Modern Man – Nutritional Muscle Supplements For The Ideal Man?


Workout supplements have changed they way we look at intense exercise regimes, this is primarily because these supplements allow users to greatly enhance their capacity to perform gruelling exercises with ease.

There are products these days designed specifically for pre, post and intra workouts so that maximum benefit may be extracted during those specific timeframes. Also with the advancement in modern health science, researchers have identified various naturally occurring plants and herbs which can be used for long durations without causing any damage to the users physiology (which was not the case in the 70’s and early 80’s).

About Modern Man Nutrition

Modern Man Nutrition is an all new range of men’s health products that have been designed for today’s health conscious, urban man. These supplements include a variety of products like weight management formulas, whey isolates, muscle builders and a whole host of other physique enhancing supplements. All of the supplements have been crafted after careful clinical deliberation and each nutrient has been tested through trials and scientific verification.

Modern Man Nutrition Product Range..

The various supplements on sale along with their pricing are given below:

Modern Man:

This is an all new testosterone boosting, thermogenic formula which allows users to reap benefits like:

  • Enhanced Focus: the stimulants in the blend allow users to greatly enhance their focus, concentration and retention capacity. This not only results in clarity of mind but also allows users to be more productive.
  • Improved Testosterone Production: using a synergistic combination of various potent ingredients, Modern Man allows users to increase their overall test levels through improving certain mechanisms within one’s system.
  • Stress Alleviation:regular use of the supplement has been linked with a reduction of stress, anxiety and nervousness.
  • Energy increase: it contains various compounds that allow for a gradual yet sustained release of energy through the course of one’s daily activities.
  • Lean Muscle Mass: it allows for the faster synthesis of protein within our skeletal muscle cells, this means that users can achieve more muscle content easily and without having to overexert themselves.

Each unit comes in a small plastic container which is priced at $39.98.

Modern Man PM:

it has been described as a Nighttime Non-Stimulant Weight Management Formula, it provides users with the following benefits:

  • Muscle Relaxation: due to its unique blend of key active agents it allows users to rest their muscles after they have completed an intense gym session. It has been designed especially for night time use so that individuals can wake up in the morning feeling completely normal and revitalised.
  • Appetite Suppression: it contains various stimulants which inhibit signals of craving and hunger from the users stomach to the their brain. This in the long run decreases one’s overall caloric intake allowing for sustainable weight loss.
  • Decreased Sugar Absorption: many of its nutrients decrease the production of glycogen which then gets stored in our systems as fat, instead it work towards releasing any such compounds through our excretory system.
  • Improved Metabolism: through regular use of Modern Man PM, users can enhance their overall metabolic rate thus allowing them to experience greater energy and stamina levels.

Each unit of this supplement is priced at $34.99.

Real Muscle:

it is essentially a muscle builder which also possess properties that allow it to act as a Nutrient Partitioner, some of its key benefits include:

  • Improved Nutrient Uptake: the compositional profile of the supplement helps it to increase the user's overall bioavailability. This means that essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals can be absorbed more readily by the various organs.
  • Increase Vascularity: through the increase of Nitric Oxide production users can experience broadened and more defined veins.
  • Enhanced Strength: it allows users to improve their overall blood circulation levels, this results in the optimal growth of one’s muscles. Through this growth users can experience elevated levels of strength and power.
  • Muscle Gains: the key active agents in the blend allow users to improve their protein synthesis rate, this is done by transporting good quantities of essential proteins into the cellular mitochondria where it is metabolised and turned into pure lean muscle.

Each unit of this supplement is priced at $49.99.

Other supplements available from the same manufacturer include Muscle Man, Alpha Isolate, Classic Cotton Tee, Workout Tee.


The easiest and most convenient means of making a purchase is by placing an order online at All of the supplements and accessories have been neatly categorised and can be looked on the website without much effort. To gain access to nutritional profiles or individual product pricing all one needs to do is click on the desired item. Payments can be made using a host of safe and secure means including PayPal, MasterCard and Visa.

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