Plaque HD Anticavity Toothpaste – Green Turning Teeth Effects?


Sometimes we reminisce with others about childhood memories, and one of the ones that comes up about elementary school days is when the dental hygienist would visit your school. You would all line up waiting to have your teeth checked and they would use this interesting mouth wash that once used would light up all the plaque left on your teeth! This may have elicited some laughs from your friends, or embarrassment even, but it was effective.

This is what you can expect from this toothpaste called Plaque HD Anticavity Toothpaste. You use it like you would your regular toothpaste, however, once you brush with this one it will turn the plaque on your teeth green! Gross? Yes. However, just like it did for you in your school days, it will help to ensure you catch all the nasty plaque that unfortunately likes to take up residence on your teeth.

You simply keep brushing until its gone!

Plaque HD Anticavity Toothpaste is registered with the FDA and is fluoride based. It contains other ingredients such as the active ingredient sodium fluoride and other non-active ingredients like water, glycerin, hydrated silica and others (typically found in most toothpastes).

Using Plaque HD Anticavity Toothpaste

Apply the toothpaste to your toothbrush in a small amount. Brush your teeth as you normally would. When you are finished brushing, have a look in the mirror. If there is any sight of green left on your teeth, this indicates that there is still plaque left, simply brush it away.

Once you are satisfied that you have removed it all, rinse and go about your morning or evening routines as you normally would.

What Does Plaque HD Anticavity Toothpaste Taste Like?

As a matter of fact, it tastes good! It is available in two (2) flavors;

  1. Berry Bubble gum
  2. Single flavor fresh mint

Both flavors retail on the Plaque HD website for $21.00 and contains 4.1 ounces a tube.

Plaque HD Toothpaste Customer Reviews

There are a handful of reviews, all of which have received five (5) stars, available to view on their website. One review says:

‘You've got to try this toothpaste! Shows you exactly where your brushing has missed the plaque on your teeth. Brush that area again and the plaque disappears. It works great and is simple to use. Tastes good too. It comes in a great big tube that will last a long time because you only need to use a small dab to give great results. Can't wait to impress my hygienist on these results.’

The other reviews are similar, and many have appreciated the directions included – we imagine the green showing in your mouth can be a little bit intimidating at first!

Oral hygiene is imperative to not only the care for your teeth and gums, but it can play a role in several other health factors in your body. So, being able to maintain it at optimal levels is crucial. This product is safe for all ages that are suitable for fluoride based toothpaste and can even make brushing time a little more enjoyable for the whole family.

Family Packs And Other Products Available

Plaque HD has several packages available on the website that include both the Plaque HD toothpaste, and a demineralizing mouth rinse. More information about the mouth rinse is available on the website when you place your order.

The other product available through the Plaque HD website is a Pocket Fresh Breath Spray which fits perfectly in your pocket or purse for those times you need to discreetly, freshen your breath.

Plaque HD Anticavity Toothpaste Conclusion

If this product seems suitable for your practice, or you feel you want to share it with others, and be compensated, apply online to receive promotional pricing and direct updates directly from Plaque HD. Only take s a few moments to become an authorized retailer. And hey, everyone brushes their teeth after all!

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