BioTrim Labs – Quality Supplements For Brain, Diet & Muscle?


Choosing the right health supplement provider is not a simple process. Determining which supplements you want to incorporate into your diet to help you reach your health and fitness goals is usually easy- by identifying the goal you’d like to achieve, whether it be increasing muscle mass, burning fat, or improving cognitive function, finding a supplement that is backed by peer-reviewed clinical science can be achieved in a few hours of casual research.

Finding a supplier that provides high-quality, potent, and effective formulas that deliver your chosen supplement, however, is a different story.

The best and most cost effective place to purchase supplements is through online retailers, but the international nature of the online supplement industry means that there are many supplement manufacturers that flood the market with cut-rate, diluted, and ineffective products that are sometimes more filler than active ingredients.

A new supplement provider, however, is providing consumers with potent, well formulated, reliable, and high quality nutritional aids that perform a wide variety of functions at a reasonable price.

Biotrim Labs, based in Dublin, Ireland, provide a wide range of all natural health products that have been designed to fulfill a broad spectrum of dietary needs.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Biotrim Labs range and find out what makes them different from the average supplement provider to help you decide whether they’re the right dietary aid company for your needs.

Who Are Biotrim Labs?

Biotrim Labs are a new breed of supplement provider that is dedicated to providing honest, transparent, and all-natural formulas to consumers that are seeking accountability and reliability in their supplements.

None of the products in the Biotrim Labs range contain unnecessary fillers such as magnesium stearate or filler starch- the company offers four separate ranges of products that are formulated to help burn fat, build lean muscle mass, detox the body, and boost brain function, all without negative side effects.

We’ll proceed to break down the Biotrim Labs range and assess some of the products to find out if the company is able to deliver on the claims and promises they make:

The Biotrim Labs Range

The Biotrim Labs range consists of four different product ranges- Weight Control, Muscle Builders, Cleanses, and Brain Boosters.

Biotrim Labs offer a unique advantage over other supplement manufacturers- all of the product formulations on offer from Biotrim are completely natural and free from any artificial chemical compounds or pharmaceutical compounds.

There has been a number of health scares recently, with cut-rate imported diet pills and muscle boosters, in some cases, causing serious health complications and hospitalizations due to the inclusion of untested pharmaceutical compounds in their formulas.

The Biotrim Labs range avoids these serious health risks by using only clinically tested compounds sourced from natural herbs and botanicals, composed by certified dietitians, nutritional experts and health professionals.

Weight Control

The Weight Control range offered by Biotrim Labs includes some of their most popular products. Designed to work in harmony with the body and increase resting metabolic rate through a thermogenic effect, the Weight Control range includes products that have a proven ability to significantly lower body fat in a short amount of time with no negative health effects.

The Biotrim Weight Control range includes:

  • Pure Cambogia Ultra: A garcinia cambogia extract that delivers a fat-burning dose of hydroxycitric acid that inhibits the ability of the body to create new fat deposits.
  • The formula also contains a dose of health-boosting antioxidants to negate the oxidative stress caused by lipolysis, or fat breakdown
  • Pure Green Coffee Extract: This unique formula leverages the metabolism-boosting ability of natural green coffee extract to increase the thermogenic ability of the body, increasing resting caloric consumption to burn fat quickly.
  • Acai Ultra Lean: Delivering an antioxidant-rich formula that has been clinically proven to burn fat with the lipolysis-inducing effects of acai berry, the Acai Ultra Lean formula is designed to help tone, firm, and sculpt the body.
  • Yacon Pure Slim: Yacon root is one of the most popular new weight management supplements, able to radically re-shape the body and induce incredibly fast weight loss with probiotic agents that promote healthy digestive bacteria growth.

Muscle Builders

Biotrim Labs also offer a range of muscle building compound designed for fitness enthusiasts that aim to develop a powerful, muscular physique. The Biotrim Muscle Builders range includes:

  • Nitric Muscle Max: An amino-acid based nitric oxide booster that has been clinically proven to increase vascularity and muscle pump, resulting in greater gains and longer lasting endurance.
  • Anabolic Rx24 Testosterone Booster: A herbal extract complex that contains a number of botanical agents that are able to increase free testosterone production, boosting muscle strength, lean muscle mass, and recovery time.
  • Max Recover Deer Antler: Deer antler velvet extract has been scientifically proven to boost the production of human growth hormone in the body.
  • This formula is able to boost the rate at which the body can develop new lean muscle mass, as well as reducing recovery times.
  • HGH Pro Rx: This product is Biotrim Labs’ specifically formulated hormonal blend that enhances overall HGH production levels, resulting in rapid muscle gain.


The Biotrim Labs cleanses range consists of just one product- Pure Life Cleanse- which incorporates aloe, gota kola, milk thistle, and garlic extract to flush built up toxins from the body and promote overall digestive health, which, in turn, boosts weight loss and muscle growth.

Brain Boosters

Biotrim Labs also offer a small selection of nootropic supplements that are formulated to increase cognitive function. The Brain Booster range includes:

  • BrainPlus IQ: A potent natural nootropic supplement that increases the production of key neurotransmitters, boosting brain function and mental focus.
  • Neurocylin: This unique supplement is formulated to boost cAMP production, improving memory function, learning ability, and neuroplasticity.

Biotrim Premier

Biotrim offer their customers a subscription-based membership that offers a wide range of discounts and benefits, including free samples of new products before they are released, 40% off member discounts, direct access to a huge health vault library that offers dieting and weight control tips, and a free monthly newsletter.

The Verdict

Biotrim Labs offer one of the most comprehensive product ranges of all natural supplements on the market today.

The expansive range is formulated with clinically proven ingredients, and offers consumers a full ingredient list for each product, making it easy to assess the scientific evidence that backs them up.

If you’re looking for a trustworthy, reliable, high quality and cost effective supplement provider, Biotrim Labs is one of the best options available.

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