DrinkMate Spritzer – Portable Carbonated Beverage Drink Maker?


Many people love the idea of carbonated beverages, but may not want to be confined to the flavors big beverage companies offer or may want to limit their intake of sugar.

If you are one of the millions of people who love a good fizzy drink, there is now a product that can carbonate just about any beverage in minutes. It can give you flexibility to create the flavors you want at a reasonable price.

Today we will be discussing a product called the DrinkMate Spritzer. We will be reviewing this product and helping you determine if it is the right product for you to add carbonation to your beverages

What Is DrinkMate Spritzer?

The DrinkMate Spritzer is a compact machine that you can take just about anywhere to carbonate drinks with the pull of a trigger. It is convenient, easy to use, and makes sparkling drinks in seconds.

Right now this product is in pre-production, and they are asking for support at Indiegogo.com.

How Does It Work?

The Drink Mate Spritzer uses CO2 cartridges to add fizz to any drink you can think of. You simply screw on the top, pull the trigger, and you have a sparkling drink!

Other benefits of the DrinkMate Spritzer include:

  • It is designed to be portable and stored easily
  • It can carbonate tea, wine, energy drinks, lemonade, juice, coffee, and more! It can even re-carbonate flat sodas
  • Each duo of 3oz. CO2 filters can make 32 bottles of drinks
  • This product does not require batteries or electricity, so it can be taken and used anywhere you want to go!
  • You can preorder this product for shipment as early as October, perfect for the holiday season

Who Makes DrinkMate Spritzer?

The DrinkMate Spritzer is going to be offered for sale by a company called i-Drink Products. i-Drink Products makes personal carbonation systems that they sell in stores and on their website.

DrinkMate Spritzer Pricing

The DrinkMate Spritzer is in pre-production, but if you would like to sponsor their campaign to raise production funds, you may do so at Indiegogo.com. The current donation specials are as follows:

$20.00 donation (Drink Mate Supporter):

This donation level will get you a $30.00 coupon to order a Spritzer in the future (through January 18th, 2018).

$59.00 donation plus shipping and handling (Drink Mate Spritzer):

This donation level will get you a Drink Mate Spritzer in your choice of matte black or metallic red, as well as two CO2 cylinders and a Fizz Infuser.

$64.00 donation plus shipping and handling (Drink Mate Spritzer Pewter):

This donation level will get you a Drink Mate Spritzer in the special color Pewter! It also comes with two CO2 cylinders and a Fizz Infuser.

$74.00 donation plus shipping and handling (6 pack of 3oz. CO2 cylinders):

This donation level comes with a 6 pack of food grade CO2 cylinders that can be used in either the Drink Mate Spritzer or the counter top version mixers.

$152.00 plus shipping and handling (Spritzer Tailgate Kit):

This donation level comes with a Drink Mate Spritzer in your choice of color (matte black or metallic red) 6 pack of CO2 cylinders, and a 2 pack of bottles with caps to mix your drinks in.

DrinkMate Spritzer Conclusion

The DrinkMate Spritzer can help you drink healthier drinks by allowing you to carbonate your own beverages. It is convenient, portable, and easy to use, and can help you add fizz to just about any drink you like. If you like fizzy drinks but want to cut out soda, this product may be the right product for you to try.

For more information on this product and how it can benefit you, visit their website for details.

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