Nordic Naturals Algae Omega – Vegan MicroAlgae Marine Omega3?


Omega fatty acids offer a wide range of health benefits. Typically found in foods such as legumes, aquatic flora, and fish, omega fatty acids are able to promote brain health and prevent the onset of neurodegenerative disorders such as alzheimer's disease and dementia.

The regular supplementation of the diet with omega fatty acids also provides powerful cardioprotective properties that help to prevent the development of heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders.

There are many good reasons to include an omega supplement in your daily dietary intake. Used as a supplement for children, it can reduce the symptoms of ADHD.

In overweight individuals, omega 3 is able to minimize the effects of metabolic syndrome, making the weight loss process easier. One of the most powerful properties of omega fatty acids is their ability to reduce inflammation, providing an effective solution to joint pain and other inflammatory disorders.

Omega fatty acid supplements, however, have one major flaw- they are almost invariably made from processed marine animals.

Most of the omega 3 supplements that are available on the market today are made by heating the remains of fish to 95 degrees celsius, which separates the water content and oil content from the protein of the fish. This oil is then separated from the rest of the fish matter via a centrifuge, which also removes impurities.

Although the end result of this process is an omega fatty acid blend that delivers high amounts of DHA and EPA, the two different types of fatty acids, it goes without saying that it’s definitely not compatible with the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. These lifestyles preclude the use of any food that is sourced from animals, which often makes it difficult to provide the body with all of the different micronutrients it needs.

A new solution from Nordic Naturals, one of the most popular natural health supplement solution providers on the market, is providing vegetarian and vegan individuals with a highly powerful omega fatty acid supplement that isn’t sourced from animal products. Offering one of the highest DHA and EPA ratios available on the market, Nordic Naturals Algae Omega is sourced from 100% plant based materials and is completely vegan friendly.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Nordic Naturals Algae Omega solution and find out what makes it different from other non-animal-product omega fatty acid solutions to help you decide whether it’s the right omega fatty acid supplement for you.

What Is Nordic Naturals Algae Omega?

Nordic Naturals are one of the leading providers of natural, chemical-free health supplements in the world.

Offering a diverse range of completely natural dietary aids that adhere to holistic health principles, Nordic Naturals are dedicated to providing intelligently-formulated, effective, pure, effective, and great tasting health supplements to individuals from all walks of life.

Nordic Naturals was founded by Joar Opheim, a Norwegian entrepreneur and health enthusiast that moved to California in the 1980’s.

Unable to find any omega 3 fish oil supplements in the US at the time, Opheim founded Nordic Naturals in order to bring the traditional nordic cure to the United States. Nordic Naturals is now one of the largest providers of omega 3 fish oil supplements in the world, offering a diverse range of different omega 3 solutions to the global market.

The research and development team at Nordic Naturals, however, observed a serious lack of intelligently-formulated vegan-friendly omega-3 supplements in a market saturated with animal products. Almost all of the vegan friendly omega 3 supplements available on the market are sourced from marine algae, which is a potent plant-based source of omega 3.

Unfortunately, most of these supplements are seriously lacking in EPA. There are two different kinds of omega 3 fatty acids- docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA. The kind that is most common in vegan omega 3 supplements, DHA, is effective in promoting cardiovascular health and preventing heart disease, but lacks some of the health benefits offered by EPA.

EPA fatty acids are able to modulate the inflammatory response of the body, making them highly effective in treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, crohn's disease, and leaky gut syndrome. The Nordic Naturals Algae Omega formula offers a significantly higher dose of EPA than other vegan friendly omega supplements on the market, as well as a significant dose of cardioprotective EPA.

The Nordic Naturals Algae Omega Difference

Nordic Naturals offer a number of advantages in their Algae Omega formula that can’t be found elsewhere. One of the most important benefits of the Algae Omega formula is that it’s completely GMO free and doesn’t contain any hexane.

Extracting omega fatty acids from algae isn’t as simple as the centrifuge method employed to extract it from fish.

As a result, some low quality plant-based omega 3 suppliers resort to dangerous chemical extraction techniques to create algae omega 3. One of the most dangerous methods involves the use of hexane, which is a chemical that causes dizziness, nausea, and, in the case of long-term exposure, severe damage to the nervous system. The process Nordic Naturals use to extract the omega 3 from marine algae is free from this dangerous substance and far safer than any other method.

The Nordic Naturals Algae Omega formula is certified as vegetarian by the American Vegetarian Association, and, as it is made from microalgae, one of the richest plant-based algae sources in the world, is 100% vegan friendly. Nordic Naturals Algae Omega 3 promotes healthy vision, improves immune system function, and boosts overall heart health.

The Nordic Naturals Algae Omega Summary Review

The Nordic Naturals Algae Omega formula is one of the only marine algae-based omega three supplements available on the market that contains a significant amount of EPA. Importantly, the formula isn’t created using any environmentally-damaging chemical processes, creating a supplement that is both vegan friendly and eco friendly.

If you’re looking for a powerful, reliable, and effective source of omega 3 that is suitable for all kinds of dietary practices, Nordic Naturals Algae Omega is one of the best solutions available on the market today.

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