Essential Eyebrow Solution – Natural Black Cohosh Hair Growth?


Essential Eyebrow Solution is a topical remedy to improve the thickness of eyebrows to create a healthy motif for every face. The treatment is available in a three-month or six-month regimen, though it can take about four months for eyebrows to completely grow out properly.

What Is The Essential Eyebrow Solution?

Eyebrows can bring an entire face together. Whether you prefer them arched or naturally straight, the entire look of a face can change with the grooming of eyebrows. Unfortunately, trending in the 1990’s led many people to overpluck their eyebrows, revealing a pencil-thin shape that many women have spent years recovering from.

Unfortunately, aside from getting hair plugs directly on the face, which can be noticeable, most people fill in their eyebrows with pencils, mascaras, or even powders. To get a look that is natural and healthy, the Essential Eyebrow Solution can help.

The Essential Eyebrow Solution is meant for consumers that suffer from thinning eyebrows, which could be caused by excessive plucking, a nutritional issue, or even hormonal issues. Even though these causes seem severe, the only treatment necessary to bring back the former thickness is the Essential Eyebrow Solution.

Eyebrows aren’t just for aesthetics. Along with their ability to balance out a complexion, they actually act as a protective barrier for the eyes as well. Eyebrows are important for self-expression, and to frame the face. Overall, they are a crucial part of the body, even though their purpose is so specialized, which is why the Essential Eyebrow Solution can help.

How Does The Essential Eyebrow Solution Work?

The main ingredient that makes the Essential Eyebrow Solution work is due to the inclusion of Black Cohosh. According to the website, black cohosh is a common ingredient that is used to help men and women treat the hair that is one their scalp, since it has a potent effect on the follicles. However, it wasn’t until its inclusion in the Essential Eyebrow Solution that it’s been tested on eyebrows.

Black cohosh activates the growth process by activating different hormones in the body, suggesting that the remedy works the best when there’s a chemical disruption already. Often, black cohosh helps to treat issues that are related to the female body, like the changes that occur during menopause.

Along with black cohosh, the formula also uses:

  • Isopropyl Alcohol, to maintain cleanliness
  • Propylene Glycol, to maintain consistency
  • Polysorbate 20, to improve the blend of water and oils
  • Phenoxyethanol, which is a preservative
  • Ethylhexylglycerin, to help the formula penetrate the hair follicles
  • Citric Acid, to help the speed of the growth process

With these ingredients, there is no reason you can’t bring back the former glory of your eyebrows.

Using The Essential Eyebrow Solution

Before the solution can be applied to the eyebrows, they should be washed and dried, giving a clean slate for the formula to work. Once dried, a cotton swab can be used to apply to formula to the eyebrows only, and not the surrounding skin. Each eyebrow will need a new swab to apply the formula.

Wait about 15 minutes for the formula to completely dry before using makeup or washing your face.

For the fastest and most obvious results, the Essential Eyebrow Solution should be applied in the morning and the evening.

Showing Results

The application of the solution is only one part of the regimen. The other portion of the process is about showing results. To track progress, the creators of the regimen request that new users take a picture of their eyebrows before applying any part of the serum. At the end of the first 90 days of treatment, the user should take a picture with similar alignment to compare the progress. If the progress is used in their advertisements, the participating consumer may get the new bottle of the Essential Eyebrow Solution for free.

The company advises against using the formula for any area of growth but the eyebrows. The formula is far too potent to be used any closer to the eyes. Even if your eyebrows have been treated with tinting or coloring products, the solution is still effective.

Pricing For The Essential Eyebrow Solution

There are two choices for potential users of the Essential Eyebrow Solution – to purchase a three-month or a six-month supply. The three-month supply is just one bottle of the treatment, which is one ounce of the serum for $90.00. For consumers that want to commit to a longer treatment, the two-ounce bottle is offered for $135.00, which is $55.00 cheaper than buying two of the one-ounce bottles back to back.

While the website doesn’t specifically list a refund policy, the customer service team can be contacted about any unsatisfactory performance.

Contacting The Creators Of The Essential Eyebrow Solution

When anyone decides to embark on a regular that changes the state of something on their face, they are bound to have some questions. To speak with the customer service team about an order or application process, the company offers an online form to fill out with inquiries.

For consumers with concerns that need urgent contact with customer service, the company also allows you to get ahold of them via phone call to 1-888-208-5081.

The Essential Eyebrow Solution Summary

The Essential Eyebrow Solution is the simplest way to improve the thickness of eyebrows without the need see a doctor to perform any kind of surgery or invasive therapies. The eyebrows are both functional and necessary to complete the appearance of the face, so it’s important that yours help to healthily balance it out.

Rather than penciling them in every single day, it’s much easier to have the desired thickness naturally. If you want to improve the appearance of your eyebrows, then the Essential Eyebrow Solution is the way to go, at any age.

Once the use of the solution begins, it’s important to maintain, as any results achieved through continued use may be forfeited by discontinuing applications.

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