That Vitamin Movie – Healthy MegaVitamin Nutrition Therapy?


The natural medicine movement has gained traction in recent years due to insight provided by modern clinical trials that have demonstrated both the efficacy of traditional medicinal solutions and the inherent dangers of some of the most common pharmaceutical practices.

One of the most often overlooked yet most effective natural medicinal treatments available to anybody is regularly supplementing the diet with vitamins.

Vitamins, similarly to minerals, are critical nutritive elements that the body cannot synthesize by itself- they can only be sourced from dietary intake.

Much of the food that is widely available in modern society is sorely lacking in vitamin content, which has led to huge sections of the population suffering from vitamin deficiency. More than 70% of the American population sufferers from some form of vitamin deficiency, with Vitamin D, A and C deficiency most common.

That Vitamin Movie is a new feature-length documentary film that sheds light on the benefits of vitamins as well as unearths some concerning truths about the modern medical system.

The brainchild of Andrew W Saul, a world famous natural medicine personality, and Dr. Joe Mercola, an internationally-renowned natural health celebrity, That Vitamin Movie is a breakdown of the role of vitamins in nutritional health. In this article, we’ll provide a brief summary of That Vitamin Movie and outline some of the key points illustrated therein.

What Is That Vitamin Movie About?

That Vitamin Movie tells the story of modern nutritional health and the role of vitamins as healing, health-promoting medicines.

Featuring interviews with a long list of leading health and vitamin experts and professionals in the complementary medicine field, That Vitamin Movie is focused on bringing to the attention of the public the often neglected importance of ensuring micro nutritional needs are met on a daily basis.

The film begins by outlining some of the little known applications of vitamins in treating various health disorders. An interview with Andrew Saul provides an insight into the use of niacin, an essential vitamin, in treating depression, while information presented by Michael Beattie, the executive producer of the film, demonstrates how extremely high doses of vitamin C are able to bring people back from near-fatal conditions.

Many chronic diseases, it seems, are caused by basic nutritional deficiencies. Joint disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and other chronic illnesses, for example, all stem from inflammation.

Inflammation originates from digestive health, which is controlled by nutritional intake. The question That Vitamin Movie asks, in light of the apparently miraculous medicinal properties of vitamins, is “Why don’t doctors prescribe vitamins instead of drugs?”

The Benefits Of Natural Medicine

That Vitamin Movie, in addition to providing extensive information about the health benefits of vitamin supplementation, endeavours to untangle the complicated web of legislative and medicinal rulings that have led to the practice of providing pharmaceutical prescription medications as a “spot fix” to illness instead of using vitamins to address the root cause of the issue.

The medical industry, hypothesizes experts in the film, has shifted from using natural remedies to prescribing toxic drugs not to better heal patients, but to dismiss practical and effective cures to protect their own business.

This sinister allegation is backed up by evidence provided in the movie that demonstrates the prevalence of naturopathic medicinal solutions in pre-Rockefeller America, and the influence of the petroleum industry in shifting medicinal practices to utilizing oil-derived pharmaceuticals.

The resulting medical environment, states Dr. Mercola, is one that favors synthetic, harmful drugs over cheaper, more effective natural solutions to create greater profit margins.

The American medical system, as illustrated in That Vitamin Movie, is now a profit-driven industry that has resulted in average Americans between the ages of 20 and 60 taking up to 13 different prescription medications every day.

This endemic prescription, according to Dr. Mercola, is responsible for the glut of systemic illnesses in American society that could be simply and quickly treated with traditional medicinal cures and proper nutrition.

The core message of That Vitamin Movie is that the only way to ensure long term health is to ensure you’re getting the correct amount of nutrients by treating food as medicine, eating only foods that film defines as real foods.

Food choices, lifestyle choices, and vitamin intake are all critical to promoting homeostasis, or a natural balance in the body.

Thousands upon thousands of chemical interactions occur in the body every day, and without critical vitamins like vitamin C and D, or elements such as magnesium, these chemical interactions cannot occur properly, damaging the body.

Providing the public with a clear, linear illustration of the process by which the medicine industry has become subverted by external influences and the best methods of self-medicating with powerful natural vitamins, That Vitamin Movie is an essential “must-watch” experience for anybody interested in ensuring their long term health.

That Vitamin Movie Review Summary

That Vitamin Movie is currently available to watch on the That Vitamin Movie Website, and is also hosted on Vimeo. Interested viewers should note, however, that only the first 30 minutes of the film are currently available to view for free.

There are several options available for individuals interested in learning more about the health-enhancing properties of vitamins, with a single license DVD of the entire film available for just $24.95 USD.

If you’re interested in natural medicine and would like to find out more information about the ways you can prevent disease, promote better health and avoid poor nutrition through real food and applied vitamin usage, That Vitamin Movie should be at the top of your “to watch” list.

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