ICON Meals Protein Popcorn – Natural Air Popped Whey Popcorn?


Protein is an important part of any diet. Unfortunately, most people do not get the amount of protein they need to keep their bodies thriving. As this fact has become more and more well-known, many have turned to protein supplements in order to enhance their current diets. The most popular forms of supplemental protein are powders, which are mixed with liquids to create a shake, and protein bars.

Unfortunately, these options often have a chalky, gritty texture and don’t taste very good, causing many people to give up on consuming more protein.

Protein Popcorn is a new and innovative way for people to get the protein they need in a delicious way. As the name suggests, Protein Popcorn is an air popped popcorn snack that has been covered with delicious flavors.

In addition to these different flavors, ICON Meals Protein Popcorn includes whey protein, giving users the protein their bodies need in the form of their favorite snack.

About ICON Meals Protein Popcorn

Protein Popcorn was created because the company realized that the majority of protein options on the market tasted disgusting or didn’t provide enough protein to really be of any good. In order to break down both these barriers, the company began adding whey to popcorn snacks. As more and more people raved about this innovation, Protein Popcorn was born. Now, customers can get the protein that will help fuel their bodies conveniently mixed in with their favorite snacks.

As the popularity of ICON Meals Protein Popcorn has grown, the company has expanded its product line. Now, Protein Popcorn offers eight different flavors of its delicious and all-natural popcorn. With these different options, customers of varying tastes, whether they want salty or sweet, will find the perfect option to meet their snacking and protein needs.

Benefits of Protein

Protein is considered one of the most important compounds in the body, since it serves as a building block for much of the body. Protein can be found in every cell of the body, serving as a hormone balancer and as the foundation for the growth of muscle, hair, and even nails. More and more, people are realizing that eating the right protein is critical for losing weight and growing lean muscle mass.

Thankfully, protein is found in a wide variety of food. The problem is, with the modern diet relying more on processed foods, many aren’t getting the amount of protein they need to be healthy and strong.

Protein Popcorn was created because the company realized how important it was for people to get the recommended daily amount of protein. One of the biggest benefits of Protein Popcorn is that it boosts the metabolism, encouraging better weight loss. With obesity rates on the rise throughout the Western world, it’s extremely important for people to have all the help they can get to lose weight and stay healthy.

While protein can boost the metabolism and encourage weight loss, it also provides additional benefits for those trying to lose weight. For example, the long-chained amino acid also increases energy levels, making it easier for people to power through their days and stay active.

Most often, protein is associated with the growth of muscle, which is very true. Protein plays a huge role in building muscle mass, which can in turn help improve the health, wellness, and fitness of those who consume enough of the compound. For those who struggle eating or drinking enough protein, Protein Popcorn is the perfect snack to keep around, making it simpler to reach the daily recommended amount.

What Makes ICON Meals Protein Popcorn Unique

One of the reasons Protein Popcorn is so unique is that it provides a huge boost of protein per serving in its delicious snacks. The body differs in the amounts of protein it needs to stay healthy. Studies say that men need about seven ounces of protein a day, while women need about five ounces.

The best thing about Protein Popcorn is that it provides ten grams of protein per serving. And since no one can stop with just one serving of Protein Popcorn, the snack gets customers well on their way to meeting their daily requirements of protein.

While protein is important, Protein Popcorn doesn’t want people to compromise other areas of their health to get what their bodies need. In order to protect the health and wellness of its customers, Protein Popcorn only uses natural, air popped popcorn, which is then infused with whey protein.

The whey protein used for Protein Popcorn is of the highest quality, allowing the body to process it better. However, more importantly, because Protein Popcorn uses an air popping method, customers don’t have to worry about additional calories or fat from butter or oil in their snack.

Another way Protein Popcorn is unique is that the company offers such a wide range of different flavored popcorns. When it comes to snacking, no one wants routine. Most people want a little variety in their snacks, which is why Protein Popcorn offers eight different flavors of popcorn.

Now, no matter what people are craving, Protein Popcorn is able to provide just the right solution, with a hefty amount of protein, too.

Products Sold by ICON Meals Protein Popcorn

As mentioned above, Protein Popcorn offers eight different flavor options for its popcorns. Each bag of the popcorn contains four cups and costs only $8. A list of the different flavors available through Protein Popcorn can be found below.

  • Dark Chocolate Sea Salt
  • Cinnabun Krunch
  • Mint Chocolate
  • Canadian Maple
  • Peanut Butter Vanilla
  • Freedom
  • Caffeinated Kernels Espresso
  • Banana Split

ICON Meals Protein Popcorn also offers a sampler pack of six flavors for $42. Shipping options and additional details on Protein Popcorn can be found on the company website (www.ProteinPopcorn.com).

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