Hanacure – All In One Face Mask & Multi-Action Facial Skincare?


Achieve Flawless Skin in Minutes

Everyone woman loves a good facial. So much so, that we will often pay hundreds of dollars for one knowing the benefits of a quality facial can have long lasting positive effects on our skin. Not only visually either – a quality facial is able to penetrate deep down to enhance our natural beauty.

Hanacure know this – and made it their mission to create the same if not better results that you are able to do completely on your own, from home and at a fraction of the cost.

Described as the first ‘all in one’ facial that will help correct, brighten, smooth, tighten and lift your skin. This is done through cutting edge technology that has both the science, and results to back it.

The Eight (8) Areas of Benefits with Hanacure

Lift and Firm

Using CO2 technology, called Octolift, it Is able to awaken saggy skin and create a rejuvenated appearance.


Unfortunately, dark spots and circles appear throughout the aging process, in addition to skin that has also been damage by environmental factors and free radicals. This correction area with help even out skin tone and with prolonged use, the spots will continue to fade away.


Unhealthy skin often results in large pores that can make the skin rougher and appear bumpy or uneven. This area of Hanacure is designed to create a smooth and flawless complexion. This will also help with the application of lotions and makeup that will allow it to absorb quicker and create a smoother palette.


Regardless of age, complexion can be jeopardized by clogged pores or inflamed skin. This area of the all in one facial will work with powerful botanicals to smooth the skin while calming it too.

Smooth and Soften

Because Hanacure technology contains peptides, this area is focused on smoothing the skin, including wrinkles and fine lines as the peptides are absorbed. And, because of the seven (7) other target areas of this product, this is geared to be an effortless and seamless process.


Youthful skin is often described as tightened, firmer and minimal puffiness. This section of the facial will do just that, thus, creating a younger appearance.


Imagine how much lighter your skin will feel once toxins and debris is removed from your skin. This will not only feel better but brighten your overall complexion and create almost a resurface like result visually.


One of the main areas of any facial is to detoxify the skin. Removing impurities and toxins which will allow for a longer lasting and clearer complexion.

This all in one product by Hanacure works within minutes to begin restoring your skin It is a perfect addition to your daily routine both for the sake of your skin, but also in the interest of time. With regular use, you will watch your skin transform before your eyes. Literally tightening, lifting and firming in minimal time.

And, because it was designed to be super convenient it also ideal for those people who are on the go. So small and compact that it is a perfect travel companion.

How Does Hanacure Work?

Unfortunately, our skin is always accessible to contamination. As a result, this can cause impurities in our skin and damage if we are not diligent about removing and correcting it. It might seem easier to mask the imperfections, but on a long-term scale this is not beneficial at all. In fact, it can make things worse.

With Hanacure application it is able to remove those same toxins, and regenerate the skin. Eliminating and treating through one application. Through the combination of lifting serum and a gelling solution, together they remove the contaminant when they are applied to your skin through an absorption process. Through that, the botanical ingredients can penetrate into the skin much easier and begin the rejuvenation process.

The fusing technology then kicks in by way of CO2 OctoLift fuses the compound with carbon dioxide and transitions its form from liquid back to a solid. Once completed, the restoration process starts and the skin is lifted and tightened right before your eyes.

Key Botanical Ingredients in Hanacure

There are seven (7) key botanical ingredients found in Hanacure. They include;

  1. Lotus Leaf Extract
  2. Oriental Raisin Tree Extract
  3. Green Tea Extract
  4. Honeysuckle Flower Extract
  5. Rosa Canina Fruit Oil
  6. Peony Root Extract
  7. Sophora Root Extract

Each of these botanical ingredients carry their own benefits for your skin, that range from anti-inflammatory properties, antiviral and antimicrobial capabilities, soothing, healing and being able to penetrate into the skin on a deeper level than solely topical creams and lotions can do.

Peptides and Hanacure

There are four (4) different peptides included in this all in one facial;

  • Nicotinoyl Dipeptide-23
  • Nicotinoyl Dipeptide-22
  • Acetyl Hexapeptide-8
  • Copper Tripeptide-1

Results are In!

After surveying customers of Hanacure, with regular use, 90% of its users said they saw an improvement in their skin’s overall appearance and feeling. And, through research and testing dramatic results have been experienced in as little as 31 days. That is less than one month to completely transforming your skin.

That, is pretty amazing.

There are several testimonials, including before and after images available on the website for your perusal if you should choose to.

How to Order Hanacure

There are two (2) packages to choose from on the Hanacure website.

The first, is a starter package that will allow you to sample the product first. This package retails for $29.00.

The second, is the full set that includes everything you need to begin your regular at-home facial experience. This product retails for $110.00.

Overall, Hanacure appears to be an optimal facial experience that every woman (or man) could benefit from. It has raving reviews and has been featured in places like People and Style magazine, Yahoo, InStyle magazine, and several other reputable publications.

The all in one facial kits are back in stock, and ready for your order while supplies last.

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