being stimulated at a deeper level through the vibration and circulation, it helps bring out your skins natural glow helping you look radiant and revitalized.

How Does Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device Work?

Once the Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device in turned on, the functional head which is designed with five (5) small balls, simulated what 750 finger tapping movements would feel like in a one (1) minute time span. The massage itself, lasts three (3) minutes and you are encouraged to use this massage feature several times throughout the week.

The design of the heads and vibration, was developed with experts who specialize in the Japanese facial massage techniques. The massage techniques are known to deliver a deep level massage that helps relax the muscles and promote circulation. This technique is called, Petrissage.

Gentle Massage Feature

Through the DualMotion program, specifically for ‘fresh eyes’, makes 120 nano vibrations per second. It provides a gentle and refreshing massage around the delicate eye area. This component was designed especially for the thinner skin in that area and should only be used for thirty (30) seconds to one (1) minute a day.

A great feature, and a short one to add to your daily routine! It will help brighten your eyes using a special ‘cool’ material on its premium ceramic coating.

Care Instructions

To clean the heads, remove them from the device and using them in a sink with warm water and soap.

Product Accessories

There are four (4) different accessories that are available for purchase with this product.

  1. VisaPure Range (retails for HKD 328.00)
  2. Exfoliating Cleansing Brush (retails for HKD 148.00)
  3. Sensitive Skin Cleansing Brush (retails for HKD 108.00)
  4. Normal Skin Cleansing Brush (retails for HKD 98.00)

Application Areas

This device can be used in the following areas;

  • Cheeks
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Forehead
  • Neck
  • Nose

The ‘Fresh Eyes’ settings can be used around the eye area as mentioned above.

A charging stand along with storage stand, is included with each purchase of this device. The brush heads included are; fresh eyes and revitalizing massage for normal skin.

How to Order Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device

The Philips VisaPure Advanced Home Facial Device can be found at local retail stores. To find the store closest to you, visit their website and enter in your postal code information and the closest retail stores to you will be listed.

The suggested retail price for this device is HKD 1,898.00

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