Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner – Goji Nutrition’s Herbal Supplement?


What Is Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner?

The Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner is a Goji Nutrition owned weight loss supplement that is designed to boost the body’s metabolism and burn body fat. They claim that this product is beneficial for the following

  • Breaking down body fat
  • Decreasing fat absorption
  • Boost metabolism speed
  • Increase energy
  • Decrease appetite and control cravings
  • Regulate cholesterol level
  • Improve the body’s blood pressure
  • Help cleanse/detox the body
  • Improve digestive health
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Provide additional nutrients for the body
  • Provide additional fiber intake


There are 15 key ingredients used in Keto’s Fat Burner. They claim that these ingredients are slimming agents and that there are 1,400 milligrams of nutrients per capsule. The nutritional breakdown for the product are as follows:

  • Vitamin B6: 10mg
  • Chromium Picolinate: 50mcg
  • African Mango Extract: 300mg
  • Green Tea Extract: 250mg
  • Acai Berry Extract: 180mg
  • Capsicum Extract: 160mg
  • Cinnamon Extract: 100mg
  • L-Tyrosine: 70mg
  • Guarana Extract: 60mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous: 45mg
  • Bitter Orange Peel Powder: 45mg
  • Raspberry Ketones: 25mg
  • Siberian Ginseng Extract: 25mg
  • Kelp Extract: 20mg
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Powder: 8mg
  • Black Pepper Extract: 2mg

Goji Nutrition claims that the key fat burning agents in this product are the African mango, green tea, acai berry, raspberry ketones, cinnamon, and L-Tyrosine. Let’s investigate deeper into these ingredients.

African Mango Extract

African mango is a popular fruit whose extract is commonly used in weight loss supplements. Keto claims that this extract can speed up the metabolism and suppress one’s appetite. While these claims have been used for many supplement products in the diet pill industry, there on conflicting studies and evidence that prove these claims. Most experts say that this ingredient will not help one lose weight by itself.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is another common plant used as a weight loss ingredient in the supplement industry. Due to its caffeine content, they claim that is can burn body fat and boost the body’s immune system. There is medical evidence that green tea could be effective for treating those who have high cholesterol; however there is insufficient evidence to support its weight loss claims.

Acai Berry Extract

Acai berry extract is another common ingredient in the weight loss/supplement industry. It is claimed that this plant extract can improve weight loss and boost the cardiovascular and immune system due to its antioxidant rich content; however, there is currently insufficient evidence to support these claims.

Raspberry Ketones

Goji Nutrition claims that raspberry ketones provide a lot of benefits to losing weight. They claim that this fruit contains natural fat burning hormones that boost fat loss. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support its claim despite the popularity of this fruit in the supplement and weight loss industry.

Cinnamon Extract

Goji Nutrition claims that the extract from cinnamon can boost the metabolism. They say it can also improve insulin sensitivity which can help users reduce sugar cravings and process carbs in a more efficient manner. There is currently some research that certain types of cinnamon can help lower blood sugar, but there is currently not enough evidence to make this claim 100% true. As far as boosting the metabolism, there is no evidence to support that claim.


L-Tyrosine is an amino acid. It is claimed that this ingredient can provide weight loss benefits when combined with a restricted diet. Some of the claimed benefits include:

  • Better food consumption
  • Cognitive behavior
  • Improved activity performance
  • Increased energy

L-Tyrosine is a probable remedy to improving alertness, memory and mental performance, but there is more evidence needed to make this claim 100% effective. There is not enough evidence to support the claims of increased activity performance and weight loss.

Is Exercise Needed For This Product To Work?

The Keto Fat Burner will not work on its own. They suggest using this product in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. Keto does not advise users to eat a drastically calorie restrictive diet.

Recommended Dosage

Goji Nutrition advises first time users to take 3 capsules a day for the first 3 to 4 days, so they can get use to the product. After the trial stage, users can up the intake to taking 2 capsules, 3 times daily. The capsules should be taken with 8 oz. of water. They recommend taking the capsules on an empty stomach, 30 to 45 minutes before food or exercise. After using the product for 3 consecutive months, they recommend taking a 2 to 3 week break before using the product again. Each order comes with 90 capsules.

When One Should Expect Results

Goji Nutrition claims that results are typically seen in 2 to 3 months if the product has been taken continuously while eating a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis.

Purchasing Information

The Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner can be purchased on Goji Nutrition’s website: The product is currently priced at 19.99 British pounds.

Conclusion – Is Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner Legit?

All of the fat burning agents used in the Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner either container conflicting or no evidence to help with fat loss. This shows there isn’t much legitimacy in the product. For this reason, this product is not recommended for users.

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