Ultimate Silhouettplasty – Dr Larry Schlesinger’s Safe Tummy Tuck?


An Ultimate Silhouettplasty is a two-part procedure that allows a patient to get both a liposuction and a tummy tuck in a delayed surgery. Dr. S. Larry Schlesinger developed the procedure, and it can be performed at his facility.

What Is An Ultimate Silhouettplasty?

Getting the physique that someone wants the most is often the result of hard work and dedication to a fitness regimen.

Most people test their willpower to engage in a diet or a workout plan, but there comes a point when the body is too physically overwhelmed to continue. However, consumers still need to be mindful of their weight and physique to ensure that other health problems do not ensure.

Whether for medical necessity or a desire for a different figure, plastic surgery and liposuction seem to be options for many consumers. However, for a full approach to the fat content in the body, an Ultimate Silhouettplasty may be the best choice.

An Ultimate Silhouettplasty sounds like a fairly straightforward procedure, allowing a patient to get both a reduction in their stomach width and shape with both plastic surgery and liposuction. However, the creator of the remedy spent plenty of time determining the safest and most effective way to combine the treatments.

There are many dangers with each procedure that both patient and doctor should consider. Liposuction on its own can lead to sagging skin, if the patient makes the decision not to get a tummy tuck later.

Furthermore, the aggressive treatments for liposuction are hard on the body, stressing out the skin and even organs. Some consumers suggest combining the procedures together without separation, or just performing a tummy tuck, but the reduction in fat is crucial to getting the desired shape. In fact, getting a tummy tuck is only recommended for patients that solely have excess skin, with no fat to be removed.

While the decision to change the body should only be made by the patient and their doctor, getting an Ultimate Silhouettplasty should be discussed as a possibility, if it pertains to their physique.

How Is An Ultimate Silhouettplasty Performed?

The path to find the Ultimate Silhouettplasty was a process of trial and error. The researching doctor originally started with a full liposuction while a tummy tuck was being performed, but that combination was overwhelming on the human body.

The theory was then tested with performing a liposuction before the tummy tuck, but the scar tissue made it impossible to get the incision at the right level on the body. As a result, the final procedure for the Silhouettplasty was decided to include the tummy tuck as one procedure, and the liposuction as a secondary part of the procedure about 90 days later.

Though this remedy may seem aggressive, having the separation between the two-part procedure will allow the body adequate healing time to make the tissue useable in time to help reduce body fat. While the procedures themselves are not new, the decision to combine them into the Silhouettplasty is revolutionary, to say the least.

Both treatments are aggressive, but sectioning them out makes them incredibly safe.

Post-Surgical Procedures For An Ultimate Silhouettplasty

The most important part of successfully getting an Ultimate Silhouettplasty tends to be the waiting period. After the main procedure, the patient needs to wait about three months before they get their second-stage liposuction to complete the treatment.

The 90-day wait is crucial for the healing process, since blood needs to adjust to the new level of surface area that the skin now covers. With the new supply, the plastic surgeon should be able to aggressively treat the rest of the fat.

For the patient, this time is a recovery period. Once they have the second liposuction, the healing time will only be about three days. The patient will be able to start working out again within five days after they are healed.

Scheduling Services for an Ultimate Silhouettplasty

With such unique procedure, most patients want the Silhouettplasty performed by the doctor who created it – S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, F.A.C.S. Dr. Schlesinger has a unique approach to his operations, which include other “breakthrough procedures” as well.

The person to speak with about the Silhouettplasty is Jenna, who is the patient coordinator of the facility. She can be reached at (808) 597-8835, or by filling out the form on the website.

Ultimate Silhouettplasty Review Summary

An Ultimate Silhouettplasty is a helpful way for someone to slim down their figure in a safe and beneficial way, but the combination of the two procedures is not a flippant decision.

By choosing this type of procedure, anyone can finally reduce their stomach fat, without having to worry about the skin that is left behind as a result. The aggressive therapy has certain qualifications, which can be discussed with the doctor as needed.

It is time to get the body you want, and the Silhouettplasty lets you achieve it.

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