Sun Potion Transformational Foods – Organic Superfoods & Herbs?


About Sun Potion Transformational Foods

The health of your body is generally determined by the type of food you put into it. To ensure you’re putting the best possible ingredients into your food, it’s best to maintain a diet that incorporates medicinal plants, superfoods and herbal tonics that have been demonstrated to have a positive effect on total body health.

Sun Potion Transformational Foods is an international retailer of health-enhancing superfoods that work in harmony with the body to deliver holistic wellness through dietary intake.

The saturation of modern food products with chemical additives, synthetic preservatives and GMO ingredients has led to an increase in a wide variety of health disorders from inflammation to poor digestive health. The Sun Potion range of products is designed to provide a healthy, tasty and beneficial alternative to these unnatural foodstuffs.

Offering a huge range of products sourced from natural, organic suppliers or wildcrafted sources, Sun Potion delivers potent healing substances from around the world.

Sun Potion Tonic Herbs

Modern pharmaceutical medicine is highly reliant on chemical compounds that affect the body in poorly-understood mechanisms of action, leading to a wide variety of health disorders and side effects. While pharmaceutical products can be effective in treating serious disease, many health complications are a result of poor dietary intake and overabundance of processed food in the diet.

Sun Potion Tonic Herbs range offers health-conscious consumers a range of dual-directional, nutrient and mineral rich plant extracts and herbal derivatives that are sourced from hundreds of different traditional medicinal systems from around the world. Used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses, Sun Potion Tonic Herbs include ancient Indian Ayurvedic or Chinese medicines such as Cordyceps Mushroom Powder, He Shou Wu, Astragalus Powder, Reishi Mushroom and more.

The herbs used in the Sun Potion Tonic Herbs range are sourced through a conscious and environmentally friendly manner, with a design philosophy that aims to deeply nourish the mind, body and spirit of users to create a whole-body wellness system.

Each Tonic Herb container is created from cobalt blue glass jars, delivering a healing energetic signature. Sun Potion even advise their customers to reuse the packaging containers in creative and innovative ways, promoting recycling and eco-friendly waste management.

Sun Potion Superfoods

Superfoods are incredibly nutrient-dense foods that are beneficial for healing and overall well-being. The Sun Potion Superfoods range offers high quality, consciously-sourced foodstuffs from around the world that promote total body wellness through digestive health. Examples of the highly natural and nutritive range of Sun Potion Superfoods include Sun Potion Anandamide and Sun Potion Ashitaba.

Sun Potion Anandamide is a highly potent and nutritious blend of Raw Heirloom Cacao and Tonic Herbs that contains no added preservatives, synthetic additives, fillers or sweeteners. Named after the unique cannabinoid neurotransmitter that is found only in the Cacao plant, Anandamide, this powerful restorative foodstuff is handcrafted in small batches and is designed to harmonize and synergise the mind, body, digestive system as well as boosting immune and nervous system health.

Sun Potion Ashitaba is a health and wellness conscious formulation of the traditional Japanese food of the same name. Designed to boost wellness, longevity, and cosmetic health, Sun Potion Ashitaba is a highly dense source of vitamin B12, functioning as a potent skin enhancing and digestive health boosting tonic. Delivering a large amount of chalcones, an aromatic ketone essential in long term health and shen-spirit tonic, an integral part of Chinese traditional medicine, this powerful herbal foodstuff offers a wide range of benefits.

Sun Potion Transformational Foods Essentials

Aside from their extensive range of superfoods and herbal tonics, Sun Potion offer a number of goods and “Essentials”, such as holistic guides on overcoming and preventing cancer, traditional Japanese Matcha whisks, Wood Incense, Hiba Wood essential as well as a small range of Sun Potion clothing.

The Sun Potion Transformational Foods blog provides health-conscious and spiritual advice, covering healthy and holistic lifestyle practices and introducing readers to the range of Sun Potion products and how they can impact everyday life. In addition to providing their range of health enhancing products, Sun Potion support the Wildize foundation, a non profit organization that works in Africa to source the raw ingredients for many of their products.

Impacting and supporting local communities in Ghana as well as supporting a Women’s Collective in Moringa and sourcing their Chaga Mushroom products from birch forests in British Columbia, Sun Potion maintain a deep connection to organic and environmentally conscious food providers, helping consumer ensure they’re making conscious decisions in their daily life.

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