The Spartan Protocol Review
Anyone who has seen the movie 300 knows about Spartans.
According to legend, Spartans were some of the toughest human beings on the planet. During the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC, a small army of dedicated Spartans was able to destroy a much larger army of Persians.
It’s estimated that the “300” Spartans actually numbered closer to 7,000, but let’s not let facts get in the way of a good story.
Today, a book called The Spartan Protocol is making us think about Spartans all over again. The Spartan Protocol is a new weight loss and exercise routine that has demonstrated amazing results around the world. This weight loss routine is surprisingly controversial, so read on at your own risk.
What Is Spartan Protocol?
The Spartan Protocol is also known as Spartan Fat Melting. It consists of 12 short exercises which work out different muscle groups in your body. It’s designed as an alternative to traditional cardio and weightlifting routines.
Spartan Protocol was created by Professor Eric Rawls, who claims to have discovered a 2,500 year old fitness manual which lists ancient workout techniques. His university refused to publish these techniques, but he went ahead and did it anyway.
Eric Rawls says historians and nutritionists have called this manual the “Holy Grail of Human Health.” The manual describes techniques used by ancient civilizations to reduce fat, build muscle mass, and become stronger and healthier.
One of the core tenants of Spartan Fat Melting is that working out at the gym is bad – at least, the way most of us work out. Most of us fail to lose weight or achieve our fitness goals at the gym.
Professor Rawls also claims that:
“virtually every single workout you do at the gym or at home is POISONING your body and skyrocketing your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other internal killers.”
Rawls claims that this is why athletes and bodybuilders see their bodies break down in their early 40s. He also claims that this is why people have noticed such powerful results after switching to the Spartan Protocol program.
Once you read past the sales pitch for Spartan Protocol, you get this: Spartan Fat Melting, also known as The Spartan Protocol, is a downloadable e-book which features illustrated step-by-step instructions for 12 at-home exercises. There are also follow-along videos and other bonus items included in the package.
Eric Rawls Spartan Protocol
Before we go on, it’s important to talk about Professor Eric Rawls for a bit. He’s the guy who created Spartan Fat Melting.
At the official Spartan Fat Melting website, Eric Rawls says he is a “Professor Emeritus of Ancient History at one of the top colleges in the Southeastern United States.” He claims to have devoted his entire adult career to studying ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
I’m not 100% certain that Eric Rawls exists., a website where students rate their professors based on their helpfulness and clarity, has no listing for “Eric Rawls”, nor does his CV appear on Google Search. The closest thing we could find is Professor Eric Rawley, who works in the science department at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
A Google search for Eric Rawls lists dozens of articles about Spartan Protocol, but nothing about his actual academic background.
Now, there could be three reasons why Eric Rawls is difficult to track down in the real world: one, Eric Rawls does not exist. Two, the overwhelming success of Spartan Fat Melting has outranked all of Eric Rawls’ previous job history on the internet. Or three, Eric Rawls got in big trouble from his university for disclosing these techniques, so he’s using a pseudonym.
In any case, Eric Rawls claims to have been 75 pounds overweight in 2010. After 28 days of using the Spartan Fat Melting program, Rawls had lost 25 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of lean muscle. Today, he claims to feel healthier and stronger than ever before.
How Does Spartan Fat Melting Work?
Here’s the part you’ve been waiting for: how exactly does Spartan Protocol work and why is it so controversial?
Here’s how this unique diet works:
— It includes a total of 12 different exercises which work out different parts of your body
— These exercises, in the words of the author, “are NOTHING like the exercises you see people doing at the gym”
— Instead, the exercises involve the performance of a range of quick, forward movements performed continuously over a set amount of time
— You don’t need any machinery or equipment to perform these exercises – all you need is a small corner of space in your room
The exercises include 3 leg exercises, 3 arm exercises, 2 chest exercises, 2 stomach exercises, and 2 shoulder/back exercises
— These quick movements reportedly feel unlike any exercise routine ever performed. Professor Rawls himself says he barely sweats and it doesn’t even feel like you’ve worked out until you wake up the next day and feel tightness in the targeted areas of the body.
— The exact exercises aren’t revealed to the public, but you can purchase the Spartan Protocol eBook to learn the specific techniques
That’s it! That’s The Spartan Protocol, also known as Spartan Fat Melting.

Benefits of The Spartan Protocol
The Spartan Protocol / Spartan Fat Melting reportedly comes with a number of powerful health benefits. Those benefits include:
— Achieve a more powerful and sculpted physique
— Look and feel younger
— Lose 20 pounds or more of body fat in as little as 30 days
— Reduces cell damage, which leads to a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses
— Avoid the gym and workout from the comfort of your own home
— Spend less than an hour per week working out (15 minutes, 4 times per week)
— Save money and avoid spending $300 to $600 per year on gym memberships, $90 on personal training sessions, $400 per year on starvation diets, and $600 per year on supplements and pills (all figures taken from the Spartan Fat Melting website).
Buying Spartan Protocol Online
Spartan Fat Melting is only available from the official Spartan Fat Melting website. It can’t be purchased anywhere else online.
The program costs $39.95. You can pay using PayPal, MasterCard, VISA, or American Express. You don’t need to enter much person information into the ordering form (just your name and contact information if you’re paying by credit card).
Payments are handled by Clickbank, which is one of the world’s largest online eBook retailers. It’s a safe and secure ordering process which shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds to complete.
Professor Rawls claims that he originally sold Spartan Protocol for a price of $397. He claims to have attracted hundreds of sales at that price point, but his conscience told him to reduce the price. Here’s his story:
“In the very first month, more than 12,210 folks flooded the website and hundreds purchased the program for that nearly $400 price tag. I’ll admit: promoting what I really believed in and making incredible money was exciting for me, but it also left me with a twinge of guilt I simply couldn’t shake.”
Ultimately, Rawls was nice enough to reduce the price from $397 to $39.95, which is where the price stands today (although Rawls claims he’s thinking about raising the price to $397 in the future).
If you don’t like Spartan Fat Melting for any reason, then you can apply for a 100% money back guarantee. That guarantee extends 60 days from the date of purchase, which should give you plenty of time to read the book, test the exercises, and measure the results.
Conclusion: Who Should Take Spartan Protocol?
Spartan Protocol, also known as The Spartan Protocol, is one of the most unique exercise books available today. Instead of focusing on nutrition and wellness, it focuses exclusively on workout techniques.
The book contains 12 unique fitness techniques which work out all different parts of your body. The workouts take just 15 minutes per day to perform. At the official Spartan Fat Melting website, you can learn about the results of people who have started the program. If you don’t trust reviews on the website, you can also find plenty of amazing success stories on Google.
If you’ve tried to lose weight at the gym using a traditional cardio exercise routine, only to leave disappointed, then Spartan Protocol may be the change of pace you’ve been looking for.
I still don’t know what the spartan fat melting protocol is… what???
Beware – overuse of this method may lead to excessive hair follicle production on the crown and extreme phallis enlargment, your body may also return to a teenage state whist retaining the mind of your current age, please stick to the 15 minutes or less