One Two Cosmetics Magnetic Lashes – Natural Eyelash Extensions?


One Two Magnetic Lashes is a company that offers multiple lash styles to help consumers to show off their beautiful eyes. They are affordable, and come with a reliable return policy for consumers that want to try a fresh look.

About One Two Magnetic Lashes

When it comes to makeup, the eyes are usually one of the most fun areas to dress up. There are thousands of eyeshadow shades and ways to apply the colors, which are easily complemented with eyeliner and mascara. However, the best way to open the eyes is to curl the lashes and make them look longer. While many mascaras claim to create this effect, most people become irritated by the ingredients included, which causes them to turn to falsies.

Celebrities and partygoers alike use false lashes, helping to provide more depth and contrast with the appearance of their eyes. There are many design and colors that these types of lashes come with, and they function easily with the makeup the consumers use anyway. However, the worst part about falsies is the application and removal, which typically involves an adhesive that is difficult to use, regardless of the user’s ability to line it up properly. Rather than getting covered in the glue that comes with these lashes, consumers are encouraged to try out the One Two Magnetic Lashes instead.

The One Two Magnetic Lashes need no adhesive whatsoever. The patent is pending on the process and design, but there is no way to damage the user’s real lashes while applying or removing them. Furthermore, they take seconds to apply, which means that there is no delay for consumers that need to reapply glue multiple times in trial and error.

The One Two Cosmetics brand was founded in 2014, and aimed to provide consumers with beauty accessories and products that are not a hassle to use. The lashes are just the start of their expansive band, which will soon be releasing One Two Eye, One Two Skin, and One Two Lip, which all can complement the existing makeup regimen of consumers.

How Do One Two Magnetic Lashes Work?

The reason that the One Two Magnetic Lashes are effective is due to a micro-magnetic technology, which is patented by the company. These lashes work on the outside of the lash line, using magnetic energy to connect at the corner with each other, positioning them in place. Even though there is no glue, the structure of the lashes is enough to keep them in place.

Due to the way that the lashes are designed, they can adorn any eyelid, regardless of age or ethnicity. The only thing that users need to do is to take care of them properly to be used repeatedly.

Applying The One Two Magnetic Lashes

Even though there are instructions on the website and in the package that the user received, the company offers a video tutorial for consumers to understand better. However, the process is simple:

  • Take the lash without the red indicator dot, and position it over the natural lashes of the top eyelid.
  • Leave the lash, and put the lash with a red dot under the natural lashes of the top lid. The lash will connect with the top lash, holding it in place.

That is it. There is no glue or clicking into place. The lashes will simply stay put. To take them off, the user will need to slide the magnets away from each other, but without pulling them off.

Pricing For The One Two Magnetic Lashes

There are multiple magnetic lash sets available for consumers, depending the usage and the style. Consumers can choose from:

  • Original Lash, which is the full set of the lashes for daily wear: $69.00
  • Bold Lash, which has length and volume for a more dramatic look: $69.00
  • Accent Lash, which accent the edge of the lash line with a flirty curl: $59.00
  • One Two Wash, which helps to wash the lashes and eliminate any makeup the user has on their eye: $20.00

Consumers can easily take off the lashes daily and use a new look at a moment’s notice. However, if the user finds that this accessory is not the best for them, the products come with a 60-day return policy.

Contacting The Creators Of One Two Magnetic Lashes

With this innovative technology, consumer may want to learn more from the customer service team to decide if these lashes are the best choice for them. The customer service team offers a phone number to reach them, which is (800) 424-9118. Consumers can reach them on weekdays from 5:00am to 7:00pm PST, and on weekends from 6:00am to 4:30pm.

One Two Magnetic Lashes Review Summary

One Two Magnetic Lashes create a solution for people that love the appearance of long and full lashes, but do not naturally have them, or desire to work with the frustrating glue of falsies. The magnetized strip on the lashes make it easy to connect with the eyelid, and will not ruin the natural lashes that are already on the eye. The application process is simple, and the user can be ready within seconds.

If you want to try a new way of bringing out the natural beauty of the eye, One Two Magnetic Lashes may be an accessory to consider.

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