WANU Water – Healthy Nutrient Infused Bottled Water Drinks?


Healthy sports and lifestyle beverages have become popular in recent years as the healthy living movement pushes back against damaging, sugar-rich drinks. Consumers are turning to healthier and more convenient options when it comes to fast refreshment, with products such as Smart Water and Vitamin Water becoming more popular than soda and other unhealthy beverages.

Many of the so-called health drinks that are commonly available, however, still contain extremely high levels of sugar. One bottle of VitaminWater contains a massive 32 grams of sugar, which is over 125% of the daily recommended intake, making it incredibly unhealthy. Most of the beverages that are marketed as health drinks in reality are extremely bad for your health, containing unacceptable levels of sugar or chemical artificial sweeteners.

WANU Water is a new breed of health beverage that delivers a vitamin, energy, and health boost without containing any sugar whatsoever. Winner of the 2016 Top Breakout Brand award, WANU, a portmanteau of Water and Nutrition, is the brainchild of Nevada health expert Dr. Todd O’Gara.

In this article, we’ll take a look at WANU Water and find out what makes it different from the other health beverages that are available on the market today to help you decide whether it’s the right vitamin drink for you.

What is WANU Water?

WANU Water is a health beverage with a difference. Founded on the idea that a health beverage should be functional and provide the body with real-world nutritional benefits without any added sugar, dyes, or artificial flavoring, WANU Water is available in a wide range of flavor options and contains a broad spectrum of micronutrients that are able to boost energy and overall health.

Each bottle of WANU Water contains 12 essential vitamins and nutrients and a six gram dose of GMO free fiber. Containing just 5-10 calories per bottle depending on the flavor chosen, WANU is an extremely healthy option that is ideal for anybody seeking to improve their micronutrient consumption without damaging their health or consuming excess sugar.

One of the major advantages of WANU Water is that it is flavored naturally with Stevia. Many sugar-free beverages use artificial sweetening agents such as Aspartame, which has been clinically proven to cause cancer and damage the hormone balance of the body.

Stevia is a natural plant product that is completely free from sugar and contains 0 calories while tasting up to 200 times sweeter than sugar. WANU also uses a little-known sweetener called monk fruit to sweeten their products.

Native to Southern China and Northern Thailand, monk fruit is a small, melon-like fruit that is gaining popularity as a natural sweetener. Completely free from calories and, like stevia, around 200 times sweeter than sugar, monk fruit causes no weight gain and is even safe for diabetic individuals as it contains no sugar.

WANU Water is compatible with a broad spectrum of dietary requirements. The beverage has been certified as vegan compatible by vegan.org and is gluten free, making it compatible with gluten allergic, gluten intolerant, and celiac individuals. Another major draw of WANU water is that the packaging contains no BPA plastics, which have recently been recognized to present a very serious health risk.

BPA, or Bisphenol A, is a chemical compound used in the creation of most of the disposable plastics we use in everyday life. It has recently been proven to imbalance the hormone production system, contaminate the food stored in it, and even cause cancer. The fact that WANU have avoided both GMO products and BPA plastics in the creation of their health beverage makes it one of the healthiest solutions available.

What are the health benefits of WANU Water, though? To find out, let’s break down the scientific evidence behind the WANU formula.

The WANU Water Formula

WANU contains 12 essential micronutrients that dramatically boost the health of the body. The vitamins C and E that are used in the WANU water formula have been clinically demonstrated to reduce oxidative stress and minimize the effect of free radicals on the body. Vitamin A boosts immune system function and skin health.

The inclusion of vitamin K in the WANU formula helps to boost cardiovascular health and prevents heart disease, while a B1, B3, B5, B6 and B12 vitamin complex provides a huge variety of health benefits including healthier muscles, nerves, cellular regeneration, digestive function, and hormonal regulation. B vitamin complexes have also been shown to help prevent migraines, and can protect the body from breast, colorectal and pancreatic cancer.

Aside from a full vitamin health stack, WANU contains biotin, which is used as a building block by the body to create healthy hair, nails and skin, and can improve metabolic function, increasing weight loss.

WANU Water also contains folic acid, which is usually found in fresh green vegetables. Folic acid has been demonstrated to improve heart health, promote better brain function, prevent diabetes, and reduce the risk of cancer.

The WANU Water Verdict

WANU Water certainly contains a long list of highly effective and critical micronutrients that are able to significantly boost overall health. Combined with the zero caloric content and GMO and BPA free composition of the drink, WANU Water is arguably the healthiest beverage available on the market.

Available in Dark Cherry, Kiwi Cucumber, Peach Passion, Strawberry Serrano Lime and Watermelon Raspberry, WANU Water is the ideal health drink solution for all dietary requirements or lifestyle practices.

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