HumanCharger – Sunshine-Like Energy Bright Light Therapy Device?


Have you ever wondered why there are plenty of devices available to charge your cell phone, computers, gaming devices or cameras – but nothing that screams your body needs to be charged too?!

Well, no need to wonder any longer – meet the HumanCharger. Self-proclaimed market disruptor, is a device that is designed specifically for that purpose. Charging you. It is described to increase your enegry levels, increase alertness and mental clarity, improve your overall mood and help reduce the effects and feelings of things like jet lag or ‘winter blues’.

How Does the HumanCharger Work?

Great question. Recent studies and research has found that there are things called photosensitive receptors in our brains. Like the ones in the retinas of your eyes. What is interesting is that these receptors can also be accessed through your ears, specifically the ear canal.

With these discoveries, the HumanCharger created what is referred to as a light therapy device that can be transmitted through your ear canals by using the provided earbuds. When the device is ‘activated’ it transmits the light that in turn affects the neural circuits in your brain. This is done through neurotransmitters not unlike serotonin, dopamine or noraderenaline.

Because of this advanced technology this is how you are able to feel the effects mentioned above such as, increased energy levels. Once the earbuds are placed securely in your ears, and the power button is activated – the light therapy does all the work!

One of the best parts? The HumanCharger only requires to be activated for twelve (12) minutes, and in the event, that your schedule makes it difficult to even accommodate that – it can be used while participating in activities such as walking, talking, working, etc.

Not only found to be exceptionally efficient, but effective too!

HumanCharger Speculations and Features

Needless to say, this powerful device packs a mean punch, without any added weight or bulkiness. It weighs only 47 grams and is 9 millimetres thick. Smaller than a smart phone! The battery requires a maximum of three (3) hours of charging and will hold enough charge to last for twelve (12) full treatments. Basically, you can take this device with you anywhere – conveniently.

In addition, the HumanCharger is made of a single piece of aluminum. This makes it in some respect, impossible to be broken.

Described by consumers as one of the most comfortable ear pieces available on the market, and is safe from harmful UV rays and is by far safer than sun exposure. It has one button design makes its use incredibly simple – that anyone can use it.

HumanCharger App

Now, we appreciate everyone jumping on the smartphone application train – but this one is essential. Especially designed for those who travel and are at a greater risk for things like jet lag.

When you use the HumanCharger device, combined with the app, consider yourself taken care of as best possible to help alleviate and/or recover from jet lag symptoms. These symptoms are often resulting in low energy, feelings of being lethargic, difficulty sleeping, etc.

Available on the Apple Store, Google Play and the Win Phone Store.

Who is Behind the HumanCharger?

The company who is responsible for the design and technology of this device is Valkee. They are a health technology company that have embraced the benefits of light therapy to a whole other level. They base their work on long term research and in collaboration with leaders in scientific research on the topic.

Their headquarters can be found in Finland.

And, an interesting story of discovery – to say the least. Back in 2005, 12 years ago, a biologist introduced his friend to light therapy. At the time, he was s student studying biology and was able t prove the photosensitive responses in the human brain. Like that of an animal. This is the short version of how Valkee came about and in 2007 they launched their first, and the world’s first bright light therapy device.

They continue to believe that light therapy is a need versus a want, and their mission is to continue their research while releasing cutting edge devices like the HumanCharger. They do have several documented research studies available on their website that show both users of the HumanCharger as well as those who experienced the placebo controlled trials.

How to Order HumanCharger

The HumanCharger is available in two (2) different colors; black and silver. Both retail online through their website for $275.00. (the silver is presently out of stock).

In the Media

On the HumanCharger website, you are can also view the variety of media coverage that this little device has gained since its introduction to the market; blog sites to herbal guides, Cineplex magazine and more!

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