Monat Rejuvabeads – Targeted Hair Repair For Split Ends & Frizz?


People looking to repair split ends without applying more harmful additives to their hair should take a look at this split end mender.

Focused on plant-based oils, this product heals damaged and stressed hair to leave it smoother and shinier. Please continue reading for more on this hair lotion that restores split ends and promotes healthier looking hair.

About Monat Rejuvabeads

Split ends are a common obstacle in the beauty industry as they are a sign of damaged or weak hair. Instead of cutting off these locks, Monat Rejuvabeads offers a product that is directly applied and repairs those stressed and damaged sections to produce healthier, smoother hair.

Designed to mend and improve the look of split ends, this product makes hair look healthier while actually strengthening it. Friction is decreased as it eradicates breakage or stressing of the hair shaft, while shine and color are enhanced.

Plant-based oils provide the foundational formula, with the addition of linseed, derived from flax, and chia seed extract and without harmful additives often found in other hair products. These oils provide vital essential fatty acids and antioxidants that revitalize the hair and repair damage.

How Does Rejuvabeads By Monat Work?

After shampooing, conditioning, and then gently towel drying hair, Rejuvabeads should be applied to the mid-sections and ends with hands or a comb. One to three pumps are necessary, depending on the length of hair.

The product should be applied sparingly and then left for one minute to fully soak in. Then hair can be styled as usual with noticeably healthier ends and fewer split ends.

These effects last two to three washes, so it does not have to be applied every day, through repeated use does enhance results. Lightweight by design, it will not build up over time or create additional heaviness or oiliness.


Monat’s own Rejuvenique is the key ingredient. Full of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that are proven to nourish and strengthen hair, it is a blend of 13 natural oils, including carrot, lemon, tomato, coconut, and bergamot, with the addition of chia seed extract and linseed.

Moreover, this product is free of harsh ingredients that can further damage hair such as sulfates, phthalates, and artificial colors and fragrance.

Monat Rejuvabeads Pricing

Through Monat, one 70 ml container of Monat Rejuvabeads is available for $49 retail or $42 through their VIP customer program.

For the slightly higher price of $51.36, it can also be purchased through Amazon.

Monat Rejuvabeads Review Summary

There do not appear to be many reviews online, so it is unclear how customers feel after actually using the Monat Rejuvabeads. With that said, the oils containing antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are in fact linked to improved hair strength and health and often used in natural hair products.

Interested consumers might want to do more research to determine whether this could be a useful hair solution for them; more information can be found at

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