Joint Muscle Freedom – Patriot Health Alliance Pain Relief?


Patriot Health Alliance Joint Muscle Freedom

Having a hard time sleeping, walking or simply dressing up in the morning? Tired of consistent and continuous back pains? These are some of many symptoms associated with poor joint health. While the standard physiotherapy, natural remedies, and the use of various creams are set in place, there is yet to exist one solution that can help relieve every individual.

Joint pain is believed to occur from within the body, as opposed to exterior causes. When the body’s defense system, also referred to as the complement system experiences an imbalance, it fails to activate proteins in the body that are responsible for eliminating any form of pain inducing components. More specifically, joint tissues end up releasing inflammatory chemicals that negatively impact the synovial fluids surrounding the joints. After having understood this phenomenon, the Patriot Health Alliance came up with a new solution called the Joint & Muscle Freedom.

With the use of the Joint Muscle Freedom, consumers may experience an ease in movement; whether it entails the neck, elbow, hip, ankle, knee, wrist or shoulder regions. To better understand Patriot Health Alliance approach to relieving joint pain, the following review will take a closer look at the Joint & Muscle Freedom in terms of its purpose, its ingredients, its uses and its current going price.

About Joint Muscle Freedom

The Joint Muscle Freedom is a dietary supplement that claims to promote joint function, support joint and muscle relief and enhance muscle strength. What differentiates this supplement from others is its use of natural ingredients that claim to contain faster delivering, maximum absorbing and potent properties.

What Are Its Ingredients?

While most supplements or topical solutions make use of ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM and willow bark for healing purposes, the Patriot Health ALLIANCE claims to have incorporated a wide range of natural resources that are stronger and can fight off pain 10 times faster. The ingredients used are: Silymarin, ApresFlex® Boswellia Serrata, and Lutein and Zeaxanthin.


Silymarin is an herbal component that is derived from the Milk Thistle plant. Based on its properties, it can potentially prevent two key inflammatory molecules, IL-8 and IL-6, from expanding in the joint’s synovial fluids. In addition, it can also reduce inflammatory chemicals that are responsible for damaging the cartilage between joints.

ApresFlex® Boswellia Serrata

ApresFlex® Boswellia Serrata is said to eliminate and prevent the damages caused by inflammatory chemicals to the cartilage. It does so by reducing an enzyme known as MMP3, which is automatically activated by inflammatory molecules. Ultimately, its uses can benefit joint health, as it may increase cartilage production, and collagen needed to support healthy cartilage in a faster and effective manner.

Lutein And Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two of three components that have once only been associated with eye health, as they can block blue light from reaping deep within the retina. Recent studies have proven that the duo may play a significant role in the strength one’s joint health as well. It can be helpful for those looking to strengthen knees, hips, joints and hands, especially during the aging stage of life.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are essential nutrients known to prevent weakness, stiffness and the feeling of disability. This is because, the duo can potentially increase carotenoid levels. In addition, they may also contribute towards increased muscle strength, flexibility and mobility. These proclaimed benefits are possible due to the duo’s ability to protect muscle cells from coming into contact with free radical and oxidative damage.

How Should Consumers Make Use Of The Joint Muscle Freedom?

To make optimal use of the Joint Muscle Freedom by Patriot Health Alliance, consumers are advised to take one capsule twice daily; one in the morning and one at night.

How much is its current going price?

Consumers can choose from three different purchase options and they are as follows:

  • 1 bottle: $49.95 (excluding shipping and handling)
  • 3 bottles: $149
  • 5 bottles: $149

Each bottle contains a month’s worth of supply. In terms of affordability, the 5-bottle offer is one to consider given that consumers get 5 for the price of 3, a roll-on Patriot Flex, free shipping and handling and a pedometer.

The Patriot Flex can be used alongside the Joint Muscle Freedom. It is a topical solution that contains warming and cooling ingredients including: cinnamon, clove, capsicum, rosemary, eucalyptus, camphor, wintergreen, peppermint, menthol and tea tree oils. The pedometer can come in handy to better assess one’s progress when walking. Lastly, for every bulk purchase, a certain amount may be donated to support the military men and women.

Joint Muscle Freedom Summary

Overall, the Joint Muscle Freedom can potentially bring positive results anywhere between 5 and 7 days. Unlike most topical solutions that may bring temporary ease, the Joint & Muscle Freedom works on a long-term basis to enhance joint health. When used as directed and on a daily basis, one’s pain may start to reduce, while an increase in flexibility and strength may become more apparent. With up to 80% of silymarin available in each serving size, one’s joints may experience the help it requires from within the body. For more information, go to:

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