Rapamycin is a drug that is widely used in the treatment of several ailments, most notably to prevent organ transplant rejection and to slow down growth of cancer cells.
And there is talk about anti-aging aspects. But no studies have been released.
What we do know is that this medication contain substances that inhibit transplanted organs from getting rejected by the body tissues. This medication works by coating coronary glands hence preventing the organ transplant rejection.
The drug works by reducing the production of interleukin-2 that makes t and b cells. Therefore, rapamycin works by allowing the low production of these cells that might prevent the organ transplant.
This inhibition works to enhance the retention of an environment that enable the transplants to survive. Since it has multipurpose use, the drug has also been found to be effective in killing cancer cells at early stages.
The drug was discovered in 1972 by a group of researchers from Easter Island (it is a compund derived from a soilbacterium) and most of the trial tests done on mice (no humans) have resulted with the effects showing improved immunity as well as anti-aging effect.
Originally, rapamycin was developed to kill fungi as an ant-fungal drug. As nore more studies were carried out on the effectiveness of this drug in this area, it was later approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
It is also called Sirolimus and has had positive effects as an anti-tumor inhibitor. It works with other drugs to inhibit the production of cells that might either cause cancer or reject organ transplants.
This makes it a suppression drug, blocking cancer cells and working to inhibit production of T and b cells that might otherwise cause cancer. Note that this drug is a strong immune system suppressor and that’s why it’s mostly given to people with organ transplant so that it can stop the body from rejecting the transplants.
Since it’s now an antibiotic with a full recommendation of usage, rapamycin has been effective in many ways in enhancing good health towards the users who were afraid of organ transplant due to rejection.
The Benefits Of Rapamycin Immune-Depressant
When this drug is used in the proper dosages many benefits have been observed, most notably the survival of many patients who would have succumbed to death. With cancer being the most striking killer disease worldwide, this anti-depressant has been effective in handling brain tumors as well as well as inhibiting production of certain type of blood cells that reject organ transplant.
Therefore, it’s recommended to use the correct dosage for your treatment otherwise you might fall victim to its adverse effects.
Rapamycin has been effective in the reduction of seizures and according to research, once the drug has been administered in the right dosage, a notable reduction in seizures is observed mostly in children.
This makes it a good remedy to seizure control. With the better results observed, more research needs to be done to enhance full evidence and recovery towards seizure control.
This medication features important bacteria that work perfectly to reducing the aging effect hence its allure as a good anti-aging product. However, most of the experiments have been done with mice and the results only showed the longevity of lifespan on the mice that were administered with the drug.
This means that when used on humans, there could be a significant age increment differential. However, the tests on aging haven’t yet been tried on humans as there is still exposure to side effects.
Rapamycin has also been effective in blocking c ells that cause cancer and this has seen its anti-depressant effects work perfectly in treatment of cancer by blocking the cells from reaching the targets organs.
For those who want to successfully transplant kidneys, this drug will offer benefits in making sure the kidney transplant is never rejected by the body blood cells.
Rapamycin has also been proven to be effective in preventing and correcting cognitive impairment. It works by improving the memory; studies done on mice returned positive results on this claim. It showed improved learning in the mice that were involved in the experiment. It has also repaired damaged brain tissue making it an excellent drug when body functioning is concerned.
Since this medicine works by blocking the cells that cause rejection of transplanted organs, more research is being conducted to find out whether the initial benefits could be used on anti-aging on human beings.
The drug is also beneficial as it has been approved safe for your body use when taken in the right dosage.
Common Side Effects
Just like other medications, specific instructions are given on the dosage as well as the general length of usage. Should you overdose on this medication, prepare for severe effects. Primary among these are the poisoning of body glands which in turn will severely affect normal body functioning.
Since the medicine blocks white blood cells from attacking the transplanted organ, some infections might come through and attack the body thus creating a weakened immunity. The drug can also cause cancer as the body is now exposed to UV rays that would nomally have been blocked by the repressed cells.
Additionally, the other risk comes with problems when healing a wound. The drug might also cause lung toxicity as a result of impairment of some body cells functions. Lastly, one might experience diabetes -ike symptoms.
Top Rapamycin Products
These rapamycin related products work according to the age and nature of treatment. Some transplants require a specified type of rapamycin, thus you need to be cautious.
The following list outlines the commonly used types of rapamycin on the market. Most have been approved for consumption.
Rapamycin, 029598-1mg
Effective drug in suppression of cells that cause organ implant rejection. Features an excellent application formula.
Rapamycin (FRAP, mTOR Inhibitor, Sirolimus), R1137-01-500mg
This is a product by the United States biological and plays an excellent role in inhibiting the cells that block transplants. This particular product is only approved for research use.
ELISA Kit for FK506 Binding Protein 12 Rapamycin Associated Protein
This is a product by biomatic and has the same effects on protection of the transplants.
Enzo Rapamycin, 5 mg
Excellent product that acts as a buffer. Found on the market and is inexpensive
Rapamycin Review Summary
This medicine is among the few allowed medications to help the body fight against cancer causing cells. Most of the research has found it effective. But further studies are being carried out to ensure that side effects seen are trimmed out.
Besides the numerous benefits associated with this drug lies adverse side effects. Caution should be taken before using the drug to avoid negative effects.