Immortal Machine – David Wolfe Longevity Superfood Drink Mix?


Superfood supplements have become a rage in the past couple of decades. This is primarily due to the fact that these supplements have been devised to aid in the optimisation of our inner work/ metabolic capacity.

Many of these supplements contain a mix of high-octane proteins and other essential vitamins and minerals that help users build their inner primal force, core energy, and stamina. Other than that, these products also may help in increasing endurance and assisting in faster recovery after an intense exercise session.

However, while choosing such supplements it is of utmost importance that users do their homework. This means that, one should do a thorough check of all the ingredients that are contained within such products before making a purchase.

About Immortal Machine

Immortal Machine is an all new ‘energy release supplement’ that has been designed to help users build primal force, assist in sustained energy release, increase stamina/ endurance and even assist in faster workout recovery. In terms of its composition, the supplement is fully natural and has been certified vegan.

Additionally, it contains no added sugar, is soy-free and possesses no traces of any gluten or other common allergens. Lastly, the supplement is is made from non-GMO ingredients, thus users can be sure about the quality of the product.

In relation to its usage, Immortal Machine is primarily designed to support peak performance and athletic output for fighters, athletes, dancers, or basically anyone seeking to intensify their overall physical output.

Why Choose Immortal Machine?

Some of the key aspects of this supplement that make it unique include:

(i) 100% Organic Superfoods and Superherbs: as mentioned previously, all of the core components of this product have been herbally derived. They are fully biocompatible with our bodies, and can deliver results quickly and efficiently.

(ii) Good Protein Content: there is lots of specialised proteins and amino acids in the mix. These compounds help in the faster generation of muscle fibre, which in turn allows for added power and strength.

(iii) Natural Anabolic Alternative: Immortal Machine is a good alternative to anabolic steroids that may be harmful for our bodies in the long run.

(iv) Vegan: the supplement is fully vegan and does not contain any milk, meat derivatives.

(v) Sugar Free: there are no processed sugars in the mix. Thus, users can be sure of using the product without any worries of blowing up their calorie budget.

(vi) No additives: like all high quality supplements, there are no chemicals, binders, fillers or volumizers in the supplement. What one sees on the label, is what one gets inside.

(vii) Meal Replacement: when used as prescribed, the supplement can be used as a meal replacement solution (due to its ability to compensate for all vital nutrients needed by our bodies).

Compositional Data

(i) Organic Hemp Powder:

This natural protein powder is made from hemp seeds that have been clinically studied, and found to possess the most complete ‘edible and usable protein’ available in the food market today.

Additionally, this protein powder is easy on the stomach and can be easily digested. It contains 65% globulin edestin and 35% albumin protein – and contains over 50% protein.

(ii) Organic Arriba Criollo Cacao Powder:

Studies have shown that Cacao is one of the the best sources of magnesium of any food available in the market today. Not only does it contain plenty of iron per serving, but it also has an extremely high concentration of antioxidants within it.

Lastly, it is also exceptionally rich in other vital nutrients like ‘chromium, anandamide, theobromine, manganese, zinc, copper, vitamin C, omega-6 fatty acids, PEA, tryptophan, and serotonin’.

(iii) Lucuma Powder:

This natural extract is a raw, organic sweetener that also imparts the supplement with a ‘creamy texture, a strong fragrance, and a full-bodied maple syrup-like flavor’.

In terms of its nutritional profile, Lucuma is low in acid, low in sugar, and is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, and vitamins (especially B vitamins). Lastly, this natural sweetener also possesses good quantities of beta-carotene, niacin, and iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Immortal Machine Reviews

The reviews online have been positive and indicate that Immortal Machine does its job well. Satisfied customers include David W who says ‘This chocolatey drink tastes awesome! It is hard to describe the rich flavor, it is just amazing. I usually blend it in the nutribullet with some almond milk and ice and a little maca powder. I put the Immortal Machine powder in last as I find that then it doesn't stick to the nutribullet.

I am so happy I found this product. Thank you!’ Similarly, Paul H says ‘Noticeable difference in endurance for athletic activities. Little bit of trouble with the clumping, still, a great product.’

Lastly, Eve H says ‘I was lucky enough to nab two of these at the longevity conference, before its official release. I was hanging out in the desert afterwards, pretty much living off a 30/30/30 blend of immortal machine, spirulina, and chlorella. I mixed it with raw coconut water at first, but ran out and switched to water with no problems. Immortal Machine is unbelievably well calibrated and has helped my body get cleaner,’

Immortal Machine Pricing And Availability

Each container of Immortal Machine contains 1lb of the powder, and should last users for at least a month. One unit is priced at $39.99 and can be ordered from Longevity Warehouse’s official website. Payments can be done using safe means like PayPal, Maestro, Visa. There are also a host of delivery options that users can choose from.

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