BTX – Bandana Training Xtreme Performance Handbook?


BTX is an instant download training system. You’ll get everything you need to take your training and life to the next level. Read this review to learn about BTX system today!

What is the BTX System?

It’s one of the most scientifically studied and enforced programs on the market supposedly. They designed it to hit a wide range of fitness enthusiasts. You’ll learn about endurance, speed, strength, hypertrophy and power. It is all said to be given to you in a way that is organized and makes sense.

Apparently, the way they put it is that you’ll get a blueprint for gaining real strength. It’s a complete strength and energy training system and has been extremely researched. In their words, it’s tough as balls.

How Does the BTX Work?

BTX works by pulling all the best parts out of several different types of fitness areas. They have training and specialty information from areas like: Olympic lifting, gymnastics, power lifting, marathon training, body building, wrestling, track & field, cross training, human physiology, sports psychology, unicorn wrangling, and bro science (last two are a joke I take it).

In any case it’s supposedly a fitness program that will absolutely crush the competition. There are different phases to training according to the BTX system

The first phase is Bulletproof. The primary focus of his phase is to teach you about structural balance as well as aerobic endurance. It’s said to be the key to building a solid foundation. Or as they put it, one that is completely bulletproof. This will lead the way for the rest of the program and is essential to becoming the best version of yourself.

The second part of the program is called Mass and as you guessed, it’s focused around building mass and gaining muscle. The system teaches you how to make the most out of your energy and switch to anaerobic endurance. The goal here is to get shredded and put on lean mass. It’s the part of the series that sets the way for strength development and will pave the way for making you tough.

After that you get Too Strong. This is to move you forward once you’ve created a stable foundation. It’s time to get strong according to them. And this will be the fastest way. You’ll get stronger than ever according to creators. And you’ll learn specialty training moves. It’s all about energy and learning how to get your maximum effort to become the strongest version of yourself.

After you get through the first three phases there is Fast Twitch. In this you’ll learn about moving weight fast. You’ll learn how to increase your power and turn the tables from plateauing to growing beyond your wildest dreams. This is according to them and it’s going to take you into the realm of being a real athlete.

Next is the BTX system itself. It’s all about cross training and will teach you about the different demands of strength. You’ll learn how to crush everything in sight and will learn about different types of exercise. Plus, they will teach you about how muscle break down and how to solve the problems that come with it. This phase is about learning how to win every time you exercise.

The last package is all about keeping track, it’s about logging your progress so you can see your gains and get excited. This is apparently what separates the champions from the wanna-bes as they put it. This is also expected to be completed through every phase.

And to help you get through every exercise, they give you videos. You’ll learn how to do each of the exercises the right way. This is imperative to you getting the most gains and peaking at your strongest points.

The people who created the system design training systems for a living. This isn’t just put together by some guy apparently. And they say if they were to charge this in person it would be about $1,500. So you’re really getting a great deal apparently.

What Does the BTX System Cost?

The BTX training system is available for download immediately at $97. This gives you access to all the modules listed above.

More On the BTX System

According to the makers, it’s a performance handbook. It helps you to get the results you want in the fastest way possible without having to deal with a bunch of people. You’ll have all the information you need from one source. And it’s all organized in a way that is easy to manage.

You don’t require any weird equipment. Just your standard equipment like dumb bells and bar bells and kettle bells. Also you will need access to machines so a gym membership may be required. They do have some sledge hammer type work and more functional training so that is important to take note of. A lot of the functional work can be replaced with cable work apparently.

And they also claim the workouts themselves are not the only important part of the training. The residual effects of the workouts will also help you gain and grow.

What Do Customers Say About BTX?

There are people like Arnold Schwarzenegger who endorse the product so that says it all. It seems like the team who created it truly knows their stuff.


  • Instant download
  • Affordable
  • Easy to use


  • Takes a lot of work and effort
  • Requires a lot of different equipment

BTX Review Summary

Yes, according to the people who endorse the system, it’s one of the best around. Plus, with instant download and being so affordable, it seems like a winning idea. Remember though, this will not work unless you do. It is not a quick fix program.

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