PeniMaster Pro – Medical Belt Expander For Male Enlargement?


Medical penile enhancement products have become a popular method of treatment or many men. There are many reasons for why a penile expander would be used in a medical setting, including for plastic, cosmetic, and therapeutic purposes.

The most common reason for why doctors and physicians recommend the use of these devices is to both stretch and straighten the man’s erection.

Unlike other male enhancement products that work through a variety of drugs and ingredients for better erection quality, male medical expanders work at a purely physical level for corrective enlargement.

Due to the increase of medical applications worldwide, there is a host of products available that consumers can purchase as both do-it-yourself kits as well as devices that are used purely in a medical setting.

One product that has seen widespread use is Penimaster by manufacturer MSP Concept

What is MSP Concept’s Penimaster?

PeniMaster by MSP Concept is part of a range of medical expanders and extenders on the market that claim to elongate the penis in a consistent manner over an extended period of time. The device shapes the penis in a way that is physiologically healthy, which can be useful for correcting excessive angles or curves.

The most common use of the Penimaster is for use of corrective enlargement, straightening, or therapy of the penis before and after surgery.

Curious users of the device can easily find it listed on the company’s website, as well as being available through a variety of third-party sites and resellers.

As the Penimaster is a registered medical device, patients are encouraged to speak with their doctors or physician first before undertaking treatment with the Penimaster. It should also be noted that incorrect use of the device could lead to long-term side effects and health complications, so user discretion is highly advisable.

Product overview of Penimaster by MSP Concept

Penimaster encompasses four different variations of the penile enhancement device. Each variation has its own specific uses in a medical setting, and what one chooses will depend on their medical needs, preferences of treatment, and comfort.

Below you can see the four different variations of the Penimaster by MSP Concept:

  • PeniMaster: This is the classic design. It is known as a threaded rod penis expander with a holding belt, safety clip as well as an adaptive fastening aperture. With this device, users should start to see quick results in as little as three to four weeks.
  • Penimaster PRO Basic: Like the original Penimaster, the PRO Basic model also comes with the core components of the threaded rod penis expander and holding belt. The difference is that the PRO Basic focuses on the glans of one’s member, and apparently has the latest generation technology that focuses on the positive-locking fixation of the glans.
  • Penimaster Pro Rod Expander System: The third variation of the Penimaster includes the Basic model along with a pulling force generator. This version could be seen as combination of the two models above, as well as with an additional pulling force.
  • Penimaster PRO Belt Expander System: Although this is not strictly a variation of the product’s core design, it allows for the wearer to use the penis expander system as a hip belt, shoulder belt, or knee belt for greater leverage.

What are the benefits of the Penimaster?

MSP Concept claims that the Penimaster is one of the few medical-grade penile extenders on the market today. Although there is no shortage of products that claim to help increase one’s size, firmness, and erection quality, these items are often not sold through registered medical companies.

Penimaster’s key point of difference compared to other companies is that it is one of the few that is FDA-approved, which means that it is guaranteed to be a high quality product made from genuine means.

In addition to claiming to be a valid means to quickly increase one’s length, size, and girth, patients may also get the following benefits:

  • Patented physiological anatomic design
  • Supported by a variety of forces, including vacuum, adhesion, and positive-locking fit
  • Can also be used with gliding oil
  • Adapts to one’s glans without squeezing
  • Can fit a variety of member sizes
  • Easily used by both circumcised and uncircumcised individuals
  • Protects the foreskin and lymph nodes
  • Optional belt, rods to increase friction and resistance
  • Easy to use
  • Can e attached without the pump ball, which allows for easy handling
  • Easy to clean and maintain


The Penimaster is one of the few medical-grade penile enhancement products on the market today. On the company’s website, there are also a number of reviews that seem to attest the company’s claims of success and legitimacy.

It should be noted that MSP Concept’s Penimaster is ISO certified: 13485, and has an outstanding reputation in the market as one of the most sought-after products for penis enlargement in both medical and recreational settings.

If users are curious about what they can expect from using the device on a regular basis, there is a huge number of guides, videos, and instructions that one can read on the company’s website. This information is available to anyone free of charge, and there is no obligation to buy the product if one is not completely convinced that it will work for them.

At the time of writing this article, the product costs around 200 to 300 euros, which includes free international delivery for select countries as well as in the United States.

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