RiceBran Technologies has been in operation for seventeen years and has become a global leader in rice bran and rice bran derivative products for food manufacturers and animal nutrition companies.
This company offers high quality products including rice bran oil that can be used in a variety of food applications including nutrition bars, protein shakes, bread dough, and fortified cereals.
Please read below to learn more about the RiceBran Technologies Company and see a bit more information about their full product line.
What Is RiceBran Technologies?
Established in 2000, RiceBran Technologies has become a global leader in the acquisition and processing of rice bran, rice bran oil, and rice bran derivatives.
RiceBran Technologies manufactures products targeted at food manufacturers, meat inclusion companies, nutraceutical companies, and the field of animal nutrition.
Rice bran is a great alternative to wheat, corn, or oat bran because it is free of allergens, gluten, and trans fat.
RiceBran Technologies Processing Details
With facilities located in Brazil and two processing facilities based in the United States, the process includes the bran and germ being removed from the kernel before the rice bran goes through a series of treatments including heat, water, and pressure that stabilize the grain and deactivates the enzymes that cause rancidity.
Once this process is complete the stabilized rice bran is dried and packaged for shipment. At Stage 2 of the bran processing water and enzymes are added to the stabilized rice bran to produce slurry.
This slurry is then processed further to separate the insoluble fiber fraction, called RiFiber, and aqueous dispersible fraction, called RiSolubles.
These two products are then packaged for food manufacturers or humanitarian relief. Rice bran oil is produced from a further stage and companies can purchase this product by the tanker truck if desired.
RiceBran Technologies Products
This company offers a range of bran products that offer companies the ability to add nutrition to their food products.
Whether food manufacturing companies are looking for oil, powder, or protein additive for pet food, RiceBran Technologies has a high quality option to consider.
RiBran Products:
- Food Ingredient: Offers a one year shelf life and gives companies a highly stable bean product that will add flavor and texture to a variety of food products. This product contains no gluten or other allergens. This ingredient is a good option for companies who make gluten free pastas, pizza crusts, or tortillas.
- DF Ingredient: This product is a defatted version of rice bran that gives companies a lower cost option for adding nutrition and texture to low fat foods including bread dough, cereals, or pasta.
- Meat Inclusion: A great binder for meat applications. Full details are available under the product listing on the RiceBran Technologies website.
Bran Derivatives:
- RiSolubles: Water-based soluble fiber that delivers concentrated nutrition in a light powder form. Can be added to dairy and other beverages including energy drinks and smoothie mixes.
- RiBalance: Highly bio-available bran product that is great for energy bars, cereals, and nutrition bars.
- RiFiber: An excellent source of hypoallergenic and non-bloating fiber for a wide range of food applications including cereals, baked goods, and fiber beverages.
- Rice Bran Oil: Manufactured from non-GMO sourced rice bran offering chefs and product manufacturers’ healthier oil for all of their food applications. Rice bran oil is a good source of nutrition that does not trigger allergens such as nut sourced oils or palm oil which is environmentally detrimental.
Animal Nutrition:
- Equine: NutraCea Rice Bran Feed Ingredient is a good source of nutrition for horses.
- Companion Pet Food: NutraCea Rice Bran Pet Food Ingredient offers a highly digestible plant-sourced protein option for pet food.
- Proryza P-35: An all-natural protein extracted from rice bran that can be added to cereals, protein bars, and to fortified foods to increase the protein concentration delivering more nutritious foods without added flavor.
- Proryza PF-20/50: Named due to its offering of 20% protein and 50% fiber offering products such as cereals, high fiber snacks, and protein bars a nutritional boost.
- Proryza Platinum: Naturally sourced bulking agent derived from non-GMO rice bran. Proryza Platinum adds prebiotic dietary fiber to any formula for making delicious and nutritious meal replacement shakes, health bars, and protein powder formulas.
Purchasing RiceBran Technologies
Full product ordering details are available through the RiceBran Technologies website. The main business headquarters is located in Scottsdale, Arizona and full email and phone numbers listings are available online.
Additionally, RiceBran Technologies offers full ordering support to help companies choose the products that will work best for their application.
Whether companies are looking to sample a product or are looking to buy a large quantity RiceBran Technologies offers a range of options and supportive staff along the ordering process.
RiceBran Technologies Summary
Food manufacturing companies will want to consider looking into RiceBran Technologies to procure high quality ingredients for their products.
Whether companies are looking for a high quality bran product to add nutrition to their cereals, protein bars, or even pasta, RiceBran Technologies offers competitively priced options that offer lengthy shelf time and no added flavor problems.
With the rise of gluten allergies, offering products that do not have allergen triggering ingredients is important to remain competitive in the marketplace.
With seventeen years of business, RiceBran Technologies has become a leader in their field and offer products that can be trusted.