Vertical Jump Exercise – Jacob Hiller’s Athletic Workout Training?


The vertical jump is one of the most accurate displays of explosive strength, speed, agility, and overall conditioning. In order to perform an impressive vertical jump, a significant amount of training and dedication is required. Even if you’re not a professional basketballer, training your vertical jump can give you a competitive edge both on the court and in other physical performance situations.

Improving your vertical jump, however, can be difficult. Many people are unaware of the best methods with which to improve their vertical jump max, or even how to begin training it. Fortunately, a new free workbook is providing individuals that seek to improve their vertical jump with a number of powerful tips that can greatly improve vertical jump output.

What is the Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook?

The Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook is a free online guide that can be downloaded at any time, supplied by Train Smart, one of the most advanced and effective online sports technique training guide solution providers online.

The #1 Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook compiles more than ten years of intensive research into one simple, easy to understand workbook that makes improving your vertical jump by a few inches effortless.

The specific exercise that is outlined in the Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook has been specifically developed in the Train Smart lab, and was created after analyzing hundreds of different training exercises and observing how they affect the body.

The training method that the #1 Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook provides for free is guaranteed to improve strength and explosiveness on one simple exercise that only needs to be performed a few minutes every week to see significant results.

Designed by Jacob Hiller, a vertical jump specialist and professional athletic trainer, the exercise outlined in the Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook is built around a massive body of experience.

Hiller himself boasts a 40+ inch vertical leap and has been interviewed by magazines such as Men’s Health, Fadeaway, and even ESPN. Having trained more than 43 athletes across multiple disciplines a NBA, College, and even Olympic levels, Hiller is the world’s foremost expert on improving vertical jump.

The #1 Vertical Jump Exercise workbook can be downloaded for free, but is part of a greater and far more effective training program called Instant Inches. The Instant Inches program is a comprehensive training guide developed by Train Smart that offers an exhaustive amount of detail on training the vertical jump, and is able to assist athletes in gaining between 2 inches and 6 inches on their vertical jump within just 45 minutes of use.

What is Instant Inches?

The Instant Inches program is the most detailed, effective, and popular vertical jump training system available online. Teaching athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and sports players how to practice the technique of “power bouncing”, or gaining explosive jumping power with the tendons of the body, Instant Inches demonstrates how to improve 2 foot jumping explosiveness with a simple exercise.

The system also illustrates a number of techniques that make it possible to increase tendon elasticity and power output, dramatically increasing vertical jump capacity. The methods used by the Instant Inches program to increase vertical jump height uses the “kangaroo principle” to help users jump higher instantly by using a technique called “pre ground contact acceleration” that boosts jumping power by inches immediately.

What Instant Inches Includes

The primary jumping techniques are included in six different modules, which begins with the Ultimate Jumping Primer and moves into the CNS activation system, which teaches athletes how to deliver more power to their muscles and systematically increase the electrical impulses delivered to their musculature by using a Russian method called “shock training”.

The Post Activation Potentation module uses resistance training techniques to trick the muscles into activating faster, as well as educating athletes on how to increase their muscle activation efficiency.

The fifth module deals with mastering the “Penultimate Step”, which is used by Olympic High Jumpers to add extra inches to their long, triple, and high jumps. The last module of the series offers a breakdown of the most effective stretches that can increase vertical jump efficiency, and provides three stretches that give extra “reach” to the body.

The Instant Inches system also includes two bonus modules. The first module, Proper Planting, shows athletes how to propel themselves upwards properly through efficient foot placement. The second bonus module, entitled “Palm a Basketball Even With Small Hands” offers simple techniques and tricks to help individuals with small hands get a firm palm grip on the ball.

The Vertical Jump Exercise Verdict

The Vertical Jump Exercise Workbook offers one simple and easy tip on improving vertical jump form, but if you’re looking for the ultimate boost to your vertical jump power, Instant Inches is the best solution available.

The Instant Inches system is covered by a 100% money back guarantee, providing individuals that want to improve their game with a risk free way of adding inches to their vertical leap effortlessly.

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