Phosphatidic Acid – Healthy BodyBuilding Muscle Metabolizer?


Ever heard of Phosphatidic Acid or PA as it’s more commonly called? It’s an amazing new entrant into the muscle building and fitness industry, that’s purportedly capable of helping your build muscles faster and increase your muscle recovery rate.

This is coming on the heels of more robust research being carried out to determine which supplement actually works.

Phosphatidic acid supplement’s unique angle or capability lies in its supposed ability to activate mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) –mTORC1 is a key muscle building activator that helps in muscle protein synthesis, resulting in increased muscle gain- in the body system, resulting in faster, lean muscle building.

Admittedly, there’s a whole lotta science behind this, as well as considerable complexity seeing as PA itself is just a signaling lipid, but the following is in essence, the science behind muscle growth:

mTORC1 activation = muscle growth

Research also shows that the source of the phosphatidic acid can often determine the degree or extent of its mTORC1 signaling.

For instance, a study published in Nutrition & Metabolism indicated that the Phosphatidic Acid obtained from soy was much more effective at mTORC1 signaling than the one derived from eggs (we’ll address this in the phosphatidic acid food sources segment) .

Phosphatidic Acid Benefits

Bulking and Lean Muscle Building

A study carried out at the University of Tampa involved two groups of people. The first was placed on PA alongside other dietary and workout requirements, while the second group only got a placebo, but followed the same dietary and workout regimens as the first.

The result of the study showed that individuals who used phosphatidic acid during their resistance trainings, recorded better muscle gains than those who were on the placebo. In fact, the former gained as much as 12 percent more mass over the course of 8 weeks compared to the placebo group that gained just 2 percent.

Another study also showed that young males who took 750mg/day of phosphatidic acid recorded considerable increase in bulk and lean muscle.

Is Readily Bioavailable

Most effective muscle building supplements are designed to deliver the compound or protein whole direct to target muscles. The ability to do this is what is known as bioavailability. PA has shown incredible bioavailability.

This means that your kidneys and liver will not break it down, resulting in expensive urine. It delivers the compound as is to the target tissues resulting in more effective results in the form of muscle gains and lean muscle mass.

Might Help With Stress Reduction

A study involving the use of soy-derived phosphatidic acid showed that the beneficiaries experienced considerably lower cortisol levels in their blood stream as well as normal heart rate.

People who are under stress tend to have higher levels of cortisol in their bodies as well as elevated heart rate. So, if you’ll be doing a lot of strength training, PA might be able to help reduce your stress levels resulting in increased stamina and endurance.

As a result, you would be able to train harder and for longer translating into faster gains and sustained lean muscle growth.

Increases Strength

In the same study as benefit number one, it was observed that participants who were placed on 750 mg/day of phosphatidic acid gained a 12.7 percent squat strength as against the 9.3 percent recorded by others who weren’t on the supplement.

While a gain of 3 percent does seem small, an individual squatting in the 300s will be able to experience an increase of 9lbs on their back squat.

Phosphatidic Acids Side Effects

For now, PA has no known side effects whatsoever. But as with all supplements, you want to err on the side of caution and not abuse it. So, stick to the required dosages for maximum results.

Most bodybuilders tend to want to do more, eat more, and supplement more, all in the name of increased gains. However, you might want to slow down on that particularly if you’re taking whey protein.

Research has indicated that taking phosphatidic acid and whey protein at the same time results in both substances canceling each other out for some reason. You would think that combining both supplements would actually help you achieve your gains faster.

The study which was carried out on rats showed that taking each of these substances alone resulted in increased muscle protein synthesis. But combining them together resulted in less muscle protein synthesis, thus indicating that they don’t work well when used together.

So, until a concrete clinical study or trial has been carried out on humans to determine if it would produce the same results, it is better to assume that more is not necessarily the best.

Phosphatidic Acid Food Sources

For now, one of the best food sources of PA is soy lecithin. The next best source is from eggs. You’ll need to figure out which one is best for you seeing as some people hate soy lecithin because it causes stomach issues and some folks just can’t stand the taste.

This is why it might be best to just pop a phosphatidic acid supplement or mix with your protein shakes for some flavor. The choice is yours, really.

Phosphatidic Acid Supplements and Bodybuilding

Many bodybuilders have recorded great results from using phosphatidic acid supplements as part of their bodybuilding supplementation. Most typically start with 750mg per day, and that produces decent gains.

However, those who have doubled their dosages have recorded massive muscle gains, even when they kept their workout regimens the same and ate the same quantities of food as they did when they were on 750mg.

So, you might want to try upping the quantity just to see if it will improve your gains. Interestingly, no one reported any side effect from increasing their PA supplement intake. Most can often tell there’s a huge difference when they are off and on PA.

So, if lean muscle gains and bulk are your goal, you should actively take and use phosphatidic supplements. You’re bound to get better results with it than without.

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