PURUS LABS D-Pol – Testosterone Booster & Nitric Oxide Elevator?


Testosterone boosters are used by a variety purposes, including for their ability to increase the amount of free testosterone throughout the user’s body.

When these testosterone supplements are used on a regular basis, users could start seeing results in as little as three to four weeks, although individual results are known to vary.

Testosterone is known as the key hormone in men, and is responsible for regulating a variety of bodily functions. Such body functions include the development of lean muscle mass, sex drive, and keeping the one’s emotions in balance.

Without a sufficient amount of testosterone, users can develop severe side effects that can range from depression and sexual dysfunction through to impotence or infertility. Sufferers may also encounter a lack of interest in sexual activity and the inability for one to hold an erection.

Due to how testosterone important is for the human body, there are a multitude of products available on the market that has been introduced over the last few years. There are now more capsules and pills that one can buy than ever before, with each brand claiming that theirs is the best treatment for a lack of testosterone.

About D-Pol

D-Pol by Purus Labs is an example of such a testosterone booster in the market. Purus Labs claims that D-Pol is a “Dual-phasic free test/nitric oxide elevator,” as well as a “Natural hormone amplifier.”

What Is D-Pol Formula Used By Purus Labs?

The D-Pol is classified as a dietary supplement containing D-Aspartic Acid & Nitratene. When these ingredients are combined together, they form to create a synthesis of testosterone and enhanced nitric oxide production. Purus Labs then states that these effects are able to elicit unbridled muscle growth, enhanced recovery, and increases cellular efficiency.

Shoppers can purchase D-Pol from Purus Labs’ website, which is currently selling it for $36.99, including delivery for residents in the United States. There are also some bonuses included, such as a 10% off its retail price and reduced or free shipping for selected countries.

One observable downside for D-Pol is that it does not come with a money back guarantee, nor is there presently any way for one to test the product via a free trial. The lack of these safeguards could mean that some shoppers would be hesitant to give the product a try.

What Are The Ingredients Of D-Pol?

Like most t-boosters available, D-Pol’s formulation is a mix of both natural and manmade ingredients. Each bottle of D-Pol comes with thirty capsules, and the user is directed to take three capsules per serving, once or twice a day.

Below are the ingredients for D-Pol

  • Vitamin B12
  • Sodium
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • LH/Free Testosterone/ATP
  • Amplifying Oxygen Sparing Matrix

As one can see from the above ingredients, D-Pol makes use of Vitamins B12, D3, and B6. These compounds are important for supporting one’s overall health and vitality, and work to increase the amount of bioavailable testosterone in the user’s body.

Other ingredients include Isomalt, stearic acid, methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, silica, povidone, and mannitol.

D-Pol Review Summary

Although D-Pol does have its share of disadvantages with a lack of a money back guarantee and free trial, it does however, contain a raft of helpful ingredients as part of its formulation. Additionally, Purus Labs is a well-known and respected brand in the field of sports supplements, which may give D-Pol some added legitimacy.

Users who are curious about how the supplement could work for them will be wise to study the company’s website and the reviews that can be read about D-Pol online.

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