Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials Kit – Worth It?


Many of the common dental hygiene products that we all use in daily life have come under fire in recent years due to modern medical studies that have demonstrated that they may not be as healthy as we think.

Fluoride, for example, has been linked with multiple health disorders such as thyroid disease, hormonal imbalance, low intelligence, dementia, and diabetes, and is added into many of the most popular toothpaste brands.

More and more people around the world are beginning to turn to ancient traditional medicine techniques to preserve their oral health that have been clinically proven to be just as- if not more- effective than their modern counterparts. The Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials Kit is a oral hygiene kit that provides consumers with a modernized version of these techniques in a simple, easy to use package.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Ultimate Dental Essentials, find out how it works, and examine some clinical studies that compare its hygiene techniques to modern oral hygiene to see how it measures up.

What is the Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials Kit?

The Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials Kit consist of two modernized versions of traditional oral hygiene tools that, while they aren’t popular compared to their modern counterparts, have recently experienced a resurgence in popularity due to the realization by many health experts that they may, in fact, be far healthier and effective.

The Dental Essentials Kit consists of an ozone-infused jojoba and coconut “oil pulling” blend and a tooth salt infused with neem and myrrh. While these items may sound anachronistic or bizarre, they were commonly used oral hygiene tools thousands of years ago, and are just as effective as modern toothpaste or mouthwash in maintaining good oral health.

What is Oral Pulling?

Oral pulling refers to a method of oral hygiene that is and has been traditionally used in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine to remove bacteria, pathogens and other harmful elements from the mouth.

Oral pulling consists of swilling an oil blend around inside the mouth for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. The oils and herbal extracts contained in an oral pulling blend penetrate into the crevices between the teeth and the small areas around gum tissue.

After the pulling is performed, the user spits the oil out and rinses out the mouth, removing harmful elements from the body.

Although the technique may sound strange, oil pulling has been demonstrated in multiple clinical trials to be just as effective in maintaining oral hygiene as modern toothpaste cleaning techniques.

At least three separate, independent, peer reviewed clinical trials performed in scientific laboratory tests have conclusively proven that oil pulling is an effective oral hygiene technique that can even promote tissue regeneration and prevent bacterial infections.

What is Toothsalt?

Toothsalt is a simple replacement for toothpaste that is created entirely from natural, organic herbal extracts. Many of the ingredients used in toothpaste, such as triclosan or fluoride, have recently been proven to cause a wide range of health disorders.

Toothsalt is used after oil pulling to polish teeth and keep them free from plaque and other unwanted pathogens. Toothsalt offers a distinct advantage over traditional toothpaste and has been proven in multiple clinical trials to efficiently remove plaque and keep teeth clean.

Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials Kit Formula

The Ultimate Dental Essentials kit contains two specifically formulated, modernized versions of these traditional solutions. The Dental Essentials Oral Pulling solution is a jojoba and coconut oil mix that has been infused with ozone, which has been clinically proven to destroy bacteria instantly.

The Ultimate Dental Essentials Toothsalt formula is a combination or bicarb soda, sea salt, neem leaf, which is a traditional oral hygiene herb, spearmint leaf, and myrrh powder. Myrrh has been used as a traditional medicinal herb for thousands of years, and has recently captured the attention of scientists for its ability to promote rapid healing of wounds in the mouth.

Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials Kit Verdict

Overall, the Health Ranger Select Ultimate Dental Essentials kit is a completely viable and, according to many scientific sources, more effective solution for oral hygiene than most of the practices we use today. If you’d like to remove toxic chemicals from your life and promote a holistic, natural state of being, the Ultimate Dental Essentials kit is the ideal oral hygiene solution.

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  1. Teeth have very important role in our life. They are not only for eating; they as well play a role in our appearance. People of this era are the way more sensitive about their personality than all the past eras. It is the main reason, such products are in fame. However, being a dentist I am not sure about their consequences. Such products might harm our general health. That’s why, you should instead use flossing and teeth brushing.

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