Today, with the advances made in science, we have many ‘health beverages’ that have been devised through the use of novel ingredients. One such drink is made using a potent herb called the ‘Wood Ear Mushroom’. While relatively new in the west, this mushroom has been widely cultivated and used in many eastern countries like China, Japan, India for thousands of centuries.
In terms of its composition, the wood ear mushroom is a tasteless plant that contains copious amounts of fiber, iron, plant-based collagen, Polysaccharides, protein, vitamins and minerals.
From a benefit standpoint, when taken in clinical doses, it helps to lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar, prevent heart diseases and even detox the body of any unwanted toxins or bacteria. Thus, in conclusion, this potent herb can be thought of as the perfect ‘mind body’ food.
About Simply Auri
Simply Auri is an all new tasty beverage that has been made by blending clinical amounts of ‘herbal Wood Ear Mushrooms’ along with organic juice / honey. As mentioned earlier, this potent mix can help increase our internal vitality and is able to deliver many benefits within a short span of time.
In terms of its sourcing, the manufacturer has carefully selected the mushrooms from their homeland Taiwan, from farms that are part of the “Compassion Heart Organic Agriculture Development Foundation”.
Lastly, organic fruit juice and honey is added to increase the overall taste profile of the drinks, as well as deliver various medicinal benefits.
Key Benefits
Some of the primary benefits that one can obtain through regular consumption of Simply Auri include:
(i) Protein:
Auri or Auricularia Auricula ( as it is scientifically referred to ), contains a high volume of protein that allows for amazing muscle development. Not only that, it also aids in faster cellular regeneration, thereby allowing us to heal damaged muscles and tendons more effectively.
(ii) Detoxification:
Auri has been clinically shown to contain high amounts of dietary fiber and collagen. These aforementioned compounds have an incredible absorption ratio, and have also been shown to greatly reduce the effects of toxins accumulated in our body. The ‘High dietary fiber’ also helps in improving digestion, thereby allowing for smoother internal operation.
(iii) Cancer Support:
There have been many studies published in the past decade which have shown that Auricularia Auricula helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Also, the dietary fiber and collagen present in this potent herb has been found to reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.
(iv) Good Source of Iron:
Technically speaking, Auri contains more iron than even Spinach. Through its amazing iron delivery capabilities, the beverage is able to help in the production of crucial blood cells. Also, the active agents in Simply Auri allow for certain proteins that carry oxygen to be evenly transported throughout our body (allowing for improved circulation and blood production).
(v) Anti-Aging:
The primary nutrients in the beverages contains melanin (a potent source of antioxidants). Through the presence of such antioxidants, users can help eliminate free radicals that might be present within their skin layers, thereby achieving healthier, more glowing skin.
(vi) Weight Control:
Due to its natural composition, the beverage has not been loaded with sugars and thus is low on calories and has zero fat. Additionally, the pectin content present within Auricularia Auricula has been found to absorb excess water, allowing for a feeling of satiation. Pectin also aligns itself to the wall of our intestines and actively helps in reducing the absorption of fat and cholesterol.
In more technical terms, ‘1 serving of Simply Auri has only 110 calories with zero fat along with 1 gram of protein and 5 grams of fiber.’
Range of Simply Auri Products!
- Zesty Lemon Honey: this blend contains a carefully crafted mix of honey and lemon that allows for a cleansing of our inner digestive tracts and circulatory channels.
- Antioxidant Cranberry Grape: this variant has been infused with cranberries and grapes, two fruits that are high on antioxidants. Thus, when used regularly, this drink can help clear out chemical accumulations from our skin, thereby allowing us to look fresh and vibrant.
- Powerhouse Apple Grape: this mix has been designed to help users with energy release benefits. Apple contains certain active agents that help increase our metabolism and allow for increased energy release.
Simply Auri Pricing and Availability
All of the above described products can be bpught directly by placing an order on the manufacturer's official website. (