C. Canephora Robusta – Herbal Fat Burning Weight Loss Extract?


C. canephora robusta are green coffee beans that have not undergone the roasting process. These beans have high levels of chlorogenic acid, which holds promise in many aspects of health, such as weight loss. When making store bought coffee, the green coffee beans are taken through the roasting process. The heat produced eliminates chlorogenic acid from coffee beans.

The Origin Of C. Canephora Robusta

The coffee plant was first discovered in the 11th Century in Ethiopia. Currently, it is being cultivated in over 70 countries in Africa, India, Southeastern Asia, and North and South America.

C. Canephora Robusta became popular for weight loss in 2012 after this ingredient was featured on the Dr. Oz show. Mehmet Oz, the Managing Director of the show, conducted experiments to find out whether green coffee is effective in weight loss. He identified 100 women who were overweight and gave them either a placebo or a C. Canephora Robusta supplement.

These women were instructed to 400mg capsules 3 times per day. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, these women were instructed not to change their diet and to keep records of food they ate. At the end of the experiments, the women who were given green coffee bean supplements recorded increased weight loss compared to those who received a placebo.

Benefits Of C. Canephora Robusta

1. High Blood Pressure

Inconclusive research suggests that consuming C. Canephora Robusta containing 50 milligrams to 140 milligrams of chlorogenic acids daily for a number of weeks can reduce a number of blood pressure conditions, including reducing both the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

2. Weight Loss

Early scientific research and clinical trials show that Canephora Robusta reduces obesity and promotes weight loss when used alone or together with other regular coffee products.

3. Alzheimer's Disease

Chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and also reduces the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease.

4. Type 2 Diabetes

Together with a balanced diet, chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans can lower your chances of getting type 2 diabetes.

Does C. Canephora Robusta Work?

This ingredient has been scientifically researched and found effective in helping people lose weight. In a different study, the subjects who received C. canephora robusta supplement for two months lost an average of 10.95 lbs while those who received a placebo lost an average of 5.40 lbs. Both groups performed moderate exercise and consumed a calorie-reduced diet.

Possible Side Effects

C. canephora robusta is generally safe when taken by mouth and when the dosage instructions are followed. It is important to note that C. canephora robusta contains caffeine, similar to the amount found regular coffee. So it has the potential of bringing the caffeine-related side effects we have listed below.

  • Insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, and restlessness
  • Nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset
  • Increased breathing rate, increased heartbeat, or irregular heartbeat
  • Increase cholesterol levels
  • Can worsen diarrhea and symptoms of IBS
  • Headaches or ringing in the ears

Top Products

1. Proclinical Hydroxycut

A weight loss supplement manufactured by Iovate Health Sciences, this product contains C. canephora robusta and other key ingredients that work to reduce weight, increase energy, and boost metabolism when combined with diet and exercise.

2. Svetol

Svetol brings you quick weight loss results without the need for dieting or excess side effects. This product is developed from unroasted green Robusta coffee beans.

3. Naturex

Naturex is the most studied and proven green coffee bean extract. The product itself is meant to promote weight loss and help users to develop a lean body.

4. Coffeetrim Green Coffee Extract

Coffeetrim Green Coffee Extract is a weight loss product from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. This natural supplement supports healthy weight loss by supplying the body with beneficial chlorogenic acid.


C. Canephora Robusta is an ingredient with the potential of reducing weight. You need to keep in mind that the small number of preliminary scientific studies does not support the complete safety of C. Canephora Robusta. This means that the safety of green coffee supplements is not yet well established.

Of course, conclusive studies need to be conducted to show where the safety of these supplements stands. Otherwise, avoid these products that contain green coffee extracts if you are suffering from medical conditions or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you do experience adverse side effects, you need to stop the use of these supplements and seek medical attention.

You should always remember to speak to your doctor before adding a new supplement to your diet or your weight loss routine. Your doctor will be bale to help you evaluate whether or not a certain product is likely to benefit your current weight loss plan or work against it. They will also be able to alert you if the new supplement is likely to cause an adverse reaction with any other medications you are currently taking.

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