The Neck Hammock – Cervical Traction Muscle Tension Pain Relief?


Offering an affordable and effective solution to neck pain, the Neck Hammock is a lightweight cervical tension device that can be used anywhere for alleviated pinched nerves, pressure, and tension.

Please continue reading for more about this pain-relieving mechanism.

About The Neck Hammock

Tension in the neck is a widespread problem as a common place for stress to manifest and for those who work at a desk or sit for most of the day. Neck pain contributes to tension headaches, shoulder tension, increased stress, poor posture, expensive physiotherapy, the inability to relax, and poor sleep.

Common remedies include medication that may dull the pain without addressing the underlying issue or expensive physical therapy sessions that do not always work. Utilizing cervical traction, the Neck Hammock is a portable and easy to use instrumental for alleviating neck pain and its associated discomforts.

Dr. Steve Sudell, a physical therapist who deals with neck pain on a daily basis with his clients, developed this product after trying all the popular methods for dealing with tension. He found that cervical traction is typically the most successful route for relieving pain but that most home-based traction equipment was bulky, expensive, or ineffective.

Cervical traction works by caressing the head and neck in a slightly elevated position above the shoulders. By allowing the muscles to relax and gradually stretch, the space between the spine’s vertebrae expands for increased delivery of nutrients and blood flow. Enhanced oxygen delivery aids in nourishing and healing tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves for better mobility and decreased pain.

With this method, not only is tension melted away for improved comfort, but pinched nerves and bulging discs are alleviated and overall pressure is relieved.

The Neck Hammock is an affordable and comfortable product with a lightweight and compact design for use when traveling.

How Does This Hammock Work?

Designed for easy use, this product requires only a door or rail to function properly. Simply wrap the fabric hook around the back handle, that which is hidden from view, of a closed door, so that the leash passes between the door and the doorjamb. If using a rail or pole, wrap the fabric around something parallel to the floor.

Then lay on the ground, keeping the body straight and the back against the floor with the head and neck cradled by the hammock. Benefits can be felt with just 10 minutes of use per day.

Due to convenient use and a small time requirement, it is more realistic for users to utilize cervical traction consistently for noticeable benefits.

Many professional athletes have already tested The Neck Hammock and most report immediately relief and increased feelings of relaxation. Other test subjects have found it so comfortable that they have fallen asleep while using it.

The Neck Hammock Pledge Packet Features

The Neck Hammock:

A doorjamb strap and long strap for poles or rails are both included for personalized user, as well as fully adjustable straps to alter how far The Neck Hammock is from the ground.

As for the hammock itself, therapeutic and medical grade parts are integrated into foam that wraps around the contours of the head and pads that support the ears and the base of the head for a comfortable ergonomic design.

A bungee cord allows for up to 40 pounds of tension for deep stretching. The entire mechanism is hand washable and is approved by the FDA as a medical device.

Travel Bag:

Easy storage and portability means that users can take this product with them while traveling for continued daily use and consistent relief of neck pain.

Calm App:

With a 14-day free trial included in each Kickstarter pledge, the Calm App leads listeners through breathing exercisers to promote both mental and physical relaxation.

“The Daily Stretch” eBook:

Designed to boost energy and overall physical mobility, these stretches were curated by professionals in the fitness and physical therapy industries for optimal benefit. Users only have to perform a single stretch per day for appreciable gains.

Pricing For The Neck Hammock

As a Kickstarter fundraiser, manufacturing of The Neck Hammock is guaranteed as it has exceeded its financial goal by over $40,000. However, over a month still remains in the campaign with plenty of opportunity for donors to receive their own Neck Hammock package at significantly discounted prices.

With some of the options no longer available due to maximum usage, potential backers still have a wide variety in choice of how to contribute.

Currently the lowest possible contribution that will receive the product is a pledge of $59, a 25% discount off retail value. This price is offered as an early bird special, though, and is only available for a few more days.

The second lowest option is a contribution of $69 in which donors will receive the Neck Hammock for 13$ off the retail price.

Should You Use The Neck Hammock?

Developed by a physical therapist and backed by multiple professional athletes, this might be a suitable mechanism for alleviating neck pain for those who hold tension in their upper body, sit for most of the day, or those who are consistently physically active.

More information about The Neck Hammock can be found at:

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