Black Pepper Extract (Piperine) Review
Black Pepper Extract, also known as piperine, has been linked with a variety of health benefits, including improved liver health. Find out if black pepper extract is the right supplement for your health needs today in our guide.
What is Black Pepper Extract?
Black pepper extract is the concentrated and condensed form of black pepper. It’s also referred to as piperine, although that can be a bit of a misnomer.
Piperine is actually the alkaloid responsible for the unique smell of black pepper. That compound has been used in certain types of traditional medicine for centuries. It’s also used in some modern insecticides.
Today, more and more studies are looking at black pepper extract for its health benefits, which include better liver protection and increased supplement absorption.
Benefits of Black Pepper Extract
There are two key benefits of black pepper extract, including:
— Improved Liver Health
— Better Nutrient And Supplement Absorption (including 2000% Better Bioavailability Of Curcumin)
Most people take piperine for the first and second benefits. You can take piperine to boost your absorption of other health supplements, for example, which makes them more bioactive and more effective.
How Does Black Pepper Extract Work?
Black pepper extract and the piperine inside of it creates salts only when mixed with strong acids. Chemically speaking, a plantinochloride inside of piperine forms orange-red needles as a salt.
In the human body, we don’t exactly know how piperine works. However, scientists generally believe that it works by inhibiting the metabolism of certain enzymes. These enzymes may be used to breakdown certain compounds within the body, which can reduce the effectiveness of certain supplements. By inhibiting these enzymes, black pepper extract can increase the bioavailability of certain compounds.
This effect is particularly noticeable when you look at curcumin. The bioavailability of curcumin increases by 2000% when you take it with piperine. Thus, if you’re taking curcumin for its general health benefits, then you’re advised to take black pepper extract with it as well.
Some other research indicates that piperine can affect other parts of the body as well. One study showed that piperine can enhance the pharmacokinetic characteristics of resveratrol by inhibiting an enzyme called glucoronidation, which slows the metabolism of resveratrol. If you’re drinking red wine for its health benefits or taking a resveratrol supplement, then piperine may enhance its effectiveness.
One final observed effect of piperine is that it stimulates pigmentation in the skin, which can increase the rate of tanning in skin exposed to UV light. Check out this study for more information about that effect.
How to Buy Black Pepper Extract
Black pepper extract is typically sold under the name “Bioperine”, which is a trademarked formula, or the more general name, piperine. You can find dozens of health supplement manufacturers selling bioperine supplements online.
Most supplements will advertise their concentration of piperine. This supplement, for example, contains 95% piperine. Bioperine is simply a trademarked piperine formula that mixes black pepper extract with other ingredients.
That supplement is priced at $7.95 for a package of 120 Bioperine tablets. Each tablet contains 10mg of Bioperine formula.
In general, you can expect to pay between $8 and $15 for an average monthly supply of black pepper extract, or piperine.
How does it boost resveratrol? Mel