Boxing is a challenging sport and regardless of whether you are just starting out or are an expert already, it is necessary to dedicate the right amount of time, energy, and effort into the game. The trouble with boxing though is tracking your performance.
For many boxers, it is difficult to gauge the strength of their punches and the effectiveness of their moves, at least without the right equipment.
Fortunately, to make things easier for you and to give you the tools that you need to track your performance, a new brand has developed an innovated and effective product. Called the PiQ Robot Blue, this device gives you the real-time stats on your boxing so that you can track and change for improved results.
Here is everything you need to know about this revolutionary device:
What is PiQ Robot Blue?
The PIQ Boxing Wearable, also known as the PIQ Robot Blue, is a new wearable device that you place around your wrist while boxing. In doing so, it will track your moves and strength levels and issue real-time stats on the power of your punches. The device is a great addition to your routine, regardless of whether you are a new boxer or one who has years of experience in the game.
The Developers: Everlast and PIQ
The technology for the PIQ Boxing Wearable is developed by PIQ, a company that is dedicated to developing sports wearables. It has partnered with popular and well-known fitness and sports brand Everlast in order to bring its technology to the boxing real. In addition to creating the boxing device together, they’ve also developed the corresponding app that enables you to track all of the necessary information easily and effortlessly.
With two high-quality companies working on the PIQ Boxing Wearable, you can expect it to work well and provide you with the comprehensive support that you need during your boxing routine to develop amazing results.
How Does the PIQ Robot Blue Work?
The PIQ Robot Blue or the PIQ Boxing Wearable works to collect data on your performance during your boxing practice routine and matches. The device, wraps around your wrist, features a high-tech nano-computer and data sensors. For those who do not want to wear the device around their wrist, it can also be placed within the boxing glove.
As you wear it, the device measures various types of data so that you can review and verify how you are performing. A few examples of the types of data that the device collects are:
- The type of punch
- How hard you hit
- The intensity of your punch
- Your boxing performance
All of the data collected is reviewed and analyzed using a technology called GAIA, which stands for Global Artificial Intelligence Analyzer.
What is Global Artificial Intelligence Analyzer (GAIA)?
The PIQ Boxing Wearable is powered by a technology called GAIA. The program is developed by PIQ and it works to analyze the punches and all of your performance during your boxing routine. Unlike other PIQ fitness products that use analysis tools, the PIQ Boxing Wearable is the only one that features the GAIA technology. The technology is known for its high-performance mechanisms, accuracy, effectiveness, and smart algorithms that provide you with solid results.
Since the product features such technology, you can expect it to perform well and provide you with the solid array of information that you are aiming for to take your boxing routine to the next level. Very few other sport analysis tools offer you the same level of high-powered comprehensive support as the GAIA does during your boxing matches.
The Benefits of the PiQ Robot Blue Wearable
As you can expect, there are many benefits to be had to adding the PIQ Boxing Wearable to your routine. With the PIQ Robot Blue, here are the main advantages that are involved:
- Analyzes Your Entire Boxing Routine
First, this device is designed to essentially analyze and report to you every detail regarding your entire boxing routine. By having a clear picture of how you are boxing, you’ll be able to review the data and make the necessary changes to pack a stronger punch, to move your arm better a certain way, or to enhance your agility levels. With this type of support, you’ll be able to boost your boxing routine and get to the level that you’re striving for.
- Where You Can Improve
Second, for those of you who are beginners, the device also features a quality where it explains to you where exactly you can improve. By making the improvements as recommended, you can jump-start your boxing routine to be one that is truly successful and impactful.
- A Powerful Product
Third, the device is made out of high-quality and powerful materials. For example, the sensors include two accelerometers, an altimeter, and a gyroscope. Each of these devices are powered by an M4 processor that is able to collect 190,000 points of data in a single minute.
- Everything About Your Punch
Fourth, the device is able to analyze every single aspect of your punch. For example, it will record your punch speed, retraction, punch impact, how many punches you perform per minute, the calories you’ve burned, and even the type of punch that you used.
- On Screen and App Display
Finally, all of the information from the device can be shown in real time on a large screen that you connect to the device using blue tooth, or through the app. Of course, if you want to view the results while boxing, then of course the screen is best.
As you can tell, there are many benefits to using the PIQ Robot Blue. With this device, you can take your boxing routine to the next level.
PiQ Robot Blue Summary
Overall, if you are interested in the PIQ Boxing Wearable, also known as the PIQ Robot Blue, then you may need to wait. The product is only being offered to professional boxers at this point and it is expected to be released for the general market in early Match. You can keep track of its release through the brand’s website.