Black Mask Deep Cleansing – Peel-Off Face Mask?


Evidently, with the color black – there is charcoal in the mask. In addition, you can expect Aloe that helps as the ingredient to soothe the skin as well as cucumber extract that works to moisturize. Both components help leave the skin feeling soft and silky to the touch.

The mask is designed for people with oily and combination skin. If you have dry skin, you can use the mask but want to ensure that you are careful with increasing the hydration efforts prior to, and after application. The reason for this, is that since the mask will remove oil and other impurities, it can result in being drying.

About Purifying Peel-Off Black Mask

Acne, blackheads, and dead skin – Oh my! First things first, 85% of the North American population will experience some form of acne in their lives. Whether it be as teenagers or into adulthood. Blackheads on the other hand, likely reflect closer to 100% of the population. And, dry skin, this may vary by climate, but overall something everyone at one point or another, experiences.

So, what do you do about it? Chances are at some point in your life you have purchased what you were led to believe was the magical cleanser or toner, lotion or potion, that would rid your skin of it forever. And, it is possible these companies have the best of intentions when they sell their product – but how can you eliminate something without removing it? Too often, these lotions and creams simply mask the problem instead of correcting them.

This is where Black Mask is different. Not only a purifying mask, but one that works to remove blackheads while leaving behind the necessary purifying agents to correct skin problems. Black Mask will remove acne, blackheads and eliminate things like oily skin, anti-aging effects and even clear blocked pores. In doing so, this will leave your skin looking younger and overall smoother skin tone and look.

The best part about it, is that it is easy to use!

Directions To Use Black Mask

First Step

Make sure you have cleaned your face, and patted it dry. Looking for optimal results? Consider steaming your skin before application of the mask. This will help open the pores on your face.

Second Step

Apply a medium to thick layer of the mask on your face. However, make sure you stay away from your hairline, lips, eyebrows and eye areas.

Third Step

Leave the Black Mask on for approximately 20-30 minutes. Once it is completely dry, you begin to peel it off. You want to be gentle and starting from the bottom is suggested.

Fourth Step

After removing the Black Mask, you should finish with a toner. This will help tighten the pores back up. It is also noted on the website that you can also use this with a Derma roller should you desire.

When removing the mask, you will be able to see the clear blackheads and surface dirt coming off with the mask. Since you are tearing the mask off, although gently, this formulation will prevent the pores from clogging and deep cleanse the face thoroughly. After continued use, the pore size will continue to decrease.

The Black Mask should be stored in a cool and dry place – consider under the skin for example. You want to ensure that the lid is on tight too, otherwise the mask may dry out.

How To Order

The Black Mask can be ordered on their website for FREE! Just pay taxes and shipping at checkout. These are based on your shipping address.

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