Pancake Pillow – Adjustable Soft Stacking Layers For Better Sleep?


Choosing a pillow can be more difficult than one may think. There are a lot of different types to choose from, and choosing the right pillow can make the difference between a good night’s rest and a bad one. If you choose one that is too soft, you may cause neck pain. If you choose one that is too firm, you can throw off the alignment in your back and cause back pain.

Unfortunately, most pillows are not refundable if you purchase them through the store, so finding the right pillow can be difficult if you are purchasing pillows off of the rack. Most of them are not adjustable: they are just as they come.

Today we will be discussing a revolutionary new pillow called the Pancake Pillow. We will be reviewing this product and helping you determine if it is the right pillow for your needs.

What is the Pancake Pillow?

The Pancake Pillow is a pillow that has a fillable shell that holds up to 6 pads, called ‘pancakes.’ You can add as many or as few pancakes you prefer, making the pillow fluffy and full, or soft and smaller. The pancakes can be added and removed at any time by unzipping the side of the pillow.

This is a great product for anyone who wants control over their pillow, or who may need a temporary adjustment from time to time. The shell is made from 100% cotton, making it breathable and cool.

Sometimes trouble sleeping or restless sleep can be contributed to not having the right pillow, and sometimes people don’t even know that their pillow is a problem until they see a difference by changing it. Adjusting your pillow softness and height can help with back, neck, and leg pain, and can help you sleep deeper and longer as well.

How Does the Pancake Pillow Work?

The secret to the Pancake Pillow is the removable pancakes inside. The pillow works by unzipping on three sides to reveal the pads, and it can hold up to six at one time. This makes both the softness of the pillow and the height of the pillow adjustable. Stack as many or as little pads in the pillow to create the perfect finish for your preference

Other benefits of the Pancake Pillow include:

  • 300 thread count, 100% cotton shell
  • It is made with a down alternative; super soft microfiber filling
  • It comes with 6, stackable inner layers that you can add or remove to your comfort level
  • It is available in standard (queen) and king sizes
  • It is zippered on three sides, for easy addition or removal of the inner layers as you prefer
  • Is a great pillow for those who suffer from back or neck pain, and can be adjusted as preferred at any time
  • You can adjust both the softness and the height as needed
  • It is backed by a 100% money back guarantee for 30 days!

How Will the Pancake Pillow Benefit Me?

The Pancake Pillow will provide you with a comfortable pillow that you can tailor to your individual needs and wants. It is a great product for anyone who may need to adjust their pillow from time to time

Pancake Pillow Pricing

The regular price of the Pancake Pillow is $119.99 plus shipping and handling. Right now they are having a sale and you can purchase this product for only $79.99 plus shipping and handling for a queen-sized pancake pillow

Should You Buy the Pancake Pillow?

If you suffer from back, neck, or leg pain, struggle with falling or staying asleep because of your pillow, or just want to try a pillow you have more control over, the Pancake Pillow may be the right product for you.

By adjusting the softness and height of your pillow, you may see a difference in how you sleep, how your pain is, and many other things. Getting a good night’s rest is important, and choosing the right pillow will make all the difference in how you rest

For more information on the Pancake Pillow and how it can work for you, visit their website for details

Pancake Pillow Review Summary

You can learn more about Pancake Pillow, read about how this product can benefit you, and find out how to place your order for this product at their website at

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