EarGo Plus – High Frequency & Audio Clarity Speech Hearing Aid?


EarGo Plus is an advanced hearing aid that has many features that benefit those who use it. This amazing device features higher range frequency detectability, clearer speech, and replaceable wax guards and Flixi-Fibers for the convenience of the user.

While this device is marketed towards those with mild to moderate hearing loss and they will not give you normal hearing, they fit comfortably inside the ear canal and are nearly invisible. They are simple to use, comfortable, and offer natural, clear sound.

When you unpack your Eargo Plus, all you need to do is tap it, adjust the settings and put it in your ears. While it seems simple enough, in the event you do need help, there is a team of hearing specialists licensed with the company to aid you in getting used to your device.

For those who suffer from moderate hearing loss, Eargo Plus is an excellent alternative to the bulky, overpriced hearing aids that their primary care physician may prescribe.

What Are The Main Causes For Hearing Loss?

There are many medical conditions and situations that can lead to hearing loss. Some of these include, Meniere’s disease and otosclerosis, being around loud noises for ended periods of time, traumatic brain injuries, and certain medications. It is believed that one of the leading causes for hearing loss is simply caused by aging.

In prior years, it was referred to as prebycusis, which affects about one in every three seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-five years of age. It is also said to affect almost half of those over the age of seventy-five years of age. In short, this is caused by long term damage causing the hairs in the inner ear to malfunction, therefore limiting how much sound is filtered.

No matter what the cause of hearing loss, once it reaches a particular point, their primary care physician may find the use of hearing aids beneficial. According to the experts, hearing aids must have three parts. These parts include a speaker, an amplifier and a microphone. Sound waves, which are received through the microphone, are converted into electrical signals, which are then amplified and heard through the speaker.

Now, considering those features, how does Eargo Plus match up to your typical hearing aids?

What Is The Cost?

You can purchase Eargo Plus in one of two ways. The first is a yearlong financing, which totals out to 176 USD each month. The second is a one-time payment of 1,999 USD.

Regardless of which payment method you choose, keep in mind that while other hearing aids may be covered by your insurance policy, Eargo Plus does not work with any insurance companies and does not offer any reimbursement through your insurance.

When you purchase your Eargo Plus, you will receive two devices, along with a charger, six standard and six large Flex-Fibers replacements, shower stickers, a USB plug, a micro USB cord, and a cleaning brush.

You product is shipped for free with standard shipping which takes three to five business days or for 25 USD, you can have your product in as few as one to two business days.

Every three to five months you will be required to replace your wax guards, which can be purchased for 24.99 USD for a set of 15 wax guards.

Your product is covered under a forty-five day satisfaction guarantee and comes with a twelve month warranty which covers manufacturing problems.

What Makes Eargo Plus Work?

Very similarly to a regular hearing aid, every Eargo Plus device has the three main features that are necessary for hearing aids to work. They have microphones which pick up sound waves, they have amplifiers, and they have speakers to allow you to hear sounds clearly.

What makes them different from regular hearing aids is that they do not have microphones behind the ears. Instead, they fit inside the ear canals and make the sounds in your range of sight louder, which is very similar to how we hear naturally.

Remember, however, that Eargo Plus is marketed towards those with mild to moderate hearing loss; therefore, they will not restore your natural hearing ability.

The Flexi Fibers are another interesting feature that you will not find with typical hearing aids. These medical grade silicone fibers hold your device in your ears, which offer a feeling that is not uncomfortable, and do not cause any blocking of your ear canal.

They also help to keep your ears clean as they remove wax each time you remove them from your ears. Flexi Fibers serve another purpose by allowing low sounds to pass through which helps to make mid and high sounds louder.

Eargo Plus devices also have four different sound profiles – max, high, medium, and low which can definitely make a difference for people suffering from mild to moderate hearing loss.

There is also an acoustic switch, which means that you are able to change the sound profiles and volume simply by tapping your ear twice with your fingers pressed together and your hand flat. When this is done, you will hear beeps which correspond with the sound profile you are currently using.

Eargo Plus also featured noise reduction technology. This means that sounds are clear and have an extended frequency compared to other hearing aids. This sound reduction technology allows background noise to diminish and an equalization curve, which was made for making phone calls.

An Eargo Plus device can hold a charge all day as long as it is fully charged and can be recharged in around six hours. The portable carrying case is also a charger which will hold a charge for approximately seven days.

To charge your Eargo Plus, simply slide both devices into the port and the indicator lights will alert you to how much more they need to charge.

How Does Eargo Plus Compare To Other Personal Hearing Devices?

Bear in mind, there is a difference between a standard hearing aid and personal sound amplification products. Now that we are learning new ways to improve hearing aids and personal sound amplification products, which are commonly referred to as PSAPs, they are becoming more and more common.

Similar to your typical hearing aid that would be prescribed by your primary care physician, personal sound amplification products are wearable devices that improve an individual’s ability to hear.

The biggest difference is that hearing aids are made to compensate for hearing impairment whereas personal sound amplification products are only intended to amplify sounds in your environment.

This is why it is marketed towards those who suffer from mild to moderate hearing loss, not to those who have lost most of their hearing.

How Can Someone Buy A Personal Sound Amplification Product?

When it comes to picking which in-the-ear personal sound amplification product you wish to purchase, the biggest thing to keep in mind is realistic expectations. This is because there is still not a lot of research available for how well they will work in your everyday life. While the research is ongoing, as of right now, there is not enough research available to truly see if it is the right option for everyone.

When you begin to suffer from hearing loss, it is crucial that you reach out to your primary care physician and ask them what options are out there for you. They can help you decide if a personal sound amplification product may be a good investment for you. They can also educate you on which ones may work and which ones may not for your current situation.

Keep in mind too, you get what you pay for. A cheaper device may be tempting, but remember, the less you pay, the lower quality of sound you may experience.

Are There Other Personal Sound Amplification Product Comparable to Eargo Plus?

Naturally, like almost any product available today, there are both knock off and competitive products available that are similar to Eargo Plus. Some sell for insanely low prices and some are closer to the price tag you will see with Eargo Plus.

It is safe to assume that the lower the price, the lower the quality of sound. There are several products which function very similarly to Eargo Plus, such as Kleersound Personal Sound Hearing Amplifer, HEARNA HAS808, Lucid Audio Enrich Pro, and Etymotic Bean.

While they are far cheaper than Eargo Pro, none of them have rechargeable batteries and none have all of the features that Eargo Plus offers.

Are There Any Side Effects With Using Eargo Plus?

When reading the user manual included with Eargo Plus, some side effects include irritation, redness and itching as your ear adjusts to having the device inserted. You can reach out to the company in the event that these side effects happen.

If you suspect you are having an allergic reaction with symptoms including discharge from your ear, more wax than usual, swelling or extreme pain, or any other concerning symptoms, you should contact your primary care physician.

Do not forget that Eargo Plus is only for those suffering from mild to moderate hearing loss, not those suffering from conditions such as tinnitus.

How Do Customers Feel About Their Eargo Plus Device?

With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, it is no surprise that Eargo Plus has a 5 star rating on their website. While there were some negative reviews, such as those saying they do not work as well as people would have hoped, overall, customers are very pleased with their Eargo Plus devices.

They all agree that they fit into their ears nicely and come packed nicely with all of the items included as they were advertised to. Many were saying that they are hidden easily and do not feel like they are falling out, which is definitely a plus.

Most also agree that they have helped improve their hearing, are easy to use, and the company offering amazing customer service.

Overall, with ratings as high as they are, it is no wonder that more and more people are willing to try Eargo Plus.

So, Is Eargo Plus A Good Fit For You?

No matter which personal sound amplification product you chose to purchase, remember that no one device is right for everyone. If you consider the price of Eargo Plus in comparison to the features it offers, it may be worth it for you!

As stated before, with a forty-five day satisfaction guarantee, you do not have much to lose by giving Eargo Plus a try. They are discrete, easy to use, comfortable and feature rechargeable batteries. The features Eargo Plus has to offer may be worth the hefty price in the end.

As always, remember to consult your primary care physician before making any changes to your current treatment plan. They will be able to aid in pointing you in the right direction. Who knows, maybe they will point you right to Eargo Plus!

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