MISFIT Juicery – Unharvested Recovered Fresh Cold-Pressed Juice?


Have you ever wondered why all the fruits and vegetables always look so pretty and perfect? What if we told you that it is no happy accident that everything that you find at the grocery store looks that way for a reason – to sell!

But, what happens to the fruits and vegetables that don’t have a certain “look” to them? They don’t taste any different, and they aren’t any less healthy and good for your body – they just aren’t as pretty.

These unwanted pieces of produce unfortunately find themselves in the dumpster most of the time. But in today’s climate of poverty, it seems unfair and wrong to throw any food out that really could be eaten if it just looked better.

Misfit Juicery saw that there was something that could be done with this unwanted produce, and instead of letting go to waste they have created a line of cold-pressed juices that make use of “misfit” fruits and veggies.

About MISFIT Juicery

Making use of the produce no one wants is definitely an art. Not many people look twice at a bruised apple, and they usually reject carrots that aren’t long and straight.

The days of simply throwing unwanted produce away could be over, and Misfit Juicery is here to help make that happen. The juices that they create are currently using between 70% and 80% recovered fruits and vegetables.

This number isn’t just unsellable fruits and veggies either. It is also composed of other “scraps” that are discarded by grocery stores and other retailers. This can be things like leftover carrot pieces from cutting carrots into handy little sticks, or it could be the cores of apples after they were cut into pieces to make pies.

Regardless of what the destiny of a particular fruit or vegetable was supposed to be, Misfit Juicery comes along to make sure that those little pieces of unwanted produce get a newhome.

Cold Pressing At Its Finest

You may have heard of cold-prosing before, but how many of us understand what that really means?

Cold pressing is a process in which fruits and vegetables are ground in an action that looks a lot like chewing to the novice eye. The produce isn’t boiled, or heated by the motors that are used in blenders so the produce is able to retain more of its vital nutrients.

This results in juice that is actually good for you. Misfit Juicery doesn’t add in any extras like sugar or preservatives. In fact, when you buy a juice from Misfit, all you are getting is juice. Juice with a side of a healthier environment for us all. That has to feel pretty great.

Blends As Unique As You Are

If you love pressed juices and smoothies you have probably noticed that regardless of where you go the juice blends are pretty much the same. Misfit Juicery changes that by combing fresh, bold ingredients with fruits that you are used to like apples and pears to create a crave-able juice experience that will have you coming back for more.

Take a look below at the 5 current blends and see if you can figure out which one is soon to be your go-to favorite.

Far From The Tree

A perfect juice to start off the day with, far from the tree incorporates crisp misfit apples and adds mint and lemon to create a beverage that you will crave.

Add this to your breakfast routine and get ready to get a sustainable source of energy that won’t leave you crashing at the end of the day.

Pear To The People

This yummy blend is full of veggie goodness! This blend combines the antioxidant super powers of spinach, and rounds it out with some fresh cucumber, pears and lemon for a squeeze of bright deliciousness.

Perfect paired with your favorite lunch, or great for an on-the-go drink to give you a much needed energy boost.


Definitely a house favorite, this juice has it all. Here, strawberries, pears, lemon and a little dose of ginger get thrown together for something that tastes more like a treat than a healthy drink.

Maybe the pears were a little lopsided, and perhaps the strawberries were too tiny to be sold in the big box grocery stores. Your tastebuds won’t know the difference, and we won’t tell them.

Off Beet

When you are feeling a little extra off beat, off beet is there to help you get back on track. This delicious blend is made with beets, apples, carrots, lemon and ginger for a bit of spice that is extra nice. These flavors blend together for a sensation that is sweet, earthy, and full of living giving energy.

24 Carrot Gold

This blend is the envy of all the bunnies. Chock full of imperfect carrots and asymmetrical apples, this juice also adds in some tart lemons for a bit of acidic delight. Turmeric also makes its way into this juice to help you naturally reduce inflammation and feel better when the world has you feeling a bit down.

MISFIT Juicery Review Summary

It is pretty common to not think twice about food production and food waste. The truth is that it isn’t a forgettable problem, and nor should it be.

Instead, this is a problem that should be at the forefront of all of our minds. Misfit Juicery is tying to do their part to help though, and your support enables them to continue their impactful mission. Seek them out to give them a try, you won’t be disappointed.

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