Every woman has worn a bra at least once in their life. Young girls play with the piece of clothing impatient to grow older, teenagers struggle with them as they try to find their size, and adult women both hate and love them.
Women’s feelings towards the supposedly practical underwear have always been conflicted due to the fact that, in theory, it is a highly functional item but in practice, it often turns out to be very uncomfortable.
This piece of clothing initially designed to support breasts has lost some of its functionality over the years due to the growing focus on wearing aesthetic underwear.
Therefore, sexy designs have taken over the market and put comfort in the background. Brassieres have become accessories and it is harder and harder to find items that actually fulfill their original purpose.
This issue has led women to feel frustrated with their undergarment when it should be their best ally throughout the day. More and more jokes are made on the relief it is to come home in the evening and “free” breasts from their “prison”.
Feeling uncomfortable in a bra can contribute to heighten feelings of stress and frustration throughout the day. Due to the fact that stress can be an insidious issue that women don’t see coming until they suffer from it, promoting a good support should be essential in order to reduce the sources of irritation.
Additionally, as it appears difficult to find a moment to relax, women often put their well-being aside, thinking they will find some peace of mind later. Although, wearing a comfortable bra can seem to be a shallow concern in the grand scheme of things, it actually makes a big difference in everyday life.
In fact, a study conducted in Ohio in 2015 has demonstrated that women who felt comfortable in their undergarments had higher levels of confidence and declared spending good and productive days 50 times more than women wearing unpleasant brassieres.
Vitali is a company that has launched a Kickstarter project which consists in making a smart bra available on the market in order to help women in every aspect of their lives. The Vitali Smart Bra is not only functional but also able to help users manage their stress by using a sensor that tracks HRV and breathing.
This intelligent brassiere helps women be aware of their stress levels and learn to control them before they have negative effects on their wellness. In this article, we will present you the idea behind the Vitali Wear Smart Bra, in order to help you decide whether you would like to partake in this crowdfunding project.
The Benefits of The Vitali Wear Smart Bra
Breathing is a vital part of everyone’s life, however, only a few pay proper attention to it. This is unfortunate because proper breathing plays a key role in managing stress levels. In Yoga, good posture and breathing are always put in the forefront due to the fact that they are vital parts of a good practice.
Inspired by Yoga, Vitali Wear Smart Bra has been designed in order to help women be more aware of their breathing habits. Using biofeedback, the intelligent undergarment records any bodily imbalance.
The device informs the wearer of the changes and invites her to take action by using soothing breathing techniques. Thus, if a person starts to feel uneasy, the sensor located on the top right of the Vitali bra will automatically notify it to the user.
This smart bra not only monitors breathing, senses imbalance, but also perceives when the woman wearing it is in a bad posture. When the Vitali Smart Bra recognizes such a thing, it then sends a reminder to the user to sit up.
Therefore, this item helps women gain better control over their day as sitting up helps improve breathing, focus, and drive which ultimately helps women spend every minute of their schedule productively.
How Does Vitali Wear Smart Bra Work?
The Vitali Wear Smart Bra is manufactured with fabric sensors integrated into an elegant, simple, yet comfortable brassiere in order to help users keep track of their breathing, heart rate, and posture.
Although the fabric sensors in this innovative piece of clothing are essential, the vital part of the revolutionary item is the associated Gem that can be placed on the left side of the bra.
The Gem is referred to as the “heart” of the intelligent undergarment due to the fact that it understands the user’s patterns and triggers and gives her instant feedback through gentle buzzes. One of the key elements of the Vitali Smart Bra is the device’s ability to recognize heart rate variability. By tracking heart rate variability, or HRV, the smart bra is able to accurately recognize when the wearer starts to feel stressed.
The Vitali Smart Bra can be used in combination with the My Vitali App which gives users access to their wellness center.
The wellness center offers advanced archiving abilities, as it saves all the data recorded by the intelligent brassiere in order to help women track their progress and eventually set goals for themselves.
Where Can Vitali Wear Smart Bra Be Endorsed?
Vitali Wear Smart Bra is an innovative device, developed in order to make brassieres functional again. The revolutionary product actively participates in improving women’s well-being. With integrated sensors and an intelligent Gem, the Vitali Smart Bra will help users manage their stress by monitoring their breathing, HRV, and posture.
If you are interested in helping the creators of the Vitali Smart Bra bring their project to life then you can participate in the crowdfunding process on the Kickstarter website.