Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box – Healthy Beverage?


Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box is a tea drink mix made from a mushroom called Chaga that grows on the trunks of birch trees throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Chaga is a super food product that has been used for centuries throughout the East as medicine for its ability to help reduce pain, prevent disease, and improve overall health.

Consumers interested in adding Chaga to their diet and wellness routine will want to read below to learn more about Four Sigma Chaga.

What is Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box?

Four Sigma Chaga is a drink mix containing Chaga which is a medicinal mushroom that helps boost health and wellness. This product helps improve cellular health, support pain management, and improves whole body health.

This tea can help people suffering from nerve pain, tumors, ulcers and other gastrointestinal issues, and boost the immune system. Most people start using Chaga for its ability to boost the immune system and help regulate its functionality levels.

There is little specific information about this product available online but it seems to be similar to a US sold product called Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box which has a vast amount of content online including a full product website.

How Does Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box Work?

Four Sigma Chaga is a tea beverage that can be consumed anytime for its health boosting properties. This tea is perfect to drink hot or iced and will not cause any side effects. Consumers can even add these drink mix bags to other drink products or use the product in cooking or baking applications.

Consumers of Four Sigma Chaga can choose when to drink this product and enjoy it anytime of day or multiple times a day. This product has a mild taste and will be suitable for all users.

What is Chaga?

Chaga is a mushroom that grows on the bark of birch trees in the northern hemisphere. This mushroom most commonly used as a tea has numerous health benefits. Chaga contains high levels of Beta-D-Glucans which not only helps boost the immune system but also regulates the immune system in case it is overactive.

Chaga helps reduce nerve pain, improve gastrointestinal health, and normalizes healthy blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels.Chaga is most easily obtained as a pre made tea product rather than going and harvesting it directly from birch trees.

Chaga while virtually unknown in the West a decade ago, this natural supplement has been gaining popularity and recognition in the West due to its ability to truly help people fight illness and improve their overall wellbeing and health.

There is a large amount of information available online about Chaga and the benefits of adding Chaga into a daily diet whether users are currently fighting an illness or are just adding more preventative measures into their daily healthcare routine.

Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box Pricing

Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box can be purchased through the Planet Organic website at

Each box of twenty beverage bags costs £23.99. Planet Organic ships all purchases totaling £50 or more for free. Planet organic offers standard UK delivery for £3.95 and next day delivery is also available.

Planet Organic is a UK based company that offers this tea for online purchases and in store. Interested consumers can find retail locations listed on the Planet Organic website.

There are many options when it comes to choosing Chaga tea products. There are some US based products available through Amazon but it is unclear if it is the same manufacturer.

Should You Use Four Sigma Foods Instant Chaga Immunity Box?

The Four Sigma Chaga beverage product is a good option for people who have been wanting to add Chaga to their diet to improve their health or support medical conditions. Chaga has been commonly used for its health benefits for centuries in the East but is just now becoming more recognized in the West.

There are many other Chaga products available so it is worth doing a bit of research before purchasing a Chaga tea product to consider ingredients and prices.

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