Bounce VLife – Nutritious All-Natural Vegan Protein Energy Balls?


It is crucial to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to be able to preserve the body in a fit state and reduce the risk of developing illnesses. In order to do so, it is essential to follow a wholesome dietary regimen and exercise regularly which provides the body with powerful nutrients and enhances bone and muscle strength.

However, it can be difficult to maintain healthy eating habits as cooking requires a lot of time and some vegetables and fruits can be expensive to buy compared to fast foods or biscuits. Moreover, a person that is physically active tends to have a bigger appetite which often creates cravings that make following a strict diet hard.

Nevertheless, snacking doesn’t have to be a negative habit as it can be an important source of energy and an effective way to provide the body with additional nutritional substances. Therefore, instead of avoiding to snack during the day many fitness enthusiasts and athletes favor healthy snacks such as raw vegetables, fruits, cereal bars and protein shakes.

Although, having healthy eating habits and consuming wholesome and nutritional snacks provide individuals with all the nutrients they need vegans and vegetarians often still suffer from certain deficiencies as they can’t consume animal products which reduces their intake in protein. In order to enhance their protein intake, those individuals use dietary supplements to complement their diet.

Bounce Food is a company that manufactures healthy snacks rich in essential nutrients that have the advantage of boosting energy levels and enhancing the immune system. V Life is the newest range of the brand that offers their customers a selection of protein balls and bites formulated in order to be suitable for vegans.

In this article, we will introduce to the Bounce V Life range.

About Bounce VLife

Bounce Food was founded in 2007 in Australia by the married couple Andy and Paula Hannagan who believed that it was vital to not only create a healthy and highly nutritious snack but also one that actually tastes good. In fact, when wholesome small bites started to be more present in the food industry they often lacked flavor, therefore Bounce Food became rapidly popular.

Bounce Food was created with the mission to inspire individuals to change the way they eat, think and live as well as promote a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition. Thus, the company’s motto is “Eat Good, Feel Good, Do Good” as the founders believe that following wholesome eating habits and being active not only supports a healthy body it also positively influences productivity, interpersonal relationships, and mental wellness.

The Bounce Food products are energy balls manufactured with quality ingredients blended in a balanced recipe and produced without heat in order to preserve their nutritional values. V Life is the new range created by the brand in order to provide delicious and healthy products suitable for everyone, especially vegan individuals.

The Bounce VLife Range

Bounce VLife Selection of snacks is composed of a large range of energy balls rich in essential nutrients such as protein. Moreover, these products are free from harmful ingredients such as artificial dyes, flavors, and preservatives. These balls contain natural components and vegetal proteins.

Proteins are essential especially for fitness enthusiasts and individuals that lead active lives due to the fact that these nutrients are an important source of energy but also play a key role in muscle growth. In addition, this substance composed of several long chains of amino acids is vital in order to repair tissues and promote bone health.

Thus V Life protein energy balls are wholesome snack alternatives rich in nutritional values. These products exist in five different flavors and provide consumers with nutrients such as fats, carbs, and vegan proteins which support higher energy levels and enhance the user’s daytime functions. These snacks are a good way to satisfy cravings in a wholesome manner.

The V Life range includes five flavors which are Almond Spirulina, Cashew Peanut, Almond Kale, Beetroot Cashew, and Coconut Cumin. This variety provides consumers with the possibility of consuming a range of nutrients coming from superfoods such as kale. Therefore, the Bounce VLife promotes health and overall well-being in a way that is more enjoyable than consuming supplement capsules.

Bounce VLife Availability and Pricing

If you are looking for a healthy snack option that is free from harmful ingredients such as gluten and artificial components, then the new V Life Range of energy balls could be the ideal selection of delicious foods for you. Developed by the Bounce Food team, this line of tasty bites has been created in order to fit a vegetable diet as they include vegan proteins.

Formulated with superfoods the Bounce V Life energy balls effectively fuel the body and promote health. You can order a V Life Taster Box on the brand’s website for £9.99 GBP which is roughly $12.92 USD.

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