Hot at Home – Jackie Burgmann’s Workout Exercise Diet System?


Losing weight is not easy and many people try it every year and just give up. It is great that they try, but giving up tends to discourage weight loss efforts in the future, which can be greatly detrimental to one’s health.

A big reason that people give up is that they end up throwing themselves into the deep end. They think that they have to radically change their lives and that idea alone scares them out of it.

One facet of losing weight is, of course, reshaping your diet to include more healthy foods and less unhealthy foods. That is not typically the part that scares a lot of people away. The part that discourages a lot of people is the exercise facet. Daily physical activity can be hard for people to fit into their schedule.

On top of the difficulty of fitting it into their schedule, their bodies just might not be ready for it (at least in their mind). This is a problem that a new workout program known as Hot at Home hopes to address. Will this program help you? Let’s find out!

Introduction To Hot At Home

The name says a lot about the program. You will not need to go to a gym, which can be a very intimidating place for people who are just starting to workout. Nope, you get to do these exercises in the comfort of your own home. Just make sure to clear up a little bit of room in whatever area you choose to exercise in.

The Hot at Home program utilizes a technique called Structured Variability. What a lot of people do not know is that the body can actually get used to a certain workout routine which then reduces the effectiveness of that routine.

Once your body adjusts to that routine, it stops having as big of an effect on your metabolism as it once had and you stop losing weight. This is what many experts call a “plateau”. With Hot at Home, this possibility is all but erased thanks to that aforementioned technique called Structured Variability.

What Is Structured Variability?

Structured Variability is the hallmark of the Hot at Home program and it basically works by switching up the exercise routine before your body can get used to it. This keeps your body on its toes and ensures that your workout will always send your metabolism into overdrive.

And these swaps are in intervals so when your body just starts to think that it has your routine figured out, you pull the rug right out from under it and start doing something else. This sends your metabolism crazy and you will start seeing and feeling all of that fat burned right up.

Components Of Hot At Home

The Hot at Home workout programs comes with a lot of different guides that give you various strategies to help you burn fat. They are all based on the Structured Variability principle, but show you different ways of utilizing it to fit your needs and capabilities.

The guides will show you what exercises work best, what time of day is best for maximizing the impact of your workout, and good exercise combinations to do to experience the most gains. The best part is – you will not even need to fit that much time into your schedule for this. Most of these workouts can be done at any time (although as I stated earlier, their guides do tell you what the best times to work out are).

About The Hot Home Program

  1. The main manual for the program which helps you understand the process, as well as detailing various problems you may run into and how to overcome them. It also helps you get started right away on the workouts. This manual is in both printed form and DVD form.
  2. A book of all of the workouts that you can do in the program as well as an accompanying DVD that demonstrates the workouts.
  3. A book that debunks one of the most commonly believed myths as it pertains to working out.
  4. A book that teaches you the secrets of achieving and maintaining a slender and sexier look.
  5. A book that details the 10 directives you should live by to reduce your calorie intake.
  6. A guide that helps you decide whether or not you should eat certain foods.
  7. The entire program in audio form.
  8. You will receive updates to the program and be able to get help if you are having trouble for life.

All of this for the very low price of 25 bucks. There has got to be a catch somewhere, right?

Any Downsides?

Nope! This program is very extensive, but quite simple to get the hang of. If you have never exercised in your life before, it might be a bit of a challenge to get started. However, once you do get the ball rolling, it will get much easier.

The Structured Variability may prove to be a challenge for some and that is caused by the body wanting you to keep doing the exercises that it was getting used to. However, you must fight that and keep going on with the switch-ups if you want to keep your metabolism working on overdrive.

Hot At Home Review Summary

I believe that the Hot at Home program is a very well thought-out and designed system to greatly assist those looking to lose weight fast. I actually learned a lot from this program, especially the whole idea of Structured Variability. Prior to trying this program, I did not know much about the exercise plateau and how the body can get adjusted to a certain routine and cause that routine’s metabolism-boosting effects to wear off over time.

This was certainly eye-opening and made the program worth the 25 bucks alone just for that. But for just 25 dollars, you are getting way more than just that which makes the Hot at Home program a great value. Not to mention, the maker of the program is very responsive and friendly. She is also in incredible shape, which she attributes to this program.

And if you are somehow still on the fence about this incredible workout program, the maker provides a two month full refund policy. This means that if you are not satisfied with the results you are getting or if you just want to give up (which you really should not), you can return all of the products within two months and receive a full refund.

They will not hound you and ask why you are returning. It is just as simple as requesting a refund within that window and then sending the product back and getting your money back. No harm, no foul. I do not think many people will be using this generous policy though, because this program is the real deal and delivers results.

Earlier I asked a question and now is the time that I answer it.

Will This Program Help You?

If you are having trouble losing weight, then the Hot at Home program will definitely help you! I strongly recommend you try it today.

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