Monat Global Black System – Shave Cream, Hair & Skin Care?


The Monat Global Black System is a bundle of hair care products that have been developed by the company Monat Global.

Inside the pack, one is offered the following products:

  • Black Cream Shave
  • Monat Black Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Groom Styling Clay
  • Aftershave and Moisturizer

What Ingredients Are Used in the Monat Global Black System?

  • Procataline
  • Rejuveniqe
  • Capixyl
  • Crodasorb
  • Kelp Extract
  • Vital ET
  • Kester Wax CT
  • Aloe Leaf

Evaluation of Ingredients

REJUVENIQE Oil Intensive

MONAT‘s invigorating combination of 11+ exceptional elements, including vitamins, vitamins, antioxidants, beta-carotene fatty acids, nutrients and amino acids, appropriate for all skin and hair types. These components are shown to mimic the body's own organic oils stop stress to reduce baldness, and add volume and shine.


Powered with Red Clover Extract, a gentle emollient that regrow hair, strengthens and reduces scalp distress, also soothes the whole scalp to stimulate , noticeable hair development that is natural.


  • Results prove significant decrease in hair loss effect and increase in baldness.
  • Higher results than the other hair rejuvenation manufacturers.


Characteristics Pea Extract, a rich source of secondary metabolites that provide healthy nutrients to promote hair growth, lowers the creation of the (DHT) hormone that contributes to hair thinning, also powerful antioxidants to fight premature aging, in addition to protect color and shine.


  • Maintains a wholesome environment for hair growth.
  • Aids in hair loss prevention.
  • Protects the pure pigment from the follicle.


An effective formula which packs an defense against oxidative stress, protects against the sun's damaging rays and resulting in UVB damage, Crodasorb also prevents hair's natural pigmentation and keeps strands stronger and locks in moisture.


  • Protects natural and artificial coloring in addition to hair.
  • Absorbs elevated levels of UVB and UVA light.
  • Penetrates the hair, allowing it to shield the cortex and the cuticle.
  • Helps to smooth the cuticle for damage and breakage.

Use of Aloe Leaf in the Monat Global Black System

Due to its various therapeutic nutrients, Aloe Vera is a plant species frequently utilized in various herbal medications. Aloe Vera is full of amino acids, vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin C. Aloe-Vera may be utilized as a go-to solution to sunburn relief, but did you know that you could use this soothing gel for harm relief for your hair, too?

Below are some benefits that one could expect from using Aloe Vera for hair regrowth and care, especially when the ingredient is safely combined with others that can be found in the Monat Global Black System:

1. Dandruff

Aloe Vera may be utilized in dandruff treatment and prevention. Just like Aloe Vera hydrates skin from a sunburn, it can also moisturize a dry scalp, and this helps to relieve the presence of pesky flakes. Treating a flaky scalp is also a key element in eliminating dandruff all together.

2. Oily Hair

Fixing dry hair can be often be accompanied by undesirable acrylic build-up. Luckily, Aloe Vera can be utilized as a rinse for oily hair without further, unwanted effects like making hair dry or brittle. The wash is not difficult to make and only needs one particular piece aloe vera juice with two parts lemon juice, then use to the shaft of the hair.

3. Frizzy Hair

The amino acids in Aloe Vera can boost strength and add shine to your hair. As a result, it helps to tame frizzy hair whilst still leaving your locks silky and glossy. Since Aloe Vera also helps lock in moisture to improve the smoothness of hair, it tends to also work nicely as a detangler, too.

4. Hair Loss

Aloe Vera can help prevent frequent hair loss and encourage hair growth. With hair loss, using Aloe Vera regularly will revive the hair follicles and also reduce thinning. Together with baldness prevention, Aloe Vera enzymes encourage hair growth by assisting your locks retain moisture, and by draining dead skin cells from your scalp.

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