Knockout Abs Extreme MMA – Intense Boxing & Martial Arts Workout?


Knockout Abs Extreme MMA is a simple and easy to use workout device that gives men and women high quality abdominal workouts utilizing speed bag routines and mixed martial arts moves. Many consumers may recognize this device from television advertisements.

Purchases of this workout device include a DVD with three different levels of exercise routines as well as a fitness routine chart to make utilizing this device for improving health and wellness. Consumers interested in making their workout routines more fun and get better results that simply increasing their sit ups will want to read further to learn more about Knockout Abs Extreme MMA and how to order.

What is Knockout Abs Extreme MMA?

Knockout Abs Extreme MMA is an easy to use workout device that keeps exercise challenging and interesting. This fitness device helps sculpt abdominal muscles and obliques as well as burn calories and reduce stress. This device has been sold in over thirty countries to 150,000 consumers.

This device comes with a fun and engaging workout DVD that helps guide users through intense workouts based on their fitness level. This product has been advertised on television so it may be familiar to some consumers. This device is a good option for people who are bored with their fitness routine and are looking for a new way to mix up their workouts.

Knockout Abs Extreme MMA is a good solution for people who are tired of paying costly gym memberships or are looking for a reasonably priced piece of workout equipment that gives them the privacy and flexibility to workout in their own home.

Many men and women start working out but get bored or stop just due to lack of motivation or just wanting to do something else. This device is perfect to add variety to an everyday fitness routine or offer targeted workouts to improve abdominal strength and help improve muscle tone.

How Does Knockout Abs Extreme MMA Work?

This workout device offers users and intense boxing workout as well as mixed martial arts that targets abdominal strength. Each workout round guides users through a speed bag routine that keeps the body engaged and the calorie burning benefits throughout the full workout.

Each purchase of the Knockout Abs Extreme MMA workout machine comes with a workout routine DVD that gives users the support and guidance they need to pursue three different levels of workouts perfect for beginners to speed bag regulars. Additionally, this workout device comes with an easy to follow exercise chart that helps people work out without using the DVD.

The Knockout Abs Extreme MMA device is perfect for men or women who are looking for a fun, dynamic, and challenging workout that delivers results. Many users have reported great results while using this workout equipment.

The seat is well-padded and comfortable for long workouts allowing users to stay on the device easily and concentrate on punching their workout to the max.

The Knockout Abs Extreme MMA folds for easy storage and is easy to carry between rooms or up and down stairs giving users complete flexibility in where they choose to workout. This workout equipment is manufactured out of lightweight steel and offers a full foam speed bag. Some users have reported disappointment in the quality but others have reported being very happy with the device.

Knockout Abs Extreme MMA Pricing

Knockout Abs is available for purchase through

Each device costs $99.99 and ships for free.

Knockout Abs Extreme MMA Manufacturer

Knockout Abs Extreme MMA is manufactured by Knockout Abs. Additional product details can be found online at including a video showing how the device works. Information about purchasing this product wholesale is available as well as well as details on where to purchase at brick and mortar shops. Knockout Abs has sold over 150,000 devices in thirty countries around the world and continues to offer innovative fitness solutions to their customers.

Should You Use Knockout Abs Extreme MMA?

Knockout Abs Extreme MMA is a reasonably priced piece of workout equipment that gives users a highly effective workout offering a combination of moves that helps tone and strengthens not only abdominal muscles but also the obliques.

This device is perfect for men and women who are looking to strengthen their core but are tired of the same workout routine, this device helps keep it interesting. By offering a workout DVD to accompany this product, users can get the guidance and support they need to follow through on their workouts and increase the intensity as they are able.

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