Imagine being able to eat all the carbs you want, whilst still shedding weight and melting body fat. How cool would that be?
For many people looking to lose weight, the diets often recommended tend to low carb, high fat or high protein, low carb diets. In fact, the single biggest reason people are unable to lose weight or stick with their diets is that it’s too hard and difficult.
Often times, the drastic changes required for them to stick to a diet makes it incredibly difficult for them to persevere with it long enough to start seeing good results.
Then comes Rusty Moore and Mark Kislich with claims that you can eat all the carbs you want and still lose weight in the High Carb Fat Loss weight loss program. Would that immediately appeal to you?
We’re going to take a guess and say, yes. This approach to weight loss is considered highly controversial seeing as there are tons of other diets –primarily low carb- that have been proven to work.
The general fitness community currently posits that carbs and sugars are responsible for weight gain and obesity. So, when someone’s claims counter current and known societal concepts, people surely notice. This is the case with High Carb Fat Loss.
What is High Carb Fat Loss?
In simple terms, it’s a weight loss program unlike no other in the market. This is a program designed to help you lose weight by eating the regular carbs that you would eat, and cutting down on the fat that you consume.
This is why we said it’s unusual. The creators of the course, Rusty Moore and Mark Kislich, claim that their program can help you lose weight without having to forgo your favorite carbs.
They claim that science actually supports their ideas about weight gain being caused by high fatty foods, instead of carbs. This is vastly different from established weight loss and dieting programs that are centered on protein and fats.
Interestingly, it appears science actually agrees with them. Researchers and scientists leading tertiary institutions such as Columbia University agree that carbs don’t necessarily translate into fat, and the resultant weight loss.
Instead, excess carbs are stored as glycogen in muscles and converted to energy as the need arises. It’s only in extreme situations that the glycogen is then converted into fat in the liver and stored in the adipose tissue.
According to the Columbia University website, “research completed over the last several decades suggests that if you are eating a diet that is appropriate for your levels of daily activity, little to no carbohydrate is converted to fat in your body.
For most people (unless you have a metabolic disorder) when you eat carbs they are digested, broken down to glucose, and then transported to all the cells in your body. They are then metabolized and used to support cellular processes. If you’re active and eating appropriately for your activity level, most of the carbs you consume are more or less burned immediately.”
This is the basis of the concept put forward in the High Carb Fat Loss program. The creators themselves are seasoned fitness guys. Rusty Moore is a seasoned fitness expert known in the US, while Mark trains high value Olympic athletes.
These two have distilled their impressive expertise and knowledge into this easy to use program, showing you what to eat, when to eat and how to ensure that you lose weight while doing that. Some of the course’s content include:
- How the High Carb Fat Loss program will help accelerate weight loss whilst retaining your energy levels –this is something you won’t find in many weight loss programs.
- How much protein you need to eat to pack on lean muscle hint: it’s not as much as you think
- How to eat as much as 5,000 calories daily and still not put on fat
- How to identify high-fat foods so you can avoid them
- Seasoned health and longevity advice from a 103 year old cardio surgeon who still drives
- Correcting your insulin resistance by eating a high carb, low fat diet
- Eat what you want and still lose weight
- Recipes and high carb foods you can eat and even mix with processed foods, without gaining any weight
- How many times you need to eat and in what quantities to maximize the benefits of the program
Our Take on High Carb Fat Loss Weight Loss Program
Based on their experience, skills and results, we believe that this program may be able to help you lose weight if you are able to implement everything in the course and use as suggested.
Priced at $27 –please note that this is a pre-launch price which is available till the 17th of Nov, after which it jumps to $67- this is probably worth investing in. If the course delivers on its promises, $27 is a bargain for a course from recognized and proven fitness experts. And if it doesn’t, there’s a 60-day refund clause, so you can test drive the system for 60 full days and request a refund if it doesn’t work for you. It’s a win-win actually.
The concept is noteworthy, and when you do some actual research about the impact of carbs on weight gain –as against following what every blogger parrots- you’ll actually see that carbs are not necessarily the reason you gain weight.
So, we think that there may be some merit to the claims that you definitely need to explore by checking out High Carb Fat Loss.
The few things we found a little concerning were the lack of verifiable testimonials. This is pretty standard in the industry, seeing as not everyone is willing to share their success story. And even when they are, they are willing to do so under an alias, and without their pics.
That said, this program just might be the beginning of a new weight loss and dieting movement.
When people realize that it’s possible for them to still at their favorite foods whilst losing weight, they will jump on this quickly. You can benefit by getting an early start before the price jumps. We are keenly interested in seeing the results of this program. So, if you do get it, let’s know how it works for you in the comments.