Fit Bottomed Girls is a website that encourages young women and men on their fitness journey, supporting their efforts with inspiration and knowledge about your goal. You don’t have to pay to use the website, but you still end up with tons of information that can help you along the way.
What is Fit Bottomed Girls?
When you decide to start on a workout regimen, the idea of being active constantly can be a bit overwhelming. You may not know the right way to work certain muscles, or you may become discouraged when the simplest parts of your routine become unbearably hard.
It can help to have people that support you, but they don’t understand what you’re going through, unless they’re also working out. If you want to know that someone is on your side, meet the Fit Bottomed Girls.
Fit Bottomed Girls is a unique type of website. They aim to help you enjoy your fitness journey, generating content that helps to inspire all genders to be the best version of themselves through encouragement and workouts.
However, unlike other programs that emphasize how much you can and should lose, this website empowers you at any size, whether you’re a size 2 or a size 20. You need to take care of your mentality about losing weight before you can ever be happy with your figure, which Fit Bottom Girls tries to help you achieve.
You don’t have to keep going through the same boring programs every single time you try to lose weight. In fact, your lack of interest is probably what keeps you from succeeding in the first place. If you want to have fun as you get fit, then the Fit Bottomed Girls website has something for you.
About Fitness
The fitness section of the website is a great place to start, offering you different workouts that can help you transform your body in a healthy way. You’ll learn more about the importance of cardiovascular and strength-training regimens, and you’ll even have access to different workouts that you can try on your own.
About Motivation
One of the hardest parts about getting healthy and losing weight is staying motivated to do so. That’s why the website offers an entire section to keep you encouraged along the way, even if you are just wanting to be a healthier you. This section deals with the problems that you might have with your body image and confidence, while supporting you in your weight loss efforts.
About Nutrition
In the nutrition section, everything is divided into two categories – recipes and tips. This section offers recipes that are in accordance with losing weight or improving the processes in your body. The nourishment you give your body is crucial to successfully improving your physique.
The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet
By combining much of the important information that is listed in the website, the creators decided to squeeze this information into a handy guide called The Fit Bottomed Anti-Diet. This book includes plenty of information on the right ways to get healthy, while you lose weight without even trying. You only need about 10 minutes to completely perform the exercises listed.
This book is available from the following companies:
- Barnes & Noble
- Powell’s Books
- Books-A-Million
- Indiebound
Due to the format of the guide, you can even download it onto your device to carry along with you, rather than carrying a bulky book.
Contacting Customer Service For Fit Bottomed Girls
Since the information on the website for Fit Bottomed Girls is constantly changing, you’ll probably have moments that you want clarification or additional information on a topic. The only way to reach the company is through email, which is why there are multiple addresses listed on the website to meet your specific needs.
Send a message to [email protected], which is the email address you can use for general inquiries.
Fit Bottomed Girls Conclusion
Very few websites provide the free content that the Fit Bottomed Girls offer. Most people have to pay a hefty sum to have someone in your corner at all times. However, by using the remedies and the motivational tools with Fit Bottomed Girls, you can have an experience that is both fun and necessary to your health.
Along with the Fit Bottomed Girls website, you can also check out one of the three sister sites that offer similar information and resources for similar information. Those sites include:
- Fit Bottomed Mamas
- Fit Bottomed Eats
- Fit Bottomed Zen