The Not Company – How Do NotCo’s Health Products Work?


The Not Company is an all-natural food company based in Santiago de Chile that offers a range of mayo products as well as cream cheese, milk, and yogurt. This company serves customers living in Chile who are looking for high quality dairy products that taste great and are made of all-natural, healthy ingredients without actually utilizing animal products!

This company manufactures products perfect for people who care about making choices that will lessen their environmental impact. Please read below to learn a bit more about The Not Company and their products.

What is The Not Company?

The Not Company is dedicated to helping improve environmental sustainability throughout the food industry by offering food manufactured without using any animal products.

The Not Company uses artificial intelligence gathered by computer programs that help the company identify new sources of protein instead of relying on animal products in each person’s diet.

Due to The Not Company being Spanish the website is only available to non-Spanish speakers through Google translate which means it is a bit hard to fully grasp the company’s full concept and product details. They do offer a company email which may be a good way of obtaining additional information about their products and how to purchase.

Consumers who are interested in environmental sustainability and making choices in their diet that support our planet will want to consider looking into The Not Company and supporting their business.

With over 7.1 billion people currently living throughout the world diets certainly need to change to allow everyone to get the nutrition they need without depleting our resources. The Not Company is working hard to offer something different that will make a positive contribution to our planet’s future.

The Not Company Products

The Not Company is dedicated to using artificial intelligence to help them manufacture high quality, delicious tasting products that are dairy-free and have a small impact on the planet. These products are perfect for vegans or anyone interested in reducing their environmental impact through their food choices.

Currently The Not Company offers three flavors of their delicious mayo. Original, herbal, and picante spicy are each a perfect blend of creaminess and flavor perfect for adding to salads, sandwiches, sauces, and dips. Not Mayo! is delicious on its own or when combined with other ingredients for a tasty meal.

-Original Not Mayo!: Delicious and creamy original flavor perfect for any normal use of mayo to add tanginess and creaminess to any dish or meal.

-Herbal Not Mayo!: This flavor option adds a fresh flavor of natural herbs that add a crisp clean flavor to this mayo product.

-Picante Not Mayo!: This option is perfect for consumers who like a little kick with their food. This product is mildly spicy and offers a nice tangy yet spicy addition to potatoes, sandwiches, or sauces. This mayo is delicious to eat on its own with veggies, potatoes, or even crackers.

In the future The Not Company plans to broaden their product line and include milk, yogurt, and cream cheese alternatives. There is little information about these future products currently available on The Not Company’s website but as it comes closer to the product’s release it is certain that a bit more information will be available. There will probably be a few flavors of yogurt available but it is currently unclear.

Company Background

Extra The Not Company was founded by five innovative thinkers who are dedicated to helping improve the world by offering high quality products that have minimal environmental impact. The founders are all movers and shakers living in Chile and are dedicated to making the world a better place by changing the way people eat to a more sustainable lifestyle.

The founding team consists of an ivy league educated biochemical engineer, a commercial engineer, and a computer scientist who is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Chile.

This team is dedicated to conducting further research and helps increase their company’s product line to give consumers a larger range of options for their dinner table and refrigerator.

The Not Company’s goal is to make it easier for consumers to eat health and have options to help reduce their environmental impact. A bit more information about this company’s philosophy and how it got started is available on their website at

Product Pricing

Limited Not Mayo! Products are available for purchase through The Not Company’s website at Consumers should note that this company is based in Chile and it is unclear how shipping works.

Interested consumers can purchase the Not Mayo! 3 Pack. This pack includes a 650 gram container each of original, spicy and herbal. Each three pack costs 7,990 pesos.

There is not purchasing details for the upcoming new product line including milk, yogurt, and cream cheese. Consumers who are not living in Chile will want to contact the company directly to inquire about shipping and product pricing.

The Not Company is working hard to ensure all of the products they manufacture and sell are available for the everyday consumer making a sustainable lifestyle accessible to all people no matter their income.

The Not Company Review Summary

The Not Company is a good option for consumers who care about the environment and have been looking for a new environmentally friendly product line to support. Whether people are vegans or just want to make a difference by the food they choose to eat, this company seems to be headed in the right direction for our planet’s future.

By starting with a delicious product like a mayo alternative they are offering consumers a product that is easy to eat and enjoy with all of our favorite foods.

With the new products coming in the future, The Not Company is helping families and individuals make healthier life choices through the food they eat making our planet a healthier place. Please visit The Not Company’s website today and learn more about this innovative company that is changing the world one product at a time.

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