Lobelia Inflata – Healthy Indian Tobacco Benefits or Side Effects?


What Is Lobelia Inflata?

Lobelia Inflata can be described as a biennial or an annual herb that usually grows to the height of approximately three feet tall. It is characterized by hairy green stems that have a bit of violet which branch off at the top.

The leaves of the herb are yellow-green or light green and have a characteristicly sharp taste as well as an irritation scent that can only be compared to the one tobacco exhibits. It has flowers that are pale yellow in the interior and pale violet on the exterior.

It was traditionally smoked as a form of treatment for coughs, bronchitis, lung irritation, asthma, and throat irritation. It is thought to be a cousin of the Tobacco plant.

Lobelia inflata can be consumed in a number of different forms such as a regular tincture, vinegar tincture, fluid extract, or even as a dried herb for capsules or for teas.

It may be referred to by other common names such as Indian Tobacco, Lobelia, pukeweek, bladderpod, gagroot, rapuntium inflatum, eyebright, vomitwort, or asthma weed. This herb is found in the dry areas of Canada and the U.S.

The tobacco comparison is due to the fact that when Lobelia is chewed it has a similar taste to that of tobacco that a majority of people in society are accustomed to.

Lobelia Inflata Dosage

Lobelia Inflata is an herb that is considered to be toxic mainly due to its lobeline affiliation. This is why it is recommended that consumers start with lower doses and gradually increase the dose over time.

It should be noted that a dose of 20mg per day of Lobelia inflata should never be exceeded. The dose of Lobelia Inflata considered to be useful is quite close to the toxic dosage.

The classical use of its flowers was a dosage of 2g to 4g in tea for colds and coughs on a daily basis. Tincture or fluid extract is administered in a 1:1 ratio in 50% alcohol which translates to 0.2ml to 0.6ml thrice on a daily basis.

On the other hand, the dried herb can be administered in 0.2 grams to 0.6 grams also thrice on a daily basis. It is important that the doses are first discussed with a health care practitioner prior to use.

How Does Lobelia Inflata Work?

The main active ingredient in Lobelia Inflata, which is an alkaloid called lobeline, is renowned for its advantageous characteristics. Lobeline is an expectorant, bronchodilator, and a diaphoretic which supports the respiratory system in a plethora of ways.

Lobeline as an expectorant assists the body to break down both thin mucus as well as congestion. Its bronchodilating effects greatly assist in opening up the airway to facilitate a breathing that is both stronger and deeper in nature.

Lobelia Inflata Benefits

Lobelia inflata has an array of uses and benefits to its consumers due to its suitable properties such as anti-asthmatic, nervine, expectorant, diuretic, emetic, diaphoretic, and stimulant antispasmodic.

Some of the uses and benefits that consumers of the product get include:

  • Contains ethnobotanical uses such as respiratory ailments.
  • Lobeline and Lobelia Inflata itself have successfully been used in smoking cessation and is now used in several smoking cessation programs.
  • Lobelia Inflata is quite effective for an emergency of congestion, asthma treatment, whooping cough, hiccups, and pneumonia.
  • Lobelia Inflata has suitable anti-spasmodic properties that go a long way in relaxing smooth muscles.
    It has been used to remove toxins from the body. This is where its pukeweed name was coined from. It achieves this by inducing vomiting as a way to eliminate toxins present in the body of the consumer.
    This is helpful as the quantities of toxins that people consume nowadays keeps increasing by the day. It can therefore be considered as an effective detox regimen or routine if you may.
  • It is known to cure mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Lobelia Inflata is considered to be a stimulant to the respiratory center of the human brain, which leads to stronger and deeper breathing.
  • It is used in the treatment of bronchitis, which is a notorious respiratory disease.
  • Lobelia Inflata in the treatment of whooping cough that can be irritating.
  • It can be successfull being used as an herbal remedy for bronchitis.
  • It can be used in the treatment of tobacco withdrawal. The reason for this is that the product has the same action to nicotine.
  • This product is used to ease both panic attacks and anxiety.
  • It has been successfully used in the treatment of other drug dependencies of patients.
  • Externally, it has been used to reduce swelling in the human body.

Lobelia Inflata Risks And Side Effects

In the same way that other products in the market have some risks and side effects associated with their use, Lobelia Inflata has a few as well. The major risks and side effects include convulsions, vomiting, death, dry mouth, coma, dizziness, or even hypothermia.

These side effects are only exhibited when Lobelia Inflata is consumed in doses that are not recommended whatsoever.

Lobelia Inflata Precautions

Individuals that have been diagnosed with seizure disorder, tobacco sensitivity, heart disease, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, recovery from shock, or even paralysis should not under any circumstance use Lobelia Inflata.

Furthermore, women who are expectant or those who are breastfeeding their babies should also steer clear of the use of Lobelia Inflata. Lobelia should only be used under the proper guidance of an herbalist who is both qualified and experienced enough in the use of the herb.

Lobelia Inflata Conclusion

Lobelia Inflata has historically been utilized and consequently appreciated for its various functions such as craving control, toxin removal, and most importantly to provide some relief to a number of respiratory symptoms that are problematic.

Therapeutically, it is recommended that Lobelia ought to be formulated with herbs that are somewhat soothing to the lungs and throat. This is in addition to having antispasmodic effect that compliments the effects of Lobelia.

Lobelia Inflata is a substance that has been tried by many and found to be effective in nearly all of its promises, making it an excellent investment in these tough economic times.

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